What Soil Do I Need?


Hey just wanted to know whats the best soil to use for veg and flowering?

any tips would be greatful many thanks
Fox farm seems to be a popular brand around here. I think people use their one product called 'ocean forest'.

Basically I think you want soil without time release crap maybe mixed some perlite or a ph buffer or something.
con ^ is right, u dont want time release. any good potting soil with 25% perlite as a base is a fair starting point. read the stickies (we all had to) a pain but necessary for the best refer uve ever had. good luck and learn patience...lots of patience
Time-release=bad. FFOF is best if you can afford it. I use Pro-MixBX, which is about 25% perlite with the beneficial bacteria already added. Pro-Mix costs about a fourth as much as FFOF. If you are planning on doing less than 10 plants at a time then I would spring for the FFOF. Im doing 50 at a time, and don't want to be running to the store once a week for soil. btw, "soil" is not an ingredient in any of the aforementioned potting mixes, therefore making them "hyroponic" grow media...weird, huh?
hmm, don't grow in fucking sand, lol. i use a free draining 'tomato'potting mix, trace elements, potash, dolomite lime, blood and bone, a product called dynamic lifter, cow manure and a wetting agent all ph'd to 6.5, but I'm new to soil. They seem to like it though ;)
Don't grow in sand Jesus man..... Use a decent soil... I use cheap stuff from lowes... But I'm switching methods now so I use coco.. But anyways, I paid 6.50 a bag of soil and added perlite in the mix.
I use Dr earth potting mix and some perlite when I grow in soil, works good and is cheaper and easier to find then fox farm where I am
I use a mix of my own: fox farms ocean and happy frog, 50/50 mix, 1 pound of worm castings, 4 cups of dolomite lime pellets, and about 14 cups of perlite. It works very well for me. I've ran ocean and happy frog by them selfs and I've found out through time each one is lacking not enough perlite, they use oyster shells for calcium which doesn't last long at all for a grow. And there's not enough nitrogen in the soil for a good vegging with out you needing to supplement. With the mix I do I only feed 2 times in a 8 week vegging period with grow nutes and they grow very well. Just my 2 cents from many grows.

Forgot, I do a 50/50 mix, 3 gallons of ocean and 3 gallons of happy mix the rest in a large tote bin
I've been growing for years and I swear by MiracleGro Potting Mix. MG makes a number of different soils so make sure you get the Potting Mix. I get them on sale at WalMart for $8.50 a big bag and $5 for the smaller size. The only possible drawback to the MG PM is when you are putting brand new seedlings into dirt for the first time. Years ago I lost 2 sprouts because the MG PM had large chunks of wood in it. Both times I did an autopsy and found that each had a wood chunk that prevented the seedcap from being able to poke through the surface. Ever since I hand sift the MG PM to remove anything larger than a toothpick when planting new seedlings. Also, MG PM already has 10-15% perlite in it so you don't have to mix anything or add anything. I use 3-gallon pots and often re-grow and re-harvest plants. Means the plant spends 2 lifetimes in the same dirt. MG PM fits the bill 4 me. BigSteve.
If you purchase fox farms soil or other like it , watch out for nutrients because those soils are loaded with and then when you add your nutrients , you wind up with nutrient burn. usually with those type soil one just adds water no nutrients needed...vs a 50/50 mix top soil/manure (will be the cheapest)
Big nursery by me carries Fox Farm, they didnt always though. They're about $12 a bag. If you've never grown before and its available, buy the fox farms. You can use plain water in fox farms from start to finish without adding ANY other supplements. Start with that, get your feet wet, get a grow or 2 under your belt then start worrying about adding more to it.
Hey just wanted to know whats the best soil to use for veg and flowering?

any tips would be greatful many thanks

roots organics original potting soil is really good imo. use it with the entire roots organics nute line up and you will be golden.

i use rain water when i feed/water. never did ph, just aerate food for 24hrs before feeding to allow ph to rise to proper level.
If you purchase fox farms soil or other like it , watch out for nutrients because those soils are loaded with and then when you add your nutrients , you wind up with nutrient burn. usually with those type soil one just adds water no nutrients needed...vs a 50/50 mix top soil/manure (will be the cheapest)
You must have had a hot batch, I can say for myself , I've never had nute burn from just using there soil. And I've always had great results. The ocean is a tade bit hot for seedlings but that's why I mix it.