The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well it would seem the feds aint just happy with taking the road down, 4 people in uk busted today due to the road, another big vendor done in Washington today.
Was reading bit about it today...was that not something to do with sheep or did I say it's still goin??


Active Member
evening ball sacks, just took the dog for a walk to the shop and got myself some beers for tonight fuckin need a few after a long day at college, this carpentry shit is hard going, gonna sit now with a beer, bong and a joint.... Bliss :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
evening ball sacks, just took the dog for a walk to the shop and got myself some beers for tonight fuckin need a few after a long day at college, this carpentry shit is hard going, gonna sit now with a beer, bong and a joint.... Bliss :eyesmoke:
Carpentrys one of the easiest trades I think, that's why I done it lol


Active Member
yeah m8 but i was a chef for 11 years so been a lazy cunt that ate his way thru each shift lol, now being in a workroom actually doing physical labour and building things for 8 hrs a day is fucking murder, and to top it off i got my 1st practical exam 2morro


Well-Known Member
yeah m8 but i was a chef for 11 years so been a lazy cunt that ate his way thru each shift lol, now being in a workroom actually doing physical labour and building things for 8 hrs a day is fucking murder, and to top it off i got my 1st practical exam 2morro
lol, u must be a right lazy cunt...I find it a piece of piss now, 8 hrs is a short day when ur used to doin 12. What do u have to do for a practical?


Active Member
lol, u must be a right lazy cunt...I find it a piece of piss now, 8 hrs is a short day when ur used to doin 12. What do u have to do for a practical?
haha i am a lazy fucker m8 i dont deny it but thats cause i smoke too much weed from the minute i wake up till i go back to bed,

im just in my 1st year and its an entry level course cos ive no experience in the trade, my practical exam tomorrow is just building a square frame with 4 different types of joint at each corner, i get 3 hrs to complete it but it takes about an hour to glue it together and allow it to set after all the joints have been made, sounds easy but with no exp and i also was a late applicant so only started 3 weeks ago whereas everyone else started 8 weeks ago, so im just hoping i get at least a pass mark and i'll be happy


Well-Known Member
haha i am a lazy fucker m8 i dont deny it but thats cause i smoke too much weed from the minute i wake up till i go back to bed,

im just in my 1st year and its an entry level course cos ive no experience in the trade, my practical exam tomorrow is just building a square frame with 4 different types of joint at each corner, i get 3 hrs to complete it but it takes about an hour to glue it together and allow it to set after all the joints have been made, sounds easy but with no exp and i also was a late applicant so only started 3 weeks ago whereas everyone else started 8 weeks ago, so im just hoping i get at least a pass mark and i'll be happy
They teach u some shit on them courses that you'll probly never do again lol, it's all just to get used to using the tools and shit tho. Aye stick at it m8, ther always seems to be work for carpenters/joiners, not very often I'm outta work


@ biz and whoever else is interested.....a m8 got the big knock and they took all laptops and phones, 3 months later they returned all phones and laptops and says ther was no evidence on them that could be used against him. Which is the biggest load of balls especially the phone because I know what shit was on ther and IMO ther was everything they needed to nail him, maybe the cops over here just arnt intelligent enough to find the shit on his phone...just lettin u know ther still hope that u haven't fucked everything up for everyone on here lol. And this all happened a matter of months ago FACT LOL

Cheers man yeh I hope mine goes the same way I know folk who have done far worse and caught red handed and still got fuck all but a bit of cs so I hope all goes well. I know theres a few texts off folk round my way but they need evidence and a msg dont mean much without the proof


Well-Known Member
Need to get down the gym man I'm getting fat. Bad a few pints and feel like I've bloated big time.

My mate got 6oz from a 600w. Don't see wtf is going wrong to be honest.


getting down the gym easly done getting thru the first week that's were most give up cos trust me the achs n pains are unreal until your body gets use to it.....and yer I think 6oz from a 600 is doable......


Well-Known Member
I used to go but got an injury and stopped then was hard toget back into it or more I just got lazy. I'm gonna have too though man fuck it.

he got 6oz I've had more from my autos. Of course only thing is his girls stretched but his buds looked alot fatter than mine are so now I'm worried about what I'm getting. Pissed right off man.


Well-Known Member
There's a pic of mine. Pick a number and ill randomly pull one out and take a pic lol might aswell have a laugh otherwise ill cry. Fucking joke dont see why it's such a shit yield.



mate its still early days on them......only last few weeks yll c the diff and were the end waight piles on.......hang in there
There's a pic of mine. Pick a number and ill randomly pull one out and take a pic lol might aswell have a laugh otherwise ill cry. Fucking joke dont see why it's such a shit yield.


suppose it dippends what strain it is.......these Acapulco gold are like double my bc atm.....but the ag is sativa usualy taller rite? the bc is indica