the first branch ive ever harvested


Well-Known Member
So, whenever I have a lot going on in my life/with my grow I tend to disappear from these parts for a little while. I'm still around, but usually in search mode looking up info on whatever I'm doing, in this case: harvesting and curing.

Well, here's my first branch that ive ever harvested. The weight isn't there yet, but the quality is and hopefully the weight catches up the next time around. I trimmed pretty close; I heard the leaves have a harsh taste and even tho I plan on selling it seems like the wright difference would be negligible if I left them on (weight wise). I'm just hoping I can keep this awesome smell through the cure.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out in this grow. And to alien widow-- you called me a noob and cut me down for lending advice even tho I had "never held a bud I had grown in my hand". About 9 weeks ago i warned you this day would come. Enjoy my pictures and eat your heart out 8)




Active Member
hell yeah... thanks for the bud porn bro.... and an awesome job
ahhhhh I remember my first time.... like it was yesterday (it really wasn't that long ago) :)
cant wait for the smoke report

Mr John

Active Member
Looks awesome, good job and cannot wait till i get my grow going and hopefully get a good harvest like you did. I like the Kitty in the background!


Well-Known Member
Thanks brownie, its Bubba kush (hso, not the pre-98 cut but after growing this one out I would love to see what that shits like). Its got a great fruity/skunky smell, and I let it go until it had a whole lotta bees[edit: bees? Wtf. I meant ambers, I dunno how bees wound up there] (on the top half of the plant, the bottom half still has a lot of milky's), so hopefully it has a nice devastating couch lock effect. Personally, I've always liked an energetic sativa high, but lately between my court appearances and asshole cops (who oh so enjoy committing perjury on the stand), I needed a good relaxing buzz. I'm thinking I'm gonna get at least an ounce (hopefully 1 1/2 or 2) off of this plant, and with my 5 other plants I should definitely hit my target weight of a half pound, seeing as how this one is one of the smaller ones). That means that this bud is going to be head stash; I know people are gonna beg me for it when they see it but I'm gonna have a hard time letting this shit go.

Also, I would like to throw this out there-- although alien widow did initially make some assholish comments, he later redeemed himself and we made peace, so he's not such an asshole after all. In fact, the more shit I tall about him the better of a guy I seem to think he is. However, stoned confessions aside, he did ask for this and I would be lying if I said that I haven't been counting the days until I made this thread.

Smoke report coming soon! How long do you think I should let this stuff hang for before cutting it into smaller buds and jarring? Humidity in my closet stays around 45-55%


Well-Known Member
Sorry noob here, what you mean by foxtail? That good or bad?
Foxtailing usually means the plant may have been stress by heat at some point but I have had strains do that and temps have been 75 lights on an nite temps 68-70 don't get me wrong when this happens I take advantage of the added growth. But I didn't have my glasses on when I posted earlier lmao I don't think yours foxtailed actually, fact of the matter is those are really some beauties.


Well-Known Member
And Mr john, don't worry-- I didn't think I was going to do this well the first time through. It seems like there are so many pictures of burnt plants and stuff...I remember thinking holy shit, this isn't gonna be easy.

Just learn to get your environment right, and be patient and let the plant do its thing and everything will be fine. The single thing that helped me the most was spending countless hours online googling stuff and watching YouTube videos, and just any kind of research, really.

My grow was soil, and I managed to keep it 100% organic (thanks to auroras roots organic line, which you treat like other synthetic advanced nutrients [kinda]). Soil was great for learning the plants, but I would definitely like to go aeroponic or hydro sometime here in the near future. My cousin has a dwc and has 1 plant in it that grew so fast compared to mine it was unbelievable.

Good luck with your grow man


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! Great job :)

...and to those who spit on people who are kind enough to help out on these forums before they've even finished their first grow, know this...

Many of us who are here learning about growing are the type that put 100% of our hearts and minds learning something that interests us and it makes us very passionate. We read everything we can to get the best understanding that can be learned that way (I personally even delved right into the depths of light spectrums), then we begin integrating into certain communities and *very* quickly figure out who the most respected and loyal people are.

We then study what they have done to enhance even more what we've already learned. This information gathering is usually done simultaneously while generating our own ideas and designs sub-and-consciously. All through it, we may even have a strong desire to give back to the community as a reciprocal kindness and do so as much as possible.

So, now how do you feel about people who have never harvested a bud provide any help they can?
