It's Canada's fault the US gov shut down.

No worries, Im cool.
I do use peoples words in semi quotes sometimes.
I am guilty of that.

You can stick with stereotypes and name calling if you wish. I wont mind joining you.

Hmmmm, yup Canada isn't so bad after all. :)



if canada runs into trouble you know we got your back.

except Quebec.

those guys are practically french.
Canada has its own problems.

In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381. As a result of lower average incomes and differences in taxation, the bills are smaller for the average unattached individual ($3,780), for the average one-parent-one-child family ($3,905), and the average one-parent two-child family ($3,387). But no matter the family type, the bill is not small, much less free.

And the bill is getting bigger over time. Before inflation, the cost of public health care insurance went up by 53.3 per cent over the last decade. That's more than 1.5 times faster than the cost of shelter (34.2 per cent) and clothing (32.4 per cent), and more than twice as fast as the cost of food (23.4 per cent). It's also nearly 1.5 times faster than the growth in average income over the decade (36.3 per cent).

From one of Bucky and Cheesie's favorite sites, too.
Canada has its own problems.

In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381. As a result of lower average incomes and differences in taxation, the bills are smaller for the average unattached individual ($3,780), for the average one-parent-one-child family ($3,905), and the average one-parent two-child family ($3,387). But no matter the family type, the bill is not small, much less free.

And the bill is getting bigger over time. Before inflation, the cost of public health care insurance went up by 53.3 per cent over the last decade. That's more than 1.5 times faster than the cost of shelter (34.2 per cent) and clothing (32.4 per cent), and more than twice as fast as the cost of food (23.4 per cent). It's also nearly 1.5 times faster than the growth in average income over the decade (36.3 per cent).

From one of Bucky and Cheesie's favorite sites, too.

No one here said Canada was free from issues.
This thread has nothing to do about healthcare. The issue being debated is Keystone and oil production/sales.

We know you don't like Obamacare, not that it is even close to the Canadian system.

If you like, we can debate these costs and compare them to the system you used to be on and the one being
implemented. We can compare monthly payments to insurance co's vs the way Canadians pay.

We can also then discuss the difference in how many people are covered under the same system.

Im not sure you would want to carry on with it for very long.
No one here said Canada was free from issues.
This thread has nothing to do about healthcare. The issue being debated is Keystone and oil production/sales.

We know you don't like Obamacare, not that it is even close to the Canadian system.

True, Canada has it own troubles. It wasn't so much about healthcare as it is about breaking the bank accounts of the general population. Just thought I'd point out where we are going.
True, Canada has it own troubles. It wasn't so much about healthcare as it is about breaking the bank accounts of the general population. Just thought I'd point out where we are going.

I would be willing and interested in debating the differences with you.
yes, canada's fuel needs are high (cuz it;s fucking cold, and theres like 2 people per 500 square miles so door to door sales is a bitch) but their need for industrial feedstocks is low.

refining oil in canada doesnt make financial sense to the oil companies, so you get reamed on snowmobile gasoline, igloo heating oil and zamboni fuel.

if you could come up with a way to run your snowcat on polar bear lard you could make a mint.
There are refineries all over western Canada, Regina, Sk. Upgrader, loydminister Upgrader are just a couple off the top of my head, you really need to get out a bit.
dont worry canada, we will leave a light on for ya, cuz we know youre scared of the dark.
Can you afford to leave it on?

You are lucky the majority of Canadians are white otherwise that dickhead would really tear into you
Where do you live?
I would be willing and interested in debating the differences with you.

I once thought that Canada had it all figured out. When my Aunt that lives in London, Ont fell it took weeks before they actually treated her I realized that it doesn't work the way that most Canadians thought it would too.

But more to the point I was wandering the net when I came across this article.

And since it came from a Bucky approved site I posted some of it.
You worried about oil? The funs gonna start when we dam the St Clair river to keep you yanks from stealing all our water out of the Great Lakes.
True, Canada has it own troubles. It wasn't so much about healthcare as it is about breaking the bank accounts of the general population. Just thought I'd point out where we are going.

Breaking bank accounts? Nah.....

I once thought that Canada had it all figured out. When my Aunt that lives in London, Ont fell it took weeks before they actually treated her I realized that it doesn't work the way that most Canadians thought it would too.
But more to the point I was wandering the net when I came across this article.

And since it came from a Bucky approved site I posted some of it.

Your sample size of one isn't very accurate. I've been injured many times, never waited more than....20 mins? I've had CT's, X-rays, and mRI's done on the spot, with zero wait time. Live in G.T.O., an area with 5,000,000 people and you might have to wait, maybe....

I guess the tax issues depend on your priorities. People from the states seem to want minimal government, and the lowest possible taxes and could care less about making sure that everyone is covered.

Canadians are less concerned with taxes because they know that everyone will be protected when they need it, and that's more important to Canadians. Maybe that's not something most Americans understand.

I will gladly help people who cannot afford health care to receive the health care they need, when they need it. Do some people abuse it? Sure, but the net gain is still worth it.

There are refineries all over western Canada, Regina, Sk. Upgrader, loydminister Upgrader are just a couple off the top of my head, you really need to get out a bit. Can you afford to leave it on?

Where do you live?

too many Molsens?

canada has a FEW REFINERIES, but not nearly enough to satify their nneeds. to have that, they would need at least two Richmond/Gufl Coast type refinery copmplexes (of whic the US has several) and all the terrible shit that comes with it.

you dont have to do that, thanks to your Bro Down Below.

if canada had enough refining capacity to supply it's own high fuel needs, then this would not be an issue, but canadians DONT WANT THAT MANY REFINERIES.

and they are smart for this.

you may pay a little extra per Kilometer on your Snow Blower or to heat your Ice Fishing Cabin, but you save yourself a shitload of trouble.
You worried about oil? The funs gonna start when we dam the St Clair river to keep you yanks from stealing all our water out of the Great Lakes.

back in the 80's Los Angeles Water and Power came up with a plan, and started construction on a water pipeline from LA to British Colombia.

they were gonna tap one of BC's rivers and pump millions of "Hectares" of water down out of Canada, through Washington, through Oregon, and into the LA reservoirs without consultation of any of the governments impacted. .

US Federal Govt: "wait a minute....."

Oregon: "Huh?

Washington: "What??"

British Colombia: "Ey?

Canada: "zzZZzzzzZZZZzzzzzz"

Quebec: "Qua?"
what i'd like to see is some exploration of an alternative fuel rather than fossil fuels, what an outdated pos technology that is... and don't even get me started on electric or hybrid cars..
nobody loves cars more than i, but come on now, time to move on, please and thank you..

Already done 80 years ago...big oil killed him:


Godamn, wish my car had that plastic more dents, dings etc.
Already done 80 years ago...big oil killed him:


Godamn, wish my car had that plastic more dents, dings etc.

again with the deceptive videos.

Ford's hemp concept car was designed to run on Methyl Alcohol, not "hemp gasoline". at the time a great many cars arleady ran on methyl and ethyl alcohol, including my grandpappy's.

the body was alleged to be made from cellulose, but it was in fact made mostly of Phenolic Plastic extracted from coal tar. plastic cars are not better, safer or cheaper to make, they are just LIGHTER which may be useful in reducing fuel consumption or increasing top speeds, but it has no benefits to "safety".

ever seen one of the plastic cars after a high speed crash?
yeah, they dont stand up well.

the entire endeavour was a publicity stunt and it failed miserably.

this video is full of bullshit, half truths and outright lies, as usual.
again with the deceptive videos.

Ford's hemp concept car was designed to run on Methyl Alcohol, not "hemp gasoline". at the time a great many cars arleady [sic] ran on methyl and ethyl alcohol, including my grandpappy's.

You are aware Methanol can be made from hemp, right? Or were you pointing out that "hemp gasoline" is just a hillbilly's euphemism for dat syants stuff.
too many Molsens?

canada has a FEW REFINERIES, but not nearly enough to satify their nneeds. to have that, they would need at least two Richmond/Gufl Coast type refinery copmplexes (of whic the US has several) and all the terrible shit that comes with it.

you dont have to do that, thanks to your Bro Down Below.

if canada had enough refining capacity to supply it's own high fuel needs, then this would not be an issue, but canadians DONT WANT THAT MANY REFINERIES.

and they are smart for this.

you may pay a little extra per Kilometer on your Snow Blower or to heat your Ice Fishing Cabin, but you save yourself a shitload of trouble.
Well just to let you know the two upgraders, Regina, Loydminster ARE the biggest facilities of their kind in North America(this includes your area also). Canada could keep up with their own needs easily my friend. Hand outs to the USA and other countries is the main reason for not being able to keep up with supply. The whole problem stems from the USA, we pay almost $6.00 a gallon in Canada, not because of our needs but for the American market and the subsidies you receive every time you fill your car. Are you paying $6.00 a instead of cutting Canada down...maybe a Thank You to all the non-USA residence that are keeping your country from bankruptcy and your cheap gasoline. Your a goner without little brother cleaning up after you. Your country should take some money out of the military and invest in your own crude....wait!...You ran out years ago! JAS
Well just to let you know the two upgraders, Regina, Loydminster ARE the biggest facilities of their kind in North America(this includes your area also). Canada could keep up with their own needs easily my friend. Hand outs to the USA and other countries is the main reason for not being able to keep up with supply. The whole problem stems from the USA, we pay almost $6.00 a gallon in Canada, not because of our needs but for the American market and the subsidies you receive every time you fill your car. Are you paying $6.00 a instead of cutting Canada down...maybe a Thank You to all the non-USA residence that are keeping your country from bankruptcy and your cheap gasoline. Your a goner without little brother cleaning up after you. Your country should take some money out of the military and invest in your own crude....wait!...You ran out years ago! JAS

China owns what.... 60% of the USA's debt?

EDIT: It's actually not even close to 60%, it's 7%. :D