bud bootlegger
That's my point..When I read through this and saw what racers friend gets prescribed my teeth cringed! Don't get me wrong I was the guy who passed out talking to you in mid sentence and was a pro at sleeping while standing, but to think about how much it hurt to stop all that I'm glad it's not me prescribed those meds.
Why a doctor would prescribe all that is a mystery to me(multiple opiates with Benz). In fact my father has degenerative discs, he's in some serious serious pain. He went the docs to get something to help with the pain( never taken opiates in his life) and when he gets home I see a patch on his arm. The doc first run gives him fentenayl patches, I was livid to say the least! May as well sent him home with a needle and dope. My dad walked around like a zombie for a year almost until he quit taking that shit.
I love a good nod as much as the rest of you, been years since I've done that again. Although to be in control of myself and feel emotions again is priceless IMO.
I'm not one to talk as god knows I've done my fair share of pretty much every drug, but it was on my own doing, and I wasn't getting strung out by a Dr, for an injury I'm not even completely convinced exists in the first place mind you..
I've tried warning him how much shit hell be in if he ever decides to want to get off of them, but he really hasn't a clue for what is in store for him at some point in his future ..