question about the smell of fresh bud..

Im complete NEWB... Well the whole time I have been growing my Auto BerryRyder the smell has been so nice!! but now I've been curing it 3days in jars the smell has got pretty strange... very strong. But sickly sort of smell doesnt smell very nice and it's but it's so strong but it gives a nice high I had a very small yield about 11grams of wet bud im very unpatient and smoking a joint out of the jar every now nd then cause I can't afford to buy it...

So the question is will the smell get nicer? Or will it just get even more stronger and worse??


Well-Known Member
I hope you did not jar it still wet, you want it a little moist but not wet and I hope you are burping the jar 1-2 times a day. Curing bud will smell odd or grassy as it cures then after a few weeks it will normally go away. Info on you grow please, 11 grams sucks I know my fist grow was 17 grams give or take per plant.


Well-Known Member
Was it dry when you put it in the jar? If not it may be fermentation you smell. Bud does take on a different smell when curing though. Again if it was at all damp take it out and dry it some more or you'll have mold and rot!
I hung the bud up on string for a day :/ I think I put it into the jar to quick shall I hang it up again? Or just leave it in the jar? And how do I know if it's rotting or getting mouldy

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
common theme being it too wet?

if your buds are too wet you may in the early stage of mold, so air them out really good.......get a glass casserole dish and dump the jar contents into it...let sit for a few hours.

I typically do this at least once a day for the first week or until I feel they are dry...then "burb" every day and smell for another few weeks.

The sweet smell takes time to develop, but it should never smell bad or moldy


Well-Known Member
I hung the bud up on string for a day :/ I think I put it into the jar to quick shall I hang it up again? Or just leave it in the jar? And how do I know if it's rotting or getting mouldy
Get the bud back out of the jars. Hang them back up or rack them until you can hear the stems snap. (at 40% Rh 70 degrees about 3-4 days) Then back in the jars. Done correctly, the good smell will return in a few days. More info here:

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The link Prosperian gave you is what you need to know -- that post assumes you've dried for a few days, so if you didn't you're also going to have to listen to Indoor Sun King and dry out a bit more.

When you first cut the pot plant, the pot smell goes away. That's normal. It returns with a proper dry and cure. Most people dry too fast. It sounds like you didn't dry with intention. It's great that your bud might be still moist and slowly drying but not great if you accidentally jarred it wet and it's the victim of mold.

A good dry and cure rides a fine line between drying too fast and opening up a window for mold.

Good luck!
Damn I hope it don't get mouldy I've got my bud on a plate in my room with the window open cause I've trimmed it up so I can't hang it :/


Well-Known Member
Pull your oven rack out on a table and drop the bud on it so the moisture can escape from underneath. You will be fine.


I had my first run in with mold after harvest on one of my last 3 I harvested. I trimmed up and jarred half of one of the plants 3 days after I cut it. I could tell something was wrong when it seemed to get darker green each day and felt too wet. Well 4 days into jarring I saw some webbing and white spots. Took that shit out, left it on my table for 24 hours to air dry, cut all the mold off and threw it away, and rejarred the rest for another week. No new mold appeared and it turned out great. You live and learn, and I was fortunate to only lose about 10 grams instesd of my entire crop, had I not gotten called into work that day I would have had alot more jarred