opiates, the vicious cycle


Well-Known Member
Nice! Keep it up... you are passed the worst of it for sure. Are you getting decent sleep? Sleep was the killer for me. I actually started hallucinating pretty crazy stuff after enough days with no sleep. I remember smoking a bowl outside, in the florida heat shivering with sweatpants on... and could see one of my buddies in the chair next to me. Thought nothing of if, and I started talking to him and when I tried to pass the pipe, *vanish*. That was the highlight of my opiate w/d.
I have pretty bad insomnia + RLS anyways. The big problem I'm having is that once I finally fall asleep, I just don't want to get up for anything.


Well-Known Member
I picked the wrong fuckin week to quit drugs! I have a huge Halloween party tonight and I'm going to be zero fun!


Well-Known Member
I went to my parents farm to winterize some equipment and pulled my back working on a tractor :( . I always leave 3-4 Vicodin in the cabinet there just in case something like that happens. I grabbed the bottle, opened it , and stared at the 3 pills for about 30 seconds. I was thinking to myself "its only 3, 3 wont hurt me, I could have a fun night with these". Then I thought to myself " wow dude, now you sound like a crack head".

I took the open bottle to the toilet and flushed them, and took 2 alieve for my back. Ill still have a fun night, roll one up and play Diablo 3 with my gf.