so, who was denied their right to vote and is still alive to bitch about it?
maybe some of the kids George Wallace (D) blocked from school while shouting "SEGREGATION FOREVER!"?
maybe some of the people who remember Al Gore Sr (D) trying to filibuster the civil rights act?
maybe some of the people lynched by the Klan, under the tutelage of Grand Dragon Robert Byrd (D)?
still about 50 years too late to the party.
if you'd like more recent examples of the differences between the two parties, let's have that discussion.
we can discuss how rick santorum (R) does not want to help "blah" people.
or we can discuss how rawn pawl (R) believes that AIDS is a politically protected disease thanks to the payola and the influence of the homosexual lobby.
or we can discuss how newt gingrich (R) is perplexed at obama's rhythm rhythm basketball part time lots of rest rhythm basketball (is it really even a dog whistle at that point?)
or we can discuss how no one ever had to ask mitt romney (R) to see HIS birth certificate! (get it? it's funny because he enjoys white privilege. get it? funny, right?)
or we can discuss how michelle bachmann (R) thinks that obama is "waving a tar baby in the air" (what in the fuck does that even mean?).
do i even need to go on? should i go on to illustrate the point to the most embarrassing possible extent?