leaves folding upward


Active Member
my first grow here, im using cfls. they are about 3in above my plants. the plants are about 10 days old. recently it seems as if they have quit growing and now the leaves are folding in half long ways and start to point upward. also the leaves are all a nice green , but the small round ones that first come out are starting to turn light green.they are in a general potting soil that i mixed with perlite. the soil has no added nutrients. could it be that i already need to start fertilizing ? any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I started fertilizing asap, so that COULD be the problem... I'm not too experienced though, as this is my first grow :)


Active Member
one more thing guys, at what point should i quit treating them like seedlings by keeping the soil moist and start regular watering?they are about 2in high, no stretching because ive kept the lights real close since day 1. but like i said it seems like they quit growing. also ive been checking this site out forever but have been paranoid of posting because i fear someone could monitor me . is that a real concern here? thanks again.


Well-Known Member
yellowing of lower leaves at that stage would indicate a nitrogen deficancy , at that stage i feed root stimulator which is high phos but also has nitrogen npk is 5-10-5 which i cut in half 2.5-5-2.5 and if your medium is draining properly will NOT burn your plant . goodluck


Well-Known Member
also ive been checking this site out forever but have been paranoid of posting because i fear someone could monitor me . is that a real concern here? thanks again.
well, as long as you don't post any pictures of yourself, post ur name, or address, or anything anyone would be able to track you with, you are safe and sound here... I wouldn't have been able to grow if it weren't for this site, better yet, if it weren't for some of the people on this site, thanks guys!!!:joint: :joint: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
be very careful giving nutes to 10 day old plants i dont usualy give any feed for about a month they just dont need it .there should be plenty of food in the soil for now .


Well-Known Member
Are the leaf tips curling up, do the leaves have yellow margins or tips with green veins?


Well-Known Member
Curling up is usually said to be "praying for mg" or magnesium, it's most likely a pH problem locking out nutrients, you don't need to start fertilizing yet and your soil should have enough nutrients for at least a month. If the pH is between 6.0 and 7.5 then it probably isn't the pH locking out the nutrients, it could be too much sodium in the water or a host of other things.

What type of soil are you using?
Could you post pictures?


Well-Known Member
When the leaves are curled upward it means it's getting to hot in thier u need some more ventilation,,, believe me i learnred the hard about this


Well-Known Member
You got some great pointers already so I'll answer your paranoid question. Yes you can be monitored. I can monitor you right now. Do you really think a NARC is going to work at finding you and your one plant? If the answer is yes, delete your account and destroy the plant. Otherwise enjoy this awesome community.



Active Member
ok guys, thanks for the tips. heres some pics to help the diagnosis. the first is plant A, second is plant B, and also im throwing in a pic of plant c. plant c is the same age as the others but as you can see isnt growing at all. i have a 4th plant that is slightly smaller then these but hasnt curled up yet. i have them in a box i built, there is a fan on them constantly and i have a 250 cfm fan exhausting it. i have 8 100 watt equivalent 6400k cfl's about 4 inches abve. they were about an inch away but about 3 days i moved them up because i thought that might be the cause, but all i have read is that they should be close as possible.the heat inside is consistently between 80 and 85. the one thing that is a bit low is the humidity which ranges from 25 to 30. i will be getting a small humidifier withing a couple days, but for now i have been spraying the inside of a clear plastic dome with water and putting it over each plant to create some humidity. the soil is just a general potting soil that has zero added nutrients and some added perlite. i use tap water that sits out for a few days, from my ph meter its pretty close to neutral. the soil is slightly acidic because i added some agriculture sulphur to it. i have been keeping the soil moist since day one. thanks guys.



Active Member
hey guys, ive tried several times over the last 24 hrs to post a reply with pics of my plants but it says something about having to be approved. is this right? how long till my post shows up? thanks.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
no offense to anyones resposes either but i know for sure id trust what eastlosg1 says, hes been giving me lots of help so id go with what he says


Active Member
temp is 80-85 and humidity is about 25-30 but i cover them with plastic dome to raise it until i get a humidifier. i keep them moist because from what i read seedlings need to be kept moist. at what point are they not seedlings?? what point can i water normally? also ive tried posting pics several times but when i click submit reply a message says that once it is approved by a moderator it will be posted. well i tried 2 days ago but nothing. is this correct?


Active Member
Hey dude, I read your prob and it sounds to me that you need to let the soil dry out completly before watering again. then soak them, let that watering dryout....ect, At least thats what I do and it works great for me.as far as your plants being seedlings at 10 days old they sould be fine with no dome.
would like to see pics..
good luck dje


Well-Known Member
as soon as signs of green start to appear you can take them out of the dome,they will start to need fresh air .


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree ya should not still need the plastic.
I only kept mine covered with plastic for about 6 days. That was probally more than they needed.
You will need co2 now, when then the lights are on.
There is info on co2 in growfaq's.
Like Jtime said wait until soil is dry (at least 2" from top) and water well then let dry out completely before watering again.
I would probally think about transplanting soon.