opiates, the vicious cycle


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to post a PSA about pain pills and their addictive nature. Really I'm just venting as I'm on day 3 of a detox.

I've been prescribed various opiates for the past 5 years due to 2 car accidents, 3 major surgery's, and a twisted pelvis. Everytime I run out I say "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain". I can deal with the nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and lack of energy for the first few days. Then I tell myself the pains not that bad, Ill alternate naproxin and tylenol so that I don't stress my liver. Ill go a few more days, feeling proud that I can manage my pain without opiates. A week will go by and the pain starts to get overwhelming. I finally cave in and go back to the Dr for a refill. at first its take a pill in the morning and one before bed. Then its 3 a day, then 4 or 5 , and then finally its 8 a day. Four of those 8 being chewed up before bed.

after a few days I realize I'm going to run out soon and taper down, telling myself "no more pills, Ill deal with the pain".

Rinse and repeat....


Well-Known Member
You have to stop now or it WILL ruin your life. Smoke weed. Suck it up and deal with the 2-3 weeks it really takes to get off of them. I have chronic pain, pot does enough and doesnt leave me a zombie. Doesnt make you addicted like the opiates. This is just my 2cents. Its not very sumpathetic but i dont have much of that for heavy opiate use. Seen too many people get destroyed by pills and needles. I encourage you to save yourself. Weed can help.


Well-Known Member
You have to stop now or it WILL ruin your life. Smoke weed. Suck it up and deal with the 2-3 weeks it really takes to get off of them. I have chronic pain, pot does enough and doesnt leave me a zombie. Doesnt make you addicted like the opiates. This is just my 2cents. Its not very sumpathetic but i dont have much of that for heavy opiate use. Seen too many people get destroyed by pills and needles. I encourage you to save yourself. Weed can help.
Wasn't asking for sympathy, so no offense taken. I certainly don't feel sorry for myself either, I know I need to end this cycle once and for all. I agree whole heartily that pot is a much safer and better alternative. I'm about a month out on my crop. I think I'm just going to tell the Dr that I know I have a problem and he needs to stop enabling me.

I too have seen the ruined lives of friends and family, brought on by tiny little pills. Like I said this post was just venting, maybe even a little bit of a confession to myself.


Well-Known Member
How much of what do you take? And how soon do you normally run out? Gotta learn how to take them as prescribed, or it'll probably keep getting worse. And the cycle sucks. Telling the Doc that won't help anything. You could always go to another Doc or get them from the streets.


Well-Known Member
How much of what do you take? And how soon do you normally run out? Gotta learn how to take them as prescribed, or it'll probably keep getting worse. And the cycle sucks. Telling the Doc that won't help anything. You could always go to another Doc or get them from the streets.
I was on morphine sulfate (the blue ones) + OC 10's every four hours. I told the doc he needed to give me something weaker. So then it was OC 15's every 4-6 hours. That didn't quite do it so I was doubling them up b4 bed. I eventually asked for a lower dosage taken closer together. So for the past year I have been taking Vicodin ES, 7.5/325. I never take more then 8 in 24 hours and I take milk thistle in the morning and b4 bed to help my liver. I normally take 2 in the morning, 2 around 3 pm and then 4 b4 bed so I can sleep though the night. My scrip is for 120/month, it usually last a little less then 3 weeks.

When I'm not out of pot I substitute a good bong rip or two for the four pills b4 bed. The main reason I started growing again was to make the transition off of opiates for good.


Well-Known Member
Ben their , done that and living with the consquences every day.

-Dont tell your doctor shit , next time your in the hospital for a serious injury they will watch you suffer in agony , rather than give you anything for pain. Or worse they will RX you suboxone which is 1000x harder to kick than a normal opiate (most of the time) Althow sub's can be helpfull for kicking fast just use supper low doses for a VERY short time (3-4 days)

After you have kicked comes the hard part - staying clean/addiction free - sound like you already know this - My advice is replace 1 addiction with another , A healthy addiction that is , Work out, find a hobbie, or something to keep your mind occupied

Im a HUGE fan of kratom which to most ex-opiate addicts reminds them of opiates , but without being illegal , or so expensive - Althow it is/can be addictive but it's more of a manageable addiction like coffie or tobacco


Well-Known Member
Wasn't asking for sympathy, so no offense taken. I certainly don't feel sorry for myself either, I know I need to end this cycle once and for all. I agree whole heartily that pot is a much safer and better alternative. I'm about a month out on my crop. I think I'm just going to tell the Dr that I know I have a problem and he needs to stop enabling me.

I too have seen the ruined lives of friends and family, brought on by tiny little pills. Like I said this post was just venting, maybe even a little bit of a confession to myself.
Have you talked to your doc about getting off the opiates?

Depending on your level of dependency, sometimes you can't just "stop", because if you do, your body could shut down due to withdrawals. A decent doctor should be able to develop a plan that can slowly decrease dependency, and reduce the risk from withdrawal.

Whatever you decide, be safe, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, the pain doesn't come unbearable, it's the addiction telling you it hurts. i agree with LC on the suboxone, just kick, it's only 4-5 days of pure hell. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Have you talked to your doc about getting off the opiates?

Depending on your level of dependency, sometimes you can't just "stop", because if you do, your body could shut down due to withdrawals. A decent doctor should be able to develop a plan that can slowly decrease dependency, and reduce the risk from withdrawal.

Whatever you decide, be safe, and good luck.
Nah, he isn't going to die from opiate withdrawal.


Well-Known Member
Im a HUGE fan of kratom which to most ex-opiate addicts reminds them of opiates , but without being illegal , or so expensive - Althow it is/can be addictive but it's more of a manageable addiction like coffie or tobacco
I'm a fan of kratom too. It'll stop almost any w/d from pain meds, unless your on a huge amount, like 180mg methadone/day or something. I took up to 50g/day of kratom for over a year, and stopped with no problems. But I had bigger problems to conquer, so maybe I just didn't notice the w/d.


Well-Known Member
I was on morphine sulfate (the blue ones) + OC 10's every four hours. I told the doc he needed to give me something weaker. So then it was OC 15's every 4-6 hours. That didn't quite do it so I was doubling them up b4 bed. I eventually asked for a lower dosage taken closer together. So for the past year I have been taking Vicodin ES, 7.5/325. I never take more then 8 in 24 hours and I take milk thistle in the morning and b4 bed to help my liver. I normally take 2 in the morning, 2 around 3 pm and then 4 b4 bed so I can sleep though the night. My scrip is for 120/month, it usually last a little less then 3 weeks.

When I'm not out of pot I substitute a good bong rip or two for the four pills b4 bed. The main reason I started growing again was to make the transition off of opiates for good.
watch your milkthistle! It could be causing more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
Ben their , done that and living with the consquences every day.

-Dont tell your doctor shit , next time your in the hospital for a serious injury they will watch you suffer in agony , rather than give you anything for pain. Or worse they will RX you suboxone which is 1000x harder to kick than a normal opiate (most of the time) Althow sub's can be helpfull for kicking fast just use supper low doses for a VERY short time (3-4 days)

After you have kicked comes the hard part - staying clean/addiction free - sound like you already know this - My advice is replace 1 addiction with another , A healthy addiction that is , Work out, find a hobbie, or something to keep your mind occupied

Im a HUGE fan of kratom which to most ex-opiate addicts reminds them of opiates , but without being illegal , or so expensive - Althow it is/can be addictive but it's more of a manageable addiction like coffie or tobacco
Been taking kratom since 2005, love the stuff. The screwed up thing is, I only turn to rx paon meds when I'm out of "illegal drugs" lol.


Well-Known Member
Have you talked to your doc about getting off the opiates?

Depending on your level of dependency, sometimes you can't just "stop", because if you do, your body could shut down due to withdrawals. A decent doctor should be able to develop a plan that can slowly decrease dependency, and reduce the risk from withdrawal.

Whatever you decide, be safe, and good luck.
Unfortunately the alternative treatments are worse IMO. I had a catheter in my neck, with a pump on my belt that delivered a nerve block. I ended up with Bells Palsy on the left side of my face. The other options I've been given are injections in my spine and I cant handle needles. Hell I thought I was gonna puke when my ex-wife had to pull the cath out of my neck.

Anyways I'm ready to quit! Got some nice bali kratom from TKK, plenty of chamomile + Valerian tea, and a little bit of bud at the ready. I also have a very supportive GF whos gonna remind me constantly that ill feel great in a week.


Well-Known Member
Just stopping by to say stick with it man!!!

I was on H for a while and finally got off. Had two relapses and then finally stuck. Best decision ever made in my life. Looking back I can't even remember any of the good times. Only felt good when I was nodding out and that is on the opposite end of being productive. Watched a few of my friends die one after another.

Just remember the pain is only temporary. You'll have your life back in a month or so. After a year you'll be back to normal. It ain't easy man but it sure as shit isn't rocket science.

Check out some meetings and go in with an open mind do whatever they tell you to do and you'll have a shot at it. This is not something that is fun to go through alone. AA/ NA (my preference was AA) those guys know a thing or two about getting and staying sober (that's the hard part).

Good luck man. PM me anytime. Stick it out.


Well-Known Member
Just stopping by to say stick with it man!!!

I was on H for a while and finally got off. Had two relapses and then finally stuck. Best decision ever made in my life. Looking back I can't even remember any of the good times. Only felt good when I was nodding out and that is on the opposite end of being productive. Watched a few of my friends die one after another.

Just remember the pain is only temporary. You'll have your life back in a month or so. After a year you'll be back to normal. It ain't easy man but it sure as shit isn't rocket science.

Check out some meetings and go in with an open mind do whatever they tell you to do and you'll have a shot at it. This is not something that is fun to go through alone. AA/ NA (my preference was AA) those guys know a thing or two about getting and staying sober (that's the hard part).

Good luck man. PM me anytime. Stick it out.
Thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the alternative treatments are worse IMO. I had a catheter in my neck, with a pump on my belt that delivered a nerve block. I ended up with Bells Palsy on the left side of my face. The other options I've been given are injections in my spine and I cant handle needles. Hell I thought I was gonna puke when my ex-wife had to pull the cath out of my neck.

Anyways I'm ready to quit! Got some nice bali kratom from TKK, plenty of chamomile + Valerian tea, and a little bit of bud at the ready. I also have a very supportive GF whos gonna remind me constantly that ill feel great in a week.


Bikhuk http://www.bikhuk.com/
Kratom Delight http://sites.google.com/site/ambatkratom/home/shop-1


Well-Known Member
I wish the best for you...when I kicked I literally got tired of trying to find a vein after an hour,squirted the sht in the air and said in a hollywood fashion 'im done with this shit!'..but I stand by my word..it was a long road,but I kept reminding myself of the frustration of being 'high/well'..and realized,I was just really trying to be un-frusturated on a chemical level,and adding to frusteration by using..Id spend more money on herb than kratom if I were you....kratom(although I've never used it) seems like looking at baseball highlights after retirement..might make ya wanna go coach a 'little league team' and relapse being reminded of that feeling..but I really can't say from experience just what I've read.


Well-Known Member
I wish the best for you...when I kicked I literally got tired of trying to find a vein after an hour,squirted the sht in the air and said in a hollywood fashion 'im done with this shit!'..but I stand by my word..it was a long road,but I kept reminding myself of the frustration of being 'high/well'..and realized,I was just really trying to be un-frusturated on a chemical level,and adding to frusteration by using..Id spend more money on herb than kratom if I were you....kratom(although I've never used it) seems like looking at baseball highlights after retirement..might make ya wanna go coach a 'little league team' and relapse being reminded of that feeling..but I really can't say from experience just what I've read.
Thanks for sharing man, glad you got clean. When I have kratom on hand I actually like it better then real opiates. And it has a ceiling to how high it will get you, at a certain point you just get a headache and drowsy. Not the euphoric nodding off that opiates will give you. Unfortunately I live in a place where pills are handed out like candy, but bud is impossible to find. In 4-5 weeks plants will be finished.


Well-Known Member

Oh wait, for some reason it's illegal even though the effects suck so bad the only reason someone would take it is because withdrawl sucks even worse. It's not exactly a party drug.

Welcome to Amerika where the worst drugs are legal and the best ones aren't.