To hermie or not to hermie


Seasoned grower: Your plant is only going to hermie if you've got a serious light leak during flower or "bad" genetics. If a plant hermies from the environment its in you've got no business growing in the first place.

I thought that was a pretty bold statement and wanted to get further opinion from more experienced growers, so true or false?


Well-Known Member
My plant hermied on me 6 weeks into flowering without any stress that I can think of. Growing in a light proof tent, never showed signs of nute tox/def, good temps, good airflow. I only found 2 pollen sacs, but one broke in my fingers and probably got all over my buds (we'll see, harvest in a week).

So, I'm pretty positive it's in the genetics. I think some phenos are more prone to it than others.


Well-Known Member
Seasoned grower: Your plant is only going to hermie if you've got a serious light leak during flower or "bad" genetics. If a plant hermies from the environment its in you've got no business growing in the first place.

I thought that was a pretty bold statement and wanted to get further opinion from more experienced growers, so true or false?
I'm not an experienced grower, doing my first grow outdoors this year. My take is this: nobody does everything perfect their first time show me a person who claims they had a perfect grow their first time (or did anything perfect the first time they tried it), and I'll show you a liar. All in all, I think I've done a decent job so far, but I've screwed up plenty along the way.

The only person who has no business growing is the person who doesn't learn from their mistakes.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
running a Train Wreck pheno, 1 clone consistently hermies, the other is fine. TW also tends to fox tail bad. Finishing the run and done with TW


Well-Known Member
Seasoned grower: Your plant is only going to hermie if you've got a serious light leak during flower or "bad" genetics. If a plant hermies from the environment its in you've got no business growing in the first place.
If you grow a stable variety, you are very unlikely to get a dioecious hermaphrodite (X and Y chromosome).

When a female cannabis plant is stressed, it can produce male flowers. That is a monoecious hermaphrodite (not a real hermaphrodite). It is a natural and normal survival mechanism.

Light leaks are not as likely to make a female plant produce male flowers as other stress.

The most common form of stress is over feeding, over watering and heat. If you have a bunch of things stressing the plant, light leaks included, the plant mayu produce male flowers.
If the plant "hermies" it is probably the grower's fault.

I thought that was a pretty bold statement and wanted to get further opinion from more experienced growers, so true or false?
Who ever said that has a limited understanding of cannabis and hermaphrodites.


Well-Known Member
I had one plant hermie so far. The environment was terrible as in temps below 35 degrees, bad lighting, bad medium..... it was my first grow after a long time out. Since then I have had success and my grow areas are no where near light proof. From in my flower room I can see 4-5 light leaks, they are not as bright as a moon lit night and have not effected flowering one bit!


Well-Known Member
I had one PK come out perfect. The other hermied due to too much love (light at sleep time) lesson learned. Also had an unknown sativa beside the hermied PK go south (not sure what happened) but the leaves touching started the PK to turn. Also at the 6 week mark.


Well-Known Member
I have found that long flowering strains (14 weeks+) have been more prone to start herming out. Now, this usually will only produce a few nanners here and there but in cases where the plant is not in optimal conditions, it can cause a full out hermie. I have also had some landrace sativas start to herm out late in flower. Its usually just a couple nanners toward the end of flower but again if the conditions are off this will become a big problem. I have had my entire room seeded one year with a plant that hermied and I missed it. I happens but if you keep a close eye on your plants it can be avoided or taken out of the grow.