White widow first journal


Well-Known Member
so it's official I have two males and once female. I'm going to try and find a spot outside for the males. The cutting I took isnt dying it looks pretty healthy so hopefully it will root.


Well-Known Member
my clone looks healthy but no sign of roots. if its goin to root how many days does it usualy take using the water method.


Well-Known Member
yea well here is my 1 plant. too bad on those males but whatever shes doing great . Its been almost three weeks of flowering. And there are tons of bud sites growing from everywhere . Most of them are just as tall as the top cola i, hope this means ill have very few popcorn buds. My lone clone is doin good but has still not shown roots. How long does it usualy take for a cutting to show root?


Well-Known Member
sso i improved my cloning cup by wrapping it in duct tape. Within 2 days after i did so it started showing roots. I guess roots really dont liek the light. It ntook 17 days or so to show, a little long but it was my first time and now i know i can clone successfully this way. who needs rooting hormones anyway ha... Im definatley goingn to get a serious cloning set up for my next grow whats the best stuff?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
at 43 days lookin pretty frosty

what ya think:peace:
Very impressive. Im on day 12 of flowering i think. Hairs just starting to show and i hope they can be as nice as yours in 30 days or so. Will be defo following from now on to see how you do. keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up on the nute burn i thoguht thats prolly what it was it hasnt gottin to bad so i didnt decrease feeding that much im gana start flushing soon. And the question about the smell, its gottin a litle worse but honestly irts not as bad as i thoght it was goig to be the air purifier is working pretty damn good for some little table top system.


Well-Known Member
almost 8 weeks flower... starting to fatten up a bit not sure when shes going to be done. I'm experiencing some problems, not sure why leaves are turning brown, temps were alittle high for a few days and it is very humid. I started thinking it was mg or potassium deficiancey but not sure about that either flushed her incase it was nute burn and put some epsom salt and some molass. Lookin better now, the pic was taking before i flushed



Active Member
hey whats up KB GREAT thread your right about the mg def and on the flush with epsom what size light you using and do you have a microscope that you can look at the trics with cause thats how you will tell when she is at her peek ripeness


Active Member
oh yea and one other thing most sativas can be reall finiky when it comes to nutes so i was told by others to use about half of the recomended dose untill you get useto growing that particular strain. oh and with the clone u took it a lil late and thats prob one other reason why it took so long to root


Well-Known Member
thanks alot for the response hopefully i have it under control now. Im using a 400 w hps and ye i have a radioshack microscope to check out trics its a little tricky to get used to but im getting the hang of it.


Active Member
nice i read in the canabible that peak maturity is when the trichs turn a milky white color and if you let them start to amber then the thc is starting to degrade or at least thats what the man george cervantes says. oh yea you should check out the dinolite.com or weedoscope.comboth of these scope are great for what we do and you will be able to see alot clearer hope this helps