Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
It was so nice... Getting sexually harassed, and the boss lady getting baited by a mod, but if I were to call her a conniving cunt, I'd be wrong... Sooooooooooooooooo I won't.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Damn that FCJ kicked in HARD! Fucking burnt my throat damn near on that short pipe but then it kicked in so fast I didn't care.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
She's doing good. My milk dried up and now she is on formula. Bummer. Went 4 months. Wanted to go 6+ nursing.

But oh well, doctor says it happens and now I can get high and make out with hubby.


Well-Known Member
Guess nobody noticed I said I was high tonight. Been a loooooong time.
She's doing good. My milk dried up and now she is on formula. Bummer. Went 4 months. Wanted to go 6+ nursing.

But oh well, doctor says it happens and now I can get high and make out with hubby.
Mother's milk, baby's lifeline. Glad to her she's doing well, and so are you. Lucky on the weed, and I bet hubby is glad to have you "back."
Smoke one for me.

Edit: stupid mobile site.


Ursus marijanus
so I think I'm a hoarder. I've something like 400 lbs of sinkers, jigs and such that i've poured over the last few years. I used to fish ALOT. Not so much any more. (sadly)

Today I melted down some more wheel weights to get the steel out and clean my garage out a little. Probably close to another 150lbs of raw lead melted down into nice little cans. why ?? I dunno. I'll probably never use all the sinkers already poured.

someone please help ;)
I cast bullets, and i love you.


Ursus marijanus
So I recently traded in my car for a 1 year old Tahoe LTZ. The tires were kinda worn out, I told the dealership about it the second day I took delivery, they said they would help me out. They haven't, and I just recently paid nearly $1000 to get new ones put on.

What's your opinion? Should I make a big stink about it and take them to small claims court, or should I let this one go?
They'll tire you out. Tread lightly.


Well-Known Member
2 1/2 words: Neco P-wads!
Interesting. What does this help? I already match my bullets, and most rounds Ive made so far, when separated, are match.

But I ask about brass plating because I do not want lead running down my barrel, especially with my $1100 AAC-762 suppressor at the end.


Ursus marijanus
Interesting. What does this help? I already match my bullets, and most rounds Ive made so far, when separated, are match.

But I ask about brass plating because I do not want lead running down my barrel, especially with my $1100 AAC-762 suppressor at the end.
the P-wads make for good obturation (gas seal). It's my opinion that in a well-seasoned bore (consult NECO's fire lapping kits!!) the lion's share of leading comes not from bore friction but hot gases. A wheelgunner's boon, those soft round things.