1st time groweR.. Plant looking ok? How much can this Yield? sorry.. Lol


Active Member
These questions get asked alot.. i know.. Im just trying to get any type of an Idea from ppl who have alrdy grown and Smked their own shit :D lol
So is it looking ok? &
How much can she potentiality yield in ur opinion? cool thanks
No Negativity here lol ;-)



Active Member
Looks pretty good..id guess 3 o's...
lol when u say 3 o's u mean Ozs right? lmao im just stupid and i would be utterly happy as fuck if i got anywhere near 3 ozs. Uve been nice and answered many of my questions on here Thanks again


Well-Known Member
3 ounces is being a little optimistic i believe. Would have to see a better picture of your setup, but you don't appear to have enough light to get 3 ounces. The plant is tall, but node spacing is stretched it looks like. Buds won't get big and dense. But I'm just going off of what I see in the one picture.


Well-Known Member
going 12/12 from seed I won't accept less than 30 grams usually closer to 2 oz.....I expect 3-4 ozs from a 3-4 week veg......using cfls .....but I do grow heavy sativas.......If your a decent grower with decent lighting I would aim for 3ozs


Active Member
I mean this is my 1st Legit grow I'll be happy to get to flower at have something of my own to Smk :P I have 6 CFLS ranging from like 30-40 watts each so if that helps with a yield I could possible get. If anything what's the least do u think I can yield of her?
Seeing as it's your first grow, with a total of 180w of cfls, which is nowhere near enough light for sufficient flowering of a plant of that vegetative size (wait till you flip and the plant doubles in size - the cfls will lack quite a bit of light penetration), I would estimate around 1/2 oz to a full oz if you're lucky. 3-4 oz is a gross overestimate unless you plan on using way more lights for flowering.


Well-Known Member
If anything what's the least do u think I can yield of her?

So long as that isn't the male lol....I don't think its possible for a plant that size to yield less than an oz....get some more light if you need it, 750 watts of cfl pulls a lb out my double stacked rubber maid, I stuff 8 untopped ladies in there..with a week or 2 of veg....I do basically a perpetual flowee