I didn't. lol...... I just liked all the posts.

You'd better NOT like my posts!!! Don't you dare click that "like" botton over there ------>
Haha! You know, I've been seeing a lot of plain right out BULLSHIT about that little like button over there in the corner! Lol.. Been wanting to mention if for awhile now.
What's with with holding likes from people

?: Is it to try and piss them off

?: Is it to try and hurt there feelings

?: Just what is behind the little like button

?: Some that simple has powers over us all!! Haha...
NOT!! I've noticed some folks go right below my post "on purpose" liking someone elses post, tottaly ignoring mine! I guess trying to hurt my feelings, or let me know in that little way they just don't "LIKE" me... lmao....

?: You know what, I could care less if anyone likes my posts. I know I'm me, and I'm real, and I'm not a hater.
I try to get along with everyone. And if you feel you just don't like me, more power to you.
On a suttle note, to all my good friends that do "like" my posts. Thank you..