Plz Hep Me! What Is This Going On Here??!!


Active Member
What does this look like, peeps? I very seriously doubt it's over-watering. Does this look like underfed?? Nute lockout? Something else? This is a ken's og. Day 40!!!!!! wtf! Using promix bx in 2 gal. air pots, nutes, ph to 6.3.



Active Member
I let my pots dry out really well between waterings. I'll usually let them go 5 days or so between waterings. They get pretty damn dry. Well they have been doing this for near 2 weeks now. They prolly all rotted by now if that is the case... I'm pissed off now. Sorry.


Active Member
What does this look like, peeps? I very seriously doubt it's over-watering. Does this look like underfed?? Nute lockout? Something else? This is a ken's og. Day 40!!!!!! wtf! Using promix bx in 2 gal. air pots, nutes, ph to 6.3.
If leaves darker than before that's Nitrogen Toxicity !
But Tobacco Mosaic Virus may be a problem too or Copper Def. !!

Copper : Flush your system with clean, pH'd water that contains about half the correct amount of nutrients needed by the plant. Watch to make sure that the problem starts to clear up within a couple of days.

N Toxicity :
Reduce the amount of nitrogen that is being fed to the plants. If you are feeding extra nutrients, cut down. If you are in the flowering / budding stage, make sure you're using a formula that's specifically meant for flowering, or else it will have too much nitrogen.
If you are not feeding extra nutrients, you may have "hot" soil that has been supplementing with extra nutrients. In that case, flush your plants with filtered, pH'ed water to help leech out the extra nitrogen.
Effected leaves likely won't recover, but you should stop seeing the problem spread to more parts of the plant.

Goooood Luck !


Active Member
I let my pots dry out really well between waterings. I'll usually let them go 5 days or so between waterings. They get pretty damn dry. Well they have been doing this for near 2 weeks now. They prolly all rotted by now if that is the case... I'm pissed off now. Sorry.
Over watering isn't a problem to ignore ! It doesn't matter how much you water it more than how many holes are they in the bottom !! You make sure there is no problem with water stagnancy !!

And don't give too much nutrients for now ! Just water after making sure it's dry ! Deep down dry !!!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
when's the last time you watered? if the soil gets too dry it will compact and water will run off the surface instead through it. GL


Active Member
Over watering it is then. All I know is that this girl is gonna beg me like a mofo for water next time she needs it.


Active Member
Thanks, guys!!!! I guess you have to call it like you see it. And i agree, it looks like overwatering. Looks like a duck and quacks like a duck soooo.. But I've never ever overwatered('til now). Let alone let it go on for so long with three plants at the same time! Underwatered a couple times. I do not see how this is happening! I know all about how to do it. Believe me. Or not. Idc. I have been growing for 3 years and I thought I had this most basic f-ing thing down pat!! Yeah, I know, obviously not. Oh well. But I'm also thinking it is the strain that is finicky too. All my other girls are perfectly fine, except my three kush's. All watered the same way. Also, i checked roots and no root rot sooo... Just gonna ride it out. If they make it, cool. If not, fudge it!! Time to blaze and forget about today. Goodnight and thanks for your help!!!!


Active Member
I had this same issue on my first grow and I thought "There is no way I am over watering" because I was watering literally fuck all... But when I decided they were not worth continuing I eventually ripped em down because they looked like shit. When I pulled em the roots were the darkest, rankest brown looking things so it turns out I am pretty sure they were over watered even when I thought there was no way..


Well-Known Member
the soil in the party cup has broken down and compacted would be my guess and is holding water
how long was it in the cup before you planted it ?


Active Member
What does this look like, peeps? I very seriously doubt it's over-watering. Does this look like underfed?? Nute lockout? Something else? This is a ken's og. Day 40!!!!!! wtf! Using promix bx in 2 gal. air pots, nutes, ph to 6.3.
Just another looks like your plant is down inside of a plastic cup. If that whole cup is there forcing the roots downward, you may be blocking side growth of roots and sufferering some nutrient lockout. I can't tell for sure, so it's just some food for thought.


Active Member
Just another looks like your plant is down inside of a plastic cup. If that whole cup is there forcing the roots downward, you may be blocking side growth of roots and sufferering some nutrient lockout. I can't tell for sure, so it's just some food for thought.
Thanks. Wouldn't the roots go down and then come back up around the outside of the cup?


Active Member
the soil in the party cup has broken down and compacted would be my guess and is holding water
how long was it in the cup before you planted it ?
Thanks. This sounds like a really good answer to my problem. How would I combat this? Besides ditching the f-ing cups next time. Ha.. I start them in party cups with a cup inside of a cup with its bottom cut off. Outside cup has holes in the bottom for drainage. When roots get established enough, I remove the outside cup and transplant burying the inside cup in the soil. Something i learned over at the autoflower website. With autoflowers though I just cut the bottom of cup off and bury it from the start and plant my seed. Works good for autos. I have grown a lot more autos than photos though too... And my girls were in the party cups for around two weeks this time before transplant. But this time I didn't have the root system I most likely very much needed before i transplanted.


Yeah, when you transplant you really need to take the rootball out of the container it is in, completely. Party cups are fine to use, but you should drill holes in the bottom of them and again, take the plant out completely for transplants. Otherwise you're restricting root growth and preventing air exchange. The soil needs to be able to exchange gases with outside air, as roots breathe oxygen and so do beneficial soil organisms.

"Over watering" is actually the result of a lack of oxygen in the rhizosphere. Water itself doesn't hold oxygen very well. With a proper soil structure (potting mix shouldn't be too heavy or compact), the potting mix should be able to exchange gases with the outside environment and also retain moisture. Proper watering also facilitates gas exchange and should pull fresh oxygen into the medium; but if it is too compact and stays drenched\stagnant the dissolved oxygen will quickly be depleted.


Active Member
Well, what should I do now? Leave them and hope they recover? Kill them? Transplant them?.....I might as well just leave them and hope for good because I don't have a dime to buy the seeds and all the shit I need. Yaaaayy, meeeee!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Yeah, when you transplant you really need to take the rootball out of the container it is in, completely. Party cups are fine to use, but you should drill holes in the bottom of them and again, take the plant out completely for transplants. Otherwise you're restricting root growth and preventing air exchange. The soil needs to be able to exchange gases with outside air, as roots breathe oxygen and so do beneficial soil organisms.

"Over watering" is actually the result of a lack of oxygen in the rhizosphere. Water itself doesn't hold oxygen very well. With a proper soil structure (potting mix shouldn't be too heavy or compact), the potting mix should be able to exchange gases with the outside environment and also retain moisture. Proper watering also facilitates gas exchange and should pull fresh oxygen into the medium; but if it is too compact and stays drenched\stagnant the dissolved oxygen will quickly be depleted.
Thanks. I just chopped my plants and I believe that the cups were the problem. They were pretty damn compacted. The roots inside the cup had a good color still, but everything outside the cup was gray and thin.


Well-Known Member
hard to overwater in an air pot or it isn't overwatering and don't let plants dry right out you will suffer yield loss....u had anaerobic soil conditions...happens again ...which it wont cos u wont use plastic cups right....h2o2 the water and add...sorted


Active Member
Wow! This is a lil embarrassing. I just found out a big problem. I was inspecting my gear and stuff and found that my bottle of Biothrive Grow is growing thick white mold under the lid!!!! Wtf!! It stinks to high heaven too! I try to be neat and tidy with all my stuff. How did this happen? Goddamn, I been feeding them mold!! Haha! No wonder I got probs!