Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II


New Member
thus, we can say that unclebuck has shat on the floor of a wendy's and it is also a 100% accurate statement, and in no way implies that i am currently shitting on the floors of wendy's fast food establishments.
Only a retard would be at Wendy's in the first place, let alone eat their shitty food... Limited means has served you so well... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Only a retard would be at Wendy's in the first place, let alone eat their shitty food... Limited means has served you so well... :dunce:
did you not bother to read the story, or did you read it and decide you were going to purposely misunderstand it?


Well-Known Member
obama has lowered the taxes of 95% of americans.
Let's try another example that we both should be able to agree upon. "Unclebuck has worked here for 20 years." This is only proper if he actually works there now. If Unclebuck is now working somewhere else, it makes no sense to say "He has worked here for 20 years." The implication is that he still works HERE--presently--not that he presently works somewhere else. If you mean to say that, you should say "Unclebuck worked here for 20 years."

Unless you think that's a perfectly proper way to say it.


Well-Known Member
Let's try another example that we both should be able to agree upon. "Unclebuck has worked here for 20 years." This is only proper if he actually works there now. If Unclebuck is now working somewhere else, it makes no sense to say "He has worked here for 20 years." The implication is that he still works HERE--presently--not that he presently works somewhere else. If you mean to say that, you should say "Unclebuck worked here for 20 years."

Unless you think that's a perfectly proper way to say it.
unclebuck has worked for netflix.

unclebuck no longer works for netflix.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
did you not bother to read the story, or did you read it and decide you were going to purposely misunderstand it?

I thought you shit on your tv? Now you're telling me you shit at Wendy's on the floor? Something smells about this story.


Well-Known Member
you are picking a really stupid fight because you are stupid and stupid people are too stupid to realize that they're being stupid.
Exactly!!! hahahahahah :hump:

Talk about Calling the Kettle Black <---- FYI this has nothing to do with racism. It's a saying. Really. Look it up.


New Member
i put that in there to clarify for retards like you who don't understand how the english language works.

obama lowered the taxes of 95% of americans during his first term.

thus, we can say that obama has lowered the taxes of 95% of americans and it is a 100% accurate statement.

one time, when i was 17, i went into the wendy's that my buddy was working at and took a giant shit right next to the toilet knowing he would have to clean it up.

thus, we can say that unclebuck has shat on the floor of a wendy's and it is also a 100% accurate statement, and in no way implies that i am currently shitting on the floors of wendy's fast food establishments.

you are picking a really stupid fight because you are stupid and stupid people are too stupid to realize that they're being stupid.
Talk about stupidity and percentages, President Bush lowered taxes for 100% of Americans, therefore president Bush lowered taxes on more Americans than president obama. That statement is 100% accurate.

You and taxes = oil and water.
Once you gain experience paying them, it'll make more sense.


Well-Known Member
Talk about stupidity and percentages, President Bush lowered taxes for 100% of Americans, therefore president Bush lowered taxes on more Americans than president obama. That statement is 100% accurate.
no one is disputing that fact, nor would they dispute your love boner for W.

You and taxes = oil and water.
Once you gain experience paying them, it'll make more sense.

and lest i forget, LOL.


Well-Known Member
unclebuck has worked for netflix.

unclebuck no longer works for netflix.
The implication of your sentence is that he no longer does, by your own admission. "Obama has lowered taxes for 95% of Americans" doesn't carry the same one, and that's why every time it escapes your mouth people say "What tax cut are you talking about?", which prompts you to cite ARRA and the tax years in the past.


Well-Known Member
The implication of your sentence is that he no longer does, by your own admission. "Obama has lowered taxes for 95% of Americans" doesn't carry the same one, and that's why every time it escapes your mouth people say "What tax cut are you talking about?", which prompts you to cite ARRA and the tax years in the past.
obama has lowered taxes for 95% of americans.


Well-Known Member
obama has lowered taxes for 95% of americans.
Is this your final answer? He lowered "payroll" taxes for 95% of working people would be truthful.

As far as the statement that just plain "taxes" were lowered is unequivocally false, but you know this. Taxes across the board have risen, not lowered. Honesty and integrity are not your strong suits are they, you must either work for Fox or are a democrat.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Is this your final answer? He lowered "payroll" taxes for 95% of working people would be truthful.

As far as the statement that just plain "taxes" were lowered is unequivocally false, but you know this. Taxes across the board have risen, not lowered. Honesty and integrity are not your strong suits are they, you must either work for Fox or are a democrat.
I was thinking the same thing. 95% of the working tax paying people is what should of been mentioned..It should of been" Obama just raised tax's on 100% of the people" including the poor..


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. 95% of the working tax paying people is what should of been mentioned..It should of been" Obama just raised tax's on 100% of the people" including the poor..
actually, the poor now qualify for medicaid thanks to the medicaid expansion in the PPACA.

that's the opposite of raising taxes on the poor, but don't let simple facts get in the way of your eternally angry narrative, which if i had to guess is based in the same bigotry that leads you to bemoan how many hispanics are at your kids' school or advocate for suspending the first amendment rights of american muslims.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
actually, the poor now qualify for medicaid thanks to the medicaid expansion in the PPACA.

that's the opposite of raising taxes on the poor, but don't let simple facts get in the way of your eternally angry narrative, which if i had to guess is based in the same bigotry that leads you to bemoan how many hispanics are at your kids' school or advocate for suspending the first amendment rights of american muslims.

Lets not forget what separates the poor from the SUCKERS that have to PAY UP, and that is one dollar...Thats right one dollar,....$9,501.00 .

Buck..why do you say I think anybody's first amendment rights should be suspended?..You must be thinking about someone else...


Well-Known Member

Lets not forget what separates the poor from the SUCKERS that have to PAY UP, and that is one dollar...Thats right one dollar,....$9,501.00 .
stop opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

stop showcasing the fact that you are uninformed about this law which makes you cry into your cornflakes daily.

eligibility for medicaid ends at $15,846.00, you dolt.

Buck..why do you say I think anybody's first amendment rights should be suspended?
because you said as much.


Well-Known Member
I can't quite figure you out, Buck.

What are your goals here. As in what do you want for the American people?

Is it that you think rich people trampled all over the poor and were handed success?

Do you think you are entitled to what someone else has worked for?

If you can afford a boat I think you should buy me a boat? <---- Is this a correct example of your logic?

Not trying to fight I just don't understand the need to defend a president that has worked extremely hard to abolish the middle class by punishing everyone who works and pays taxes. The ones who do not pay taxes (i.e. poor or people that rely on the government for assistance and we can't forget about those CEO's for Major corporations who can hide behind corporate write off's and what not. These are the ones who can afford to pay an accountant that saves more money then they charge).

The people getting screwed right now are us! Hard working middle class Americans. Who is watching out for us? Who is fighting for our rights? I would not say Democrats give two shits about me or my problems. I may even go a step further as to say Democrats don't give two shits about the poor either. But wait, why would that be? .... Aren't they the ones they so desperately want to take care of? Wrong! They are just a vote... Bum Bum Bum.

Things I have learned about politics this last 10 years. They don't care about you and they don't care about me. They care about who owes them what and who will be getting the majority vote. That is all.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
stop opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

stop showcasing the fact that you are uninformed about this law which makes you cry into your cornflakes daily.

eligibility for medicaid ends at $15,846.00, you dolt.

because you said as much.
You will have to post a link if I said that..You are making shit up as you go.

Lets get on the same page..I am talking about poor people that are not on welfare, and you talk about welfare people. In oregon if you make more than 9500.00 per year you pay...I read that on the oregon web site.