Hello to you brothers


Just thought I'd finally seek out a cannabis forum. I am starting my first grow. Indoor, closet grow. I started with the blue mystic strain from nirvana seeds. 4/5 seeds died in the little coconut fiber seed starters I had, so decided to directly germinate in soil. Being the newb I am, I did not jot on the calendar what day I first saw the root showing. But after smoking some cannabis, I got creative and back tracked my chats in texting/facebook, and was able to discover the seed sprouted on September 10th. So that means it has been growing for close to a month. I started in a small spot, those jiffy pots, next step up from seed starting. So first pic was on September 22nd. 2013-09-22 10.12.56.jpg The bulb I used was a Utilitech daylight bulb (GX10q-4.) This provided 1335 lumens, and it was positioned around 10 inches from the seedling, then moved up once a week as it grew for the next 2 weeks. This is the next pic, taken right now (10/5/2013.) 2013-10-05 23.37.24.jpg2013-10-05 23.37.29.jpg (I forgot to mention that after the jiffy pot, I transplanted it into a 5 gal. Not sure why I thought to, but that's how I went about it.)

After a soil test, I see the nitrogen is very present. Phosphorus is quite a bit present, but I'm not sure I got a correct reading on the potassium part. I'm going to watch it for the typical potassium deficiency, because from what I read it will start out strong. I understand the seedling phase is to about 3 weeks. I do see some little leaves forming at the first node. I'm assuming that means it is in vegetative state, right? I'm just curious how I'm doing so far. The light has been changed to a 4100 lumens CFL flood light I required for 3 prong. So far so good, at least from what I can tell. So I just thought I'd ask what you guys think compared to what you've seen at this time frame (with this strain, if possible.)


Active Member
Welcome to the RIU community.

As was told to me when I recently joined the search bar is your best friend.

Good luck with the grow.



Apparently that was when I misted the plant with water. The CFLs were too close and gave the leaves some spotting. Haven't seen it since then though.


Harvesting soon. Not sure why this indica took longer than 3 months. Probably not proper amount of light, or nutes. I'm a newb and it's my first grow and this is all for me and I only smoke a few times a week. I'm happy with it. Thank you for all the info you guys have provided here!



Thanks Danny. I think my biggest challenge for a first grow was understanding nutes/watering, and those damn fungus gnats!!! Some cinnamon on the top soil plus around the drain catch for the pot seemed to ward them off. Haven't seen anymore flying around after 2 weeks.


Don't cover the soil, but add a decent amount. I'd say put a few shakes and make sure there is just a little bit of cinnamon over the soil. But spread it out don't blanket it. That's how I did it anyways.


I meant to add, I found the idea of putting cinnamon on the soil for the fungus gnats via a vegetable gardening forum. You can find a lot of tips at those types of sites. Since they are all plant growing and what not.