Note to self thread

Where Beech can see!

Now how are you Sure
Its not a herm?
Sorry. I forget some of the people online can't see as well as others.

Fat little sac going on right now. Started as a calyx. but the sac bursted out and killed the calyx in the process. lol
Note to Self: If you have a roommate and grow make sure he keeps his fucking mouth shut... Moving in two weeks
Note to Self: If you have a roommate and grow make sure he keeps his fucking mouth shut... Moving in two weeks

Growing illegally is a solo act bro. NOBODY but my wife has actually seen any of my grows in real life, and I aim to keep it that way. Can live without the stress. And everybody that doesn't grow has loose lips.
Growing illegally is a solo act bro. NOBODY but my wife has actually seen any of my grows in real life, and I aim to keep it that way. Can live without the stress. And everybody that doesn't grow has loose lips.

I'm under protection of Prop 215:
However it is not a good feeling when someone comes up to you and says, so how is grow going man? Your roommate told me about it. Uhhhh, what are you talking about man?

My concern isn't with law. It's with somebody thinking I have more than I do, because he try's to act like a big dog probably telling whoever will listen. Wrong person finds out and next thing I know the place gets robbed or ransacked. Worse I'm home and have to open fire. What then?

So it's def a learning lesson. Don't trust anyone.

Problem with this dude is he doesn't understand the danger. And he is privy to the information because he lives in the appt and is my assistant. So that turned out to be an awful idea. Considering most of my neighbors now know I grow. So I am moving out now.

And yes... Loose Lips sink ships!!!!!
I'm under protection of Prop 215:
However it is not a good feeling when someone comes up to you and says, so how is grow going man? Your roommate told me about it. Uhhhh, what are you talking about man?

My concern isn't with law. It's with somebody thinking I have more than I do, because he try's to act like a big dog probably telling whoever will listen. Wrong person finds out and next thing I know the place gets robbed or ransacked. Worse I'm home and have to open fire. What then?

So it's def a learning lesson. Don't trust anyone.

Problem with this dude is he doesn't understand the danger. And he is privy to the information because he lives in the appt and is my assistant. So that turned out to be an awful idea. Considering most of my neighbors now know I grow. So I am moving out now.

And yes... Loose Lips sink ships!!!!!
Your assitant,Might be on the wrong end of a double barrel shotgun......Spoutin off info like that.Prop-215 does nothing for rippers!
Hope you guys look thru the peep hole,before opening the door.No peephole,would be on my way to the depot to get and
Your assitant,Might be on the wrong end of a double barrel shotgun......Spoutin off info like that.Prop-215 does nothing for rippers!
Hope you guys look thru the peep hole,before opening the door.No peephole,would be on my way to the depot to get and

My landlord asked why I installed a Peephole and Deadbolt.
I said "I just like to know who is out there before I opened the door or even responded to a knock.
You never know these days. "
My landlord asked why I installed a Peephole and Deadbolt.
I said "I just like to know who is out there before I opened the door or even responded to a knock.
You never know these days. "

I don't need a peep to see who's on the porch.

And I always look first.
I wanna get a set of cameras for my place. I saw some wireless ones the other day that would be nice.

CCTV bro. Wireless are not safe at all... I got a video baby monitor. where i used to live, and if i turn off the camera and leave the monitor on...
The monitor would switch between 4 cameras set up across the street from my apartment building... Inside and outside of someone else's apartment. lol

Wired is less cost and much safer.
I just have a camera set up to look like it's recording something. NEver bothered to hook it up.

Note to self: Hook up security camera. haha