**BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.


Well-Known Member
Pissing in my pocket and telling me it's raining!

haha, we have a similar one as well, "pissed on ma chips! told me it was vinegar!"


Well-Known Member
Fuk them haters Hydra,,,,,, Let those plants rip brother give'em what u think they need. 1/2 these fukers don't even grow.


Well-Known Member
Hÿdra;9676636 said:
"piss in your Cheerios" is another good one! as in "who pissed in your cheerios?"
I am really high and when I first read that I thought it said cheetoes. I was like WTf who pisses it cheetoes which lead to the picture of Chester the cheetoes character pissing into a bag of cheetoes. Made me volcano my bong from laughing so hard lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey hydra pal, lookin big fat healthy quality homegrown sweet dude. you almost done? maybe we can do a patient to patient sample swap. I have tried a large variety of Breeder boutique strains but not this one. BB is quality. you ever try Jack Herer before? hope schools going well for you. ive got 5 more months here,i can not wait to bail.. when are you leaving? ive got some new exciting ideas for relocation. REDDING CA! got Shasta and Lassen mountains.. the Mediterranean weather with a bit of extra rain, unlike the rest of the central valley. close to the Golden Triangle. Im going to by a duplex and you can have the other half. That way we can both grow outside, unmolested and even drill a hole in the wall and pass joints back and forth. and take lots of lsd. take it eazy pal.


Active Member
I might end up staying until i finish school, cant seem to find pastures that are green enough to justify NOT getting my degree at U of A. But for Cali duplex action.....Ya id have to take you up on that one!!!! I have wanted to live in Redding for quite awhile now. Its the perfect cali spot. Mountains, weather, price..... Perfect!

They have about 2 more weeks on the vine, then a few more in jars, then they will be ready for trading! I have never had JH so a trade sounds quite perfect as well!
Pictures will be up tonight after my alg exam. F of X can kiss my grits!



Active Member
SO i figured out what my problems has been........ I calibrated my PH pen wrong. SO what i thought was 7.0 was REALLY 4.0. Im not sure how that happened, but im glad i figured it out, Albeit VERY late in the run><. I was wondering what the dry cracking leaves, and shitty yellowish coloring was about. It was about a super acidic environment!

It is a testament to Hemlocks genetics that the buds themselves look amazing, they smell like sour cannabis candies. and the buds a re nonstop. You can hardly see the stem on the upper halves of each stalk because every inch is full of buds.


Ill save the rest of the pic until i get the yellow out. I LOVE bb stuff so far, if its still this stinky and trich laden after my abuse, then its some good stuff. Cant wait to try the next flavor with a proper ph level:( (so dopey haha)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
, looks fantastic Hydra!!!! what a super sativa you got there..WOW! now that's the kinda herb sure to improve your studies. :lol:;-) ph ing sucks!! it is such a fuckin nightmare. I have had so many pens and calibration issues it was really making me hate gardening. So I stopped abusing myself and went with nutes that ph balance themselves and have had no ph problems anymore. our water is such shit , im sorry you had those problems !thanks for the compliments about my plant! I just bought a new camera to get those trichome shots.. its a Pentax WG-10 ADvenTure proof,shockproof,waterproof 33ft,cold proof , crush proof.i got it at TArget for $160. it has a special feature called Digital Microscope allowing to capture photos within 3 cm . when in digital microscope mode 5 small led lights turn on around the lens and with the special lens attatchment you can then sit the camera face down ontop of a little leaf so that its flat on the table and take a picture with no shake.


Active Member
DAT i LOVE that avatar hahaha, its hypnotizing!

Here is a good bud shot i got, even my punishment cant beat this great strain down. leaves still look meh, but the buds are kicking out tons of frost

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Woah! Those nugs look lush hydra, what a great deal of people look for in a keeper. Think FUBAR may get a queue jump pass into my schedule.


Active Member
Y i wish i had taken a clone or two fomr the best one, but i have a few seeds still tucked away form a rainy day :P

FUBAR is a beast of a plant DOn, id suggest trying it out asap

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah man my schedule is years hem buddy. throw in the fact my memory is non existent for the most part. what was i sayin? i'm on it hem i got a load of stuff you've done needs a run out. thing is i need to do my own projects too. i got like 2 strains on the board with BB and i'm not happy with that.


Well-Known Member
hahah man my schedule is years hem buddy. throw in the fact my memory is non existent for the most part. what was i sayin? i'm on it hem i got a load of stuff you've done needs a run out. thing is i need to do my own projects too. i got like 2 strains on the board with BB and i'm not happy with that.
Just giving you shit my Brother, I understand.