music and drugs


Well-Known Member
have not taken it yet...its getting kinda late too. I am combining two batches ...just in case ...this could be a strong one.... you know what? my last mescaline trip I did not even get sick at all....weird. well i felt sick to my stomach at first because of the taste but after that I was pretty good.... LSD gave me gas like I had to shit but I was tripping too hard to shit...that was weird but only lasted a little bit


Well-Known Member
LOL gas and trippin....... You know.. native indians in Mexico use to trip out on cactus and then walk in a line ...a procession in these massive 1 mile by 2 mile patterns of say a eagle or a crazy looking man.... and to think those poor bastards did not have showers, they did not have fuckin' baby wipes, they sure as hell did not have a baday. .... they must of had some kind of chafing cream, right? Some secret chafing cream....or just torched A-holes and a miserable short life...


Well-Known Member
LOL gas and trippin....... You know.. native indians in Mexico use to trip out on cactus and then walk in a line ...a procession in these massive 1 mile by 2 mile patterns of say a eagle or a crazy looking man.... and to think those poor bastards did not have showers, they did not have fuckin' baby wipes, they sure as hell did not have a baday. .... they must of had some kind of chafing cream, right? Some secret chafing cream....or just torched A-holes and a miserable short life...
That's how I think all those nazca lines got made.... generations and generations of people tripping their brains out!

I'm sure they had something for raw butt hole syndrome. Them shamans are creative fellas


Well-Known Member
right?! LIke those mexicans you hear about that can pound a cup of pure habanero extract...a hardened digestive system.

So , I don't have a ice cream maker, and instead of buying some cheap ass one that works half ass then breaks... I have decided to try and blend a little of the slime into some ice cream... add a bunch of peanut butter and some chocolate syrup. I will start out with a little bit to see what the taste is like.....I have my tek down to about half a cup of black cactus slime with a little cactus chunks in it


Well-Known Member
I posted a song from this group or whatever it is a little while ago, and looked up more of their shit...... found this mix and decided it would be good for a night with mdma and nitrous. So far it's as good as expected :joint::bigjoint: Whatchu know about that double doobie smiley?


Well-Known Member
I know youtube still on that shit..goddamnit..guess I gotta get a new phone..HEY YOUTUBE! ILL TRADE YA A BOX OF ARM AND. HAMMER AND A. CHORE BOY FOR A NEW PHONE!


Well-Known Member
This was my introduction to was allgood..check out the millions of glowsticks thrown at the bass drop..this was after phil and the boys..I was on the hill..had eat like 10 hits of L..bought molly offa naked chick..remeber this was after the dead..I looked around and seen all these hippy chicks dancing with each other and was like 'yep,this is a good show..bassnectar is the shit.'


Well-Known Member
Hey if your tank starts frosting,pick it up and roll in at an angle,and pick it up an inch and drop it..don't slam it..get the ice broke up...I don't know how fast you can eat gas but this is a tip..


Well-Known Member
lost myself in that song "pretty lights at all good 2011" on the come up its hitting me hard sucking me in must have been a great show I dont know if I can handle those kinda shows on entheogens I have always been a rainbow gathering kind of guy out in the woods and drums wonder what the big shows are like maybe its time to start going