Hempy style recirculating setup

I just flushed the girls again. I'm pretty sure they loved it because they're taking off now.


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Ok, it's been 4 days since the last shots. I tied them down and topped a few branches to even out the canopy on 10/9. I also added some diamond nectar to the nutes for flower, I'll add some sweeteners later once I see how they react. Let me know what you guys think


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Cool thread rubix, I like your style. Seems like a lot of work though. I would have vegged them longer and grown them in a flood table. You'd get a pound per plant easy that way. Either way, I'm subbed to this thread.
Cool thread rubix, I like your style. Seems like a lot of work though. I would have vegged them longer and grown them in a flood table. You'd get a pound per plant easy that way. Either way, I'm subbed to this thread.
It's not difficult but consistency is the key, I check on them about 3-4 times a day. It feels like they get bigger every time I look at them! The guy I got the clones from has been helping out a little bit, he says they are good to go at 6-7 weeks but I've heard Dutch Treat is a 10 week finisher. I guess we'll have to wait and see :)
Ok, it's been 4 days since the last shots. I tied them down and topped a few branches to even out the canopy on 10/9. I also added some diamond nectar to the nutes for flower, I'll add some sweeteners later once I see how they react. Let me know what you guys think

Looking real good, Rubix! They're getting nice and bushy now. The training you're doing will be very beneficial. Besides inducing the plant to grow more tops, training will open it up in the middle to let light in more deeply. You can also keep the plants shorter and it will widen them out to fit in your grow room better.

I did a web search on "dutch treat strain" and found a few reviews. Dutch Treat is supposed to be 80% indica, which has me puzzled, because your plants really look like sativas to me with their skinny leaves and long branches. But assuming your plants are this strain, one site said that it should finish flowering in 7-8 weeks:


To know when a plant is really ready to harvest, I look for 2 signs on it:

  • the pistils (hairs) turn red and shriveled
  • more importantly, the trichomes start to turn milky white.

When a few of the trichomes are milky white, the buds will produce a cerebral high without much body stone.
When the trichomes are 50% milky white, the plant is at its peak ripeness.
When the trichomes are mostly amber, the buds will produce mostly a body stone.
(Source: Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes)

Here's a pic that I took of my plant today, showing some white trichomes and shriveled, red pistils, meaning it's almost ready to chop:
Looking real good, Rubix! They're getting nice and bushy now. The training you're doing will be very beneficial. Besides inducing the plant to grow more tops, training will open it up in the middle to let light in more deeply. You can also keep the plants shorter and it will widen them out to fit in your grow room better.

I did a web search on "dutch treat strain" and found a few reviews. Dutch Treat is supposed to be 80% indica, which has me puzzled, because your plants really look like sativas to me with their skinny leaves and long branches. But assuming your plants are this strain, one site said that it should finish flowering in 7-8 weeks:


Here's a pic that I took of my plant today, showing some white trichomes and shriveled, red pistils, meaning it's almost ready to chop:
Dude, looking good! Thanks for the info, too. This guy has been growing this for years, I'm not sure what pheno the plant is from but it's definitely sativa dominant. I've seen this bud so many times grown organically, I can't wait to see how the girls do with this setup. Watching them grow helps time pass pretty quickly :)
Let me know what you guys think. The girls are about 7"-8" from the lights right now. My A/C cut off one day while I was at work and put the room to about 100*F(38*c). As soon as I felt the heat I thought the plants would be in pretty bad shape but they were loving it. My lights come on at 5am then my A/C shuts off at about 7. The heat rises pretty slowly but it goes from around 75-80 right at lights on to 100 at about 12:30 - 1pm and then I kick it back on at about 3. The lights go off at 5 but I'm about to go to 13 on 11 off. They're about 42" in diameter and 24" tall right now.


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Just an update. I took my a/c out and vented the lights out of the ceiling into the attic. My room temps stay at about 85f-90f with 32%-38% humidity during lights on. Doesn't seem like they like it as much but it's way less energy cost. The girls are about 32" tall and 44" wide and I can see little hairs starting to poke out :) I'll post some pics tomorrow.
The ladies have been keeping me pretty busy lately, I haven't had much time to snap pics of the girls :). I thoughtI'd be seeing more bud development by now but still only the little white hairs starting to peek out everywhere. They're getting huge! I started to run out of space for my lights so I had to lower the stands and I'm probably gonna put a net in. The one in the back is about 1/4 bigger than the one in the front, not sure why. The only reason I could think of is less open space so more light is reflected. Everything else is the same.


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Those plants are growing great! It's perfectly normal to only see some white hairs at 12 days into flowering. Are both plants clones of the same mother plant? Then their genes should be the same, so the reason that one is bigger than the other must be something in the environment. Anyway, they both look great as far as I can see in your photos, so I'd say don't worry about it. Those tree trunks are really thick already! The ladies must be very happy.
Let me know what you guys think. The girls are about 7"-8" from the lights right now. My A/C cut off one day while I was at work and put the room to about 100*F(38*c). As soon as I felt the heat I thought the plants would be in pretty bad shape but they were loving it. My lights come on at 5am then my A/C shuts off at about 7. The heat rises pretty slowly but it goes from around 75-80 right at lights on to 100 at about 12:30 - 1pm and then I kick it back on at about 3. The lights go off at 5 but I'm about to go to 13 on 11 off. They're about 42" in diameter and 24" tall right now.

Sativas do like higher temps than Indicas, so that's probably why your plants weren't harmed by the temporary heat wave. But I think that 100 degrees is excessive for any pot plant. I wouldn't let it get that hot every day.
Thanks Dave. I lowered my stands and put in a net for them. They were getting way too tall, I was running out of room to raise my lights. I had to make my drain system more efficient too, can't afford any leaks! It cooled down a lot up here in Seattle so my room temps aren't going above 80f-85f. I'm gonna put my fan on a timer to try to bring the temps up a little bit, they look a little depressed. I'm adding bud xl to the line up today, removing the roots excelurator and I'll give them some top shooter starting late week 5.


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They're really starting to show now, I was able to get some good shots of the little trichs that are starting to form with my iPhone and a small x6 magnifying lens. I hope you guys enjoy the little bit of porn ;)


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It's only letting me upload 4 photos now.Weird


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Looking great Rubix. Is that similar to flowa's setup? It looks like it grows monster plants still if not, great job.
Sorry for being late. Subb'd!!! Nice looking Scrog/ Hempy. I've been seeing these setup's a lot lately. I may have to give it a try.
Thanks stone, Flowa's setup was definitely an inspiration and is probably a lot more convenient than this. I can't really take the top pot out of the bottom pot at this point without 2 other people helping me. I've kept them pretty clean and haven't had any issues so it'll work for now. I just couldn't find the pots he uses :\. I also used the regular perlite instead of the coarse which I think might have helped but I can't complain with this kind of growth. I realized the other day that they were only in veg 23 days from transplant when I flipped them. That would make it about 11 or 12 weeks from start to finish and I'm hoping to have 1.5 to 2 lbs. I've never been able to do anything like this before and I've only had other people's results online to get information but I'm really glad I did it. The guy I bought my starts from is amazed.

Thanks yk, I can only say good things about this setup, so I can't wait to see it if you do.
I appreciate the comments, I'll try to have some more porn up soon. ;)
They're starting to fill in a little bit more and stretch a little bit less :). I'm gonna flush and give them some fresh nutes tomorrow. They're getting a dose of top shooter this week.


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Just decided to drop in and see how you're doing... FANTASTIC, DUDE!!!

You got one nice room full of bud there! You're going to get a lot of pot from that.

Looks like you did it all on your own, too. Very nice work!!!