The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
indi many 600 you rec could run b4 the lecy comp wld think hmmm theres sommert going on there.......comp to the norm household....?
I am in a big house for that reason, phoned the leccy and told them 7 people live here including teenagers, wife bakes cakes all day etc was there any discount to be had (all calls may be monitored for training purposes) oooh mr indi u r a high user but im afraid there is no discount for domestic use........job done 5 kw with the fans


Well-Known Member
leccy companies love legit growers think of the revenue, they don't wanna kill the goose that lays the golden egg off their own bat, basically don't worry bout the leccy unless u r in a flat runnin 8 kw imo any one elses opinion is welcome but I don't worry bout leccy consumption


yer I suppose so.....I think im still gonna look into the panels 4.5k seems a lot but will save a bit on leccy suppose no halm in trying.......


[video=youtube;ZRd3lrukxu8] tgHCHRmRH[/video]


na fuk the rent to much risk just after something bigger now.....and out of the like some land as im a huntsman too.......
or u can be a proper dodgy grower and rent......I fuk houses in 3 years...(.sort em out b4 I go tho....ish)


Active Member
looking nice tall was they? 3...4 foot? what u rec u pulled?
yeh bowt 3-4 ft ish, err should be around 15-20 mark il be happy like

i reckon will top 20, fuking colas weigh a ton and ther like real dense to the point of worrying will they get mold.


Active Member
u was saying that of 6?.....not bad at all lad...nice 1......bongsmilie
yeh thers 6 ther, shudda put summert next to em for sizing, but the one in my hand shows how big some are, just gunna leave rest for another week/10 days,
physco aint gunna be a big yeilder but it was down to the reveg, a big hung of bud mass at the bottom,hard to explain,
took 5 hrs to trim, all the shit bud and trim is down in celler for night, got no freezer ther so dunno what i can do

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
lol microwave that shit n have a kitkat mate....youve earnt it! off to bed gunna make you listen to this before i go bed its a proper gentle song!


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
hahah only joking remember lads.......[video=youtube;xDKCCsnOJO8][/video]

@2.50mins this must be were dpr got the idea lool


Well-Known Member
What time is it ?, TOO FUCKING EARLY !, that's what !, got up 4 work, took 1 look out of window & couldn't face it, I'm a bad person !


Well-Known Member
Week one without meds, feeling like a mental patient, hot sweats & generally feeling wank . Roll on December !