What is each sex demonstrably better at than the other?


Well-Known Member
Men are better at being right.
Women are better at accepting loss.

Budwieser and old fruit.


Well-Known Member
Men are better at farming and carpentry, while women are better at nothing...
SOURCE: The Bible


Well-Known Member
Men are better at having a lower life expectancy.

Woman are better at having a vagina.

Source: Kinetic (September 14 2013).


Well-Known Member
one time when i was 17 i took a shit on the floor of a wendy's right next to the toilet.
I think I was like 12... a nice pile on the seat. You can really get a nice ice cream mountain sort of effect if done properly. Now in my 30s (in a few days anyway), I can make dinosaurs.. all kinds of shit..


Well-Known Member
Women are better at multiprocessing, analytic thought process, rapid decision making, management, resource allocation, premeditated murder, infidelity, time/money allotment. internal pain, and deep wound pains.

Men are better at focused processes, higher math (if there appears to be a conflict with #2 about, it's not the words that are deficient or incorrect, it's your logic center...) Physical labor, external pain, logic processes, and anger management.

Source: You'll find your answers on google, and in the archives of Harvard, Stanford, and UCB.


Well-Known Member
LoL, the study was skewed. Women have less anger issues, generally. Men have muscles, and we're raised to look at every problem as a nail, and we're the hammer.

EDIT: 1 star, seriously, 2013, you're a mod, and you are still baiting women and men with sexist and inflammatory threads.