Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sunni, you dog is still a puppy. It probably won;t get real defensive for another 6-8 months. Play a little rough with him and work him into biting/holding on command. Nothing too radical, but he needs to know how biting feels and when and how to do it.
I tought my dogs how to avoid punches and kicks.

Just play with them and slowly amp up the rough factor. Don't actually hit them, but mime it. Idk it's hard to explain.

My dogs know how to jump out of the way of hands and feet tho. I made it a game with wrestling and chasing them. It helps their reflexes.

Also introduce your dog to people you trust and teach them to stay by you when crazy drunk shit is going on.

Don't do this play with toys tho. Cus then they will never drop on command. lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You can train any dog to go apeshit when someone knocks. I had my wife go out and knock, then look at my dogs all serious and ask my dog "who is it?!!" They can sense your apprehension and they get jacked. It only took a few times. I worked that into getting them to do a perimeter search when I ask. Pretty cool. I ask who is it, then turn them loose out the front door and they work around the entire house then report back. Love dogs.
It's great for living in shady areas.

When someone knocks you teach them to bark by barking yourself and tensing up. Also saying who's that at your dog and get em.

Sucks when you move into a nice neighborhood tho and they bark at every damn noise.

Dogs can pick up how you talk to people too. If you want them to be stiff and unfriendly, you have to do the same. If you want them to calm down with the barking, touch the person on the hand/shoulder and say a happy hello.


Staff member
Huskies are *lovers*; they are probably THE most docile dog in the world. Labs are probably the second most docile; so a husky/lab mix is... at the very bottom of the pile of guard dogs. Get a chihuahua. :)
hes not really supposed tyo be a guard dog hes just supposed to LOOK mean. not act it.A
a companion for the sake of my anxiety.
I suffer from horrible anxiety the first 2 weeks here alone were treacherous . i could barely sleep
got the dog and i FEEL great i just walk around about normally and sleep fine.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
fucking chihuahuas

Or as my niece calls them, "Chiwallas".

Almost run over the one across the street everyday since they got it a few months ago. They get small dogs like that and just put them outside with food and water and forget about them, their yard isn't even fenced in.


Well-Known Member
This is the best version of the song in my opinion.
"I fly low, I'm in high demand..."
"there's thing I am, and things I'm not, I'm a smuggler and I could get shot..."


bud bootlegger
This is the best version of the song in my opinion.
"I fly low, I'm in high demand..."
"there's thing I am, and things I'm not, I'm a smuggler and I could get shot..."
fuck, i wish i could play the guitar.. so soulful.. :D


Well-Known Member
fuck, i wish i could play the guitar.. so soulful.. :D
I play, I wish I could play like that though! The whole Roll Tape session is great. The Wooden Ships version on it is the best version imho too. I think the whole thing is available for listen on youtube.


bud bootlegger
I play, I wish I could play like that though! The whole Roll Tape session is great. The Wooden Ships version on it is the best version imho too. I think the whole thing is available for listen on youtube.
i'm a pretty big neil young fan, and like a bit of csny, but never really listened to much stephen stills on his own, dug that song though, and now i've been checking out more of his stuff on the boobtube..
i'll have to check out the roll tape session now, thanks kinetic..


Well-Known Member
i'm a pretty big neil young fan, and like a bit of csny, but never really listened to much stephen stills on his own, dug that song though, and now i've been checking out more of his stuff on the boobtube..
i'll have to check out the roll tape session now, thanks kinetic..
No problem, glad I could share something that piqued your interest. I think I may put my old EP on soundcloud. I just wish I had a zip disc multi track recorder to extract whatever else I recorded.


Well-Known Member
i'm a pretty big neil young fan, and like a bit of csny, but never really listened to much stephen stills on his own, dug that song though, and now i've been checking out more of his stuff on the boobtube..
i'll have to check out the roll tape session now, thanks kinetic..
I know you're a big Stern fan as I am. Did you hear Graham Nash yesterday on Howard?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wow some horrible dog training advice being given...pets are not weapons..they will defend u if needed by loving them to pieces... oh snap post 6000..
Wtf?? OMG I HATE YOU! YOu are so rude!!!!

That would be my reaction if I were Canna the rabbit. lol

Some dogs will just love your enemies to pieces.