Some safety tips for LSD and other Psychotropics- for beginners


Active Member
I have already posted this exact message in another thread but i realized after that noone had posted on it since '07 so i want to make a thread so people will see this. and i looked around briefly for any other recent threads on this subject specifically but could not find any so if it already exists, my apologies.

these are some things that i have been wanting to get across to a lot of new users. and thus this message in its entirety is directed at individuals who have little to no experience or education in psychoactive chemicals. Ill start with a story.

I have a sister-in-law that has had a recent episode having to do with phychotropics.
obviously i wont use names but she has had many past experiences of sexual abuse and stalkers etc. etc.
she is 18 and in the last year started experimenting. she had taken mushrooms before and always smokes ganj.
last year my wife flew out to visit her and took about 5-6 tabs of GDF white on white from a more than trusted source with her. and i have had more than my fair share of experience on LSD and my body handles it very very well. and i can tell you these tabs were as clean as they come.
well my wife gave some to her sis and half way through she started gettin into in with the bad vibes.
another time she took some synthetic mescaline that me and some good buddies were messin with, excellent stuff if you enjoy 4d kaleidoscopes popping out of the ground. well i wasnt with her the whole night but apparently she got into it again this time. ever since these incidents she began displaying almost mirror-image severe schizophrenic symptoms. she became a little ocd but about irrational things, she would make repetitive noises and shake uncontrollably. she would speak in tongues and sometimes in about 5 different languages at once. (she is saudi and multi-lingual)
she went through some therapy and went on anti-psychotics and she is leveling out now after about 6 months. she also used to not eat almost ever, wouldnt go to the bathroom for a week or more on end, and would wander around outside for people to call the police on her and get her hospitalized which traumatized the hell out of her. these are just some of the symptoms that she displayed. the hospital widely generalized the diagnoses as "a psychotic episode" but i am more than sure that this was a clear case of drug induced schizophrenia. but i also know based on some research i have done in the past that it has a lot to do with excessive childhood trauma that she was more or less re-living on a day to day during her psychosis, as well as the drugs and I have also read that if someone has a abnormal gene which has a predisposition (not to be confused with predetermination) for schizophrenia, the use of psychoactive substances (especially LSD) can actually trigger that gene on and off.
I am all for having fun and I consider myself a proud psychonaut, but there are some people that simply cannot take these substances in a safe way. and in that way i strongly believe in properly educating new users on the constitution of psychoactive substances. i dont think there are bad drugs i think there are a lot of bad users. drugs are like chemical machines in your body. if certain requirements are not met and boundaries are crossed, that machine will not function properly. biological organisms more or less work in the same way in a general sense. please be careful people. my love for the culture stems from peace love and community, not reckless ignorant abuse and misinformation.
some tips,
NEVER mix psychoactive chems with scripts!! I have another story about that if you really want to hear it. if you are on medications and are choosing to take something anyway which you should not do, TELL EVERYONE YOU ARE WITH SO THAT THEY ARE AWARE IN THE EVENT OF A GOOD SITUATION GONE BAD! IT HELPS A LOT WHEN PEOPLE LIKE ME HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU AND MAKE SURE YOU DONT HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH IS A VERY TOUGH CALL TO MAKE!

If you have a family or genetic history of mental illness, stay away from the fun stuff because it may not be so fun for you.

If you have had a rough childhood, use at your own discretion.... you for sure wont die but know that theres a chance you may not like the adventure....

Good environment, good vibes. I personally enjoy the spiritual experience of the solo trip, but i dont recommend this if you dont have a lot of experience or have had a bad experience before.

SAFE environment!! these two brothers that went to my high school, lived next door to the school, they were on mushrooms and started messing around with daddies hand gun= brother shoots brother in the face. they heard the shot from inside the school. I dont think i need to elaborate on this one much further.

If you are currently going through clinical depression (i mean you have been to the doctor and been diagnosed with depression, not your sad because you had a bad day) be cautious. i have been through it before and it has never effected my experiences but everyone is different. for example, a friend of a friend of mine. on his way home from a show. throughout the night he was dosing high on L and Molly. pulls over on the side of the highway, gets out and walks into a truck. not saying that is a direct result of being depressed and on drugs... but im sure most would agree thats probably not far off from the truth.

KNOW YOUR SOURCE!!! i cannot stress this enough. If you are not with someone who really knows their stuff to look at it and tell you whats up, or dont know where its coming from... DONT PUT IT IN YOUR BODY!! I have a decent knowledge of Research chems and have taken a beefy handful of them myself and im telling you they are bad news! and you most likely wont know the difference. make sure you are getting real product. if your dealing with mdma get a tester kit online.

If you get some acid, you put it on your tongue and taste something? spit if out immediately because its not acid. i dont care what enyone tells you. real clean LSD-25 is completely tasteless. this is a good indicator of what your are taking.

last, just be smart. If you have to ask yourself if what your about to do is a good idea, then it is not a good idea. *the same can be said for determining if someone needs to go to the hospital. if you have to ask, go. and dont concern yourself with getting in trouble because you and your friends were on drugs. a persons life is more important than making sure you dont get grounded or arrested!

please, this message is directed at new users or people looking to experiment. please heed my words with a grain of salt. I am a huge advocate of the spiritual powers of LSD; but there is a safe way and a not safe way to do everything in life. inform yourselves. if anyone has any other questions, please ask me. i have been in many many situations noone wants to find themselves in and i have seen a lot of things around the acid culture, ive seen it all over the us. east coast, west coast, mid-west..... if you have a question about LSD in particular i can tell you almost anything except how to make it because im not a chemist. but experience wise i can safely say i have seen or heard almost everything.


Active Member
one tip i also forgot to add. now me personally like i said; i love trippin by myself and can handle it with ease and relaxation and i get positive things out of it. but im fairly seasoned, not that i grew up in the 60s or anything, i am young. but ive had a very colorful past with LSD. no pun intended.
If you are using for the first time... please, talk a friend into being the sober person. i call this trip-sitting. have a group of people all dosing and enjoying it, and at least one person to just chill with you and be completely sober and clear headed in case anything where to go wrong. this is the safes way to take any drug especially if you dont know how your body may react.


Active Member
also, I have seen a lot of people ask questions like do you really get flashbacks with heavy use. and yes but not like you think. at least for me anyway. for me, i get them, not so much anymore, used to frequently. but its not like i crack my neck and all the sudden im trippin for an hour. it has never happened to me when i crack my neck. usually it only last about a second or two and usually like ill look at a cool pattern or texture and it may shift and contort out of the corner of my eye for like a second. but thats as long as it lasts. really not as significant as people think but i love when it happens because i always get a little giggle when it does. :)


Well-Known Member
So much misinformation that the important message gets lost. I'll write something up later when I'm less busy.


Well-Known Member
I have already posted this exact message in another thread but i realized after that noone had posted on it since '07 so i want to make a thread so people will see this. and i looked around briefly for any other recent threads on this subject specifically but could not find any so if it already exists, my apologies.

these are some things that i have been wanting to get across to a lot of new users. and thus this message in its entirety is directed at individuals who have little to no experience or education in psychoactive chemicals. Ill start with a story.

I have a sister-in-law that has had a recent episode having to do with phychotropics.
obviously i wont use names but she has had many past experiences of sexual abuse and stalkers etc. etc.
she is 18 and in the last year started experimenting. she had taken mushrooms before and always smokes ganj.
last year my wife flew out to visit her and took about 5-6 tabs of GDF white on white from a more than trusted source with her. and i have had more than my fair share of experience on LSD and my body handles it very very well. and i can tell you these tabs were as clean as they come.
well my wife gave some to her sis and half way through she started gettin into in with the bad vibes.
another time she took some synthetic mescaline that me and some good buddies were messin with, excellent stuff if you enjoy 4d kaleidoscopes popping out of the ground. well i wasnt with her the whole night but apparently she got into it again this time. ever since these incidents she began displaying almost mirror-image severe schizophrenic symptoms. she became a little ocd but about irrational things, she would make repetitive noises and shake uncontrollably. she would speak in tongues and sometimes in about 5 different languages at once. (she is saudi and multi-lingual)
she went through some therapy and went on anti-psychotics and she is leveling out now after about 6 months. she also used to not eat almost ever, wouldnt go to the bathroom for a week or more on end, and would wander around outside for people to call the police on her and get her hospitalized which traumatized the hell out of her. these are just some of the symptoms that she displayed. the hospital widely generalized the diagnoses as "a psychotic episode" but i am more than sure that this was a clear case of drug induced schizophrenia. but i also know based on some research i have done in the past that it has a lot to do with excessive childhood trauma that she was more or less re-living on a day to day during her psychosis, as well as the drugs and I have also read that if someone has a abnormal gene which has a predisposition (not to be confused with predetermination) for schizophrenia, the use of psychoactive substances (especially LSD) can actually trigger that gene on and off.
I am all for having fun and I consider myself a proud psychonaut, but there are some people that simply cannot take these substances in a safe way. and in that way i strongly believe in properly educating new users on the constitution of psychoactive substances. i dont think there are bad drugs i think there are a lot of bad users. drugs are like chemical machines in your body. if certain requirements are not met and boundaries are crossed, that machine will not function properly. biological organisms more or less work in the same way in a general sense. please be careful people. my love for the culture stems from peace love and community, not reckless ignorant abuse and misinformation.
some tips,
NEVER mix psychoactive chems with scripts!! I have another story about that if you really want to hear it. if you are on medications and are choosing to take something anyway which you should not do, TELL EVERYONE YOU ARE WITH SO THAT THEY ARE AWARE IN THE EVENT OF A GOOD SITUATION GONE BAD! IT HELPS A LOT WHEN PEOPLE LIKE ME HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU AND MAKE SURE YOU DONT HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH IS A VERY TOUGH CALL TO MAKE!

If you have a family or genetic history of mental illness, stay away from the fun stuff because it may not be so fun for you.

If you have had a rough childhood, use at your own discretion.... you for sure wont die but know that theres a chance you may not like the adventure....

Good environment, good vibes. I personally enjoy the spiritual experience of the solo trip, but i dont recommend this if you dont have a lot of experience or have had a bad experience before.

SAFE environment!! these two brothers that went to my high school, lived next door to the school, they were on mushrooms and started messing around with daddies hand gun= brother shoots brother in the face. they heard the shot from inside the school. I dont think i need to elaborate on this one much further.

If you are currently going through clinical depression (i mean you have been to the doctor and been diagnosed with depression, not your sad because you had a bad day) be cautious. i have been through it before and it has never effected my experiences but everyone is different. for example, a friend of a friend of mine. on his way home from a show. throughout the night he was dosing high on L and Molly. pulls over on the side of the highway, gets out and walks into a truck. not saying that is a direct result of being depressed and on drugs... but im sure most would agree thats probably not far off from the truth.

KNOW YOUR SOURCE!!! i cannot stress this enough. If you are not with someone who really knows their stuff to look at it and tell you whats up, or dont know where its coming from... DONT PUT IT IN YOUR BODY!! I have a decent knowledge of Research chems and have taken a beefy handful of them myself and im telling you they are bad news! and you most likely wont know the difference. make sure you are getting real product. if your dealing with mdma get a tester kit online.

If you get some acid, you put it on your tongue and taste something? spit if out immediately because its not acid. i dont care what enyone tells you. real clean LSD-25 is completely tasteless. this is a good indicator of what your are taking.

last, just be smart. If you have to ask yourself if what your about to do is a good idea, then it is not a good idea. *the same can be said for determining if someone needs to go to the hospital. if you have to ask, go. and dont concern yourself with getting in trouble because you and your friends were on drugs. a persons life is more important than making sure you dont get grounded or arrested!

please, this message is directed at new users or people looking to experiment. please heed my words with a grain of salt. I am a huge advocate of the spiritual powers of LSD; but there is a safe way and a not safe way to do everything in life. inform yourselves. if anyone has any other questions, please ask me. i have been in many many situations noone wants to find themselves in and i have seen a lot of things around the acid culture, ive seen it all over the us. east coast, west coast, mid-west..... if you have a question about LSD in particular i can tell you almost anything except how to make it because im not a chemist. but experience wise i can safely say i have seen or heard almost everything.
Very good info! Too bad you weren't around 45 years ago but back then I never did see a bad hit of acid. Wish the white lightning was still around.


Well-Known Member
I don't like this thread. I give it 2 stars.... i was going to give it one but the mescaline is crawling up my spine right now


Well-Known Member
ReAL SaFety Tips for BegInnErs

If you had a rough childhood, do lots of psychodelics it helps.

Always combine a lysergide with a phenethylamine.

If your pupils are huge, check all pockets and leave drugs, guns etc. at home before going for a walk.

If you are in public and totally freaking out, sit down, pull out your cell phone and pretend to text or talk until the freakout passes. If you are fucking with your cell phone people will stop staring at you.

Don't go out clubbing etc until after 10pm so you can blend in with the drunks. If anyone asks about your pupils act drunk and mutter about optomotrist glaucoma check can't see now.

Before doing anything rash, ask yourself, would this action tend to attract cops?

Traffic lights and crosswalks are there for your safety, obey them.

Don't come up in a dark place unless you want to trip even harder.

Don't call an ambulance unless someone has turned blue and is no longer breathing. If they are just freaking out, restrain them or distract them with a laser. Whatever they/you are going through it will be ten times worse at the hospital.

Always put half as much up your ass as you would have normally eaten.

Adjust ph of anything before putting it in your ass.

Always check combinantions and LD50's of the substances you are using. This prevents the I took too much, it's going to kill me freakout. No, that 1200ug of Acid can't possibly kill you, just calm down.

Read through the trainwrecks and disasters at Erowid and learn from them. That's why they are there.


Active Member
ReAL SaFety Tips for BegInnErs

If you had a rough childhood, do lots of psychodelics it helps.

Always combine a lysergide with a phenethylamine.

If your pupils are huge, check all pockets and leave drugs, guns etc. at home before going for a walk.

If you are in public and totally freaking out, sit down, pull out your cell phone and pretend to text or talk until the freakout passes. If you are fucking with your cell phone people will stop staring at you.

Don't go out clubbing etc until after 10pm so you can blend in with the drunks. If anyone asks about your pupils act drunk and mutter about optomotrist glaucoma check can't see now.

Before doing anything rash, ask yourself, would this action tend to attract cops?

Traffic lights and crosswalks are there for your safety, obey them.

Don't come up in a dark place unless you want to trip even harder.

Don't call an ambulance unless someone has turned blue and is no longer breathing. If they are just freaking out, restrain them or distract them with a laser. Whatever they/you are going through it will be ten times worse at the hospital.

Always put half as much up your ass as you would have normally eaten.

Adjust ph of anything before putting it in your ass.

Always check combinantions and LD50's of the substances you are using. This prevents the I took too much, it's going to kill me freakout. No, that 1200ug of Acid can't possibly kill you, just calm down.

Read through the trainwrecks and disasters at Erowid and learn from them. That's why they are there.
a younger less experienced me would agree with you 100%.


Active Member
Very good info! Too bad you weren't around 45 years ago but back then I never did see a bad hit of acid. Wish the white lightning was still around.
ya but 45 years ago many of todays research chems did not exist. most people in this generation that think they have had acid, have never taken real acid. its hard to come by unless you are a lot kid or a huge festival goer. its too easy to lay a sheet of 2c-E or 2c-b(which actually would be kinda cool) and call it acid and an uneducated person would not know the difference. but the difference is 2c-E can kill you easily and acid cannot cause any bodily harm whatsoever. may have you trippin for a few days with high dosage but ive almost overdosed on 2c's before and that shit aint fun.


Active Member
a younger less experienced me would agree with you 100%.
now that i read this again, i actually do agree with most of it. for myself. i am cool with that kind of reckless shit but i am speaking for others. everyone handls shit differently.
and as far as the childhood thing..... do ayawhaska. THAT will help.


Well-Known Member
Kervork,I tried to rep...hahahahaaaaaa!!!
I say p.h. of!!!
Unless there is other drugs or a pre existing medical condition(I am not a doctor)..lsd and psilocybin have been proven to be safe physically as well as mentaly..this is info I've gathered and through my own experiences...take it for what you will


Active Member
" its too easy to lay a sheet of 2c-E or 2c-b(which actually would be kinda cool) and call it acid and an uneducated person would not know the difference."

no way, you did not just say this. come the fuck on now man. do you even know what you are talking about?? troll.


Active Member
" its too easy to lay a sheet of 2c-E or 2c-b(which actually would be kinda cool) and call it acid and an uneducated person would not know the difference."

no way, you did not just say this. come the fuck on now man. do you even know what you are talking about?? troll.
What are you talking about? You think you cant lay rcs on paper? Cus ive seen this done and taken it before many times. Other than that I do not know what this comment is refering to.


Active Member
Kervork,I tried to rep...hahahahaaaaaa!!!
I say p.h. of!!!
Unless there is other drugs or a pre existing medical condition(I am not a doctor)..lsd and psilocybin have been proven to be safe physically as well as mentaly..this is info I've gathered and through my own experiences...take it for what you will
And ya I totally agree. For an average, mentally stable person.... all of the above is completely harmless. And just as a side note, a lot of people seem to think im trying to be all that or something. Im just trying to give a shout out to the people that dont know what they are doing based on my personal experiences, which, and im not being high and mighty, amounts to a decent amount of experience based knowledge. I dont recall saying any of this was solid undeniable facts but it is truth to my experience. If you feel that I am giving mis-information cut the junkie attitude and be constructivde instead of insulting. Or even better if you have experience with this stuff.... simply dont post on my thread because the tittle clearly states that its for beginners. Not trash talk. I didnt come to this site to bullshit with haters I came here to learn to grow and throw out a little of my own knowledge where I feel I can. If this is how people are on this forum ill just hop on another, hopefully more community oriented forum. This isnt facebook save the drama.


Well-Known Member
dude what you describe with that girls is just heavy experiences....why didn't you help her if she was going through that....I had some mop up from some family while setting up for a gathering and it sent me into the pits man...took me a few months before I was alright...the big difference between me and her is I had good folks to be around that helped me with integrating back into reality (whatever that is)....

it might be more helpful to post how to help folks integrate their experiences with normal day to day life

what your post most likely will do is scare the crap out of people having troubles dealing with the emotions of their experience thinking they are going crazy and need meds


Active Member
dude what you describe with that girls is just heavy experiences....why didn't you help her if she was going through that....I had some mop up from some family while setting up for a gathering and it sent me into the pits man...took me a few months before I was alright...the big difference between me and her is I had good folks to be around that helped me with integrating back into reality (whatever that is)....

it might be more helpful to post how to help folks integrate their experiences with normal day to day life

what your post most likely will do is scare the crap out of people having troubles dealing with the emotions of their experience thinking they are going crazy and need meds
I do not mean to be defensive because you were very respectful in your response but we had 8 people living in our apartment when that happened and literally every one of us stopped our lives for months for this girl. Shes my family so please dont assume that I wasnt trying to help the situation. We did everything in our power but she was not in the same reality for months. She would have delusions and ask things like "are my eyes still there?" And as I said would often speak in several languages at once and when she did talk normal it was so fast that you couldnt understand. Seriously 7 different people put thier lives on hold to help this girl, all family members including me, and there was still nothing I could do. If this thread scares people then so be it as long as they are informed of the plausible negative outcomes of not using responsibly. And if you are scared then take your emotions out of the equation and look at this from a logical and realistic perspective. It might be scary but it is information that people should know reguardless. I have ddealt with more people than my sister in similar situations. Try being stuck in the back seat of your car in the middle of the night with a peaking chick on you lap, and trying to restrain her while she tries to kick out my windows and is against her will re-enacting her own rape experiences. All while trying to keep both our heads down from the cops after every other person in our group ditched her there with me because they didnt want to get in trouble. Granted she had no chance of dieing but id say that qualifies for a reason to not include childhood drama in a trip experience. Honestly I didnt even know that girl for more than 2 hours and I was the only one with the balls to look after her and make the best of the situation. So this thing about me not helping my family idea needs to go. However I mean that as respectfully as possible.


Active Member
I do not mean to be defensive because you were very respectful in your response but we had 8 people living in our apartment when that happened and literally every one of us stopped our lives for months for this girl. Shes my family so please dont assume that I wasnt trying to help the situation. We did everything in our power but she was not in the same reality for months. She would have delusions and ask things like "are my eyes still there?" And as I said would often speak in several languages at once and when she did talk normal it was so fast that you couldnt understand. Seriously 7 different people put thier lives on hold to help this girl, all family members including me, and there was still nothing I could do. If this thread scares people then so be it as long as they are informed of the plausible negative outcomes of not using responsibly. And if you are scared then take your emotions out of the equation and look at this from a logical and realistic perspective. It might be scary but it is information that people should know reguardless. I have ddealt with more people than my sister in similar situations. Try being stuck in the back seat of your car in the middle of the night with a peaking chick on you lap, and trying to restrain her while she tries to kick out my windows and is against her will re-enacting her own rape experiences. All while trying to keep both our heads down from the cops after every other person in our group ditched her there with me because they didnt want to get in trouble. Granted she had no chance of dieing but id say that qualifies for a reason to not include childhood drama in a trip experience. Honestly I didnt even know that girl for more than 2 hours and I was the only one with the balls to look after her and make the best of the situation. So this thing about me not helping my family idea needs to go. However I mean that as respectfully as possible.
Unfortunately putting her on anti-psychotics was the only way to get her out of the psychosis. And I hate that because I am hugely against most prescription drugs. The good thing is she is completely healthy now and is back to her normal self. I personally dont want to say thank god but thank someone. Anyway, my intent was to relate to day to day life I guess I got a little carried away with the stories but shit man, its always better to learn from others mistakes before learning from your own. But I could give twice as many stories about my blissful experiences too. My main points are dont mix with scripts, and check your mind before you put it in your body and have someone there in case anything goes wrong. I used to eat L like it was a bag of skittles until I ran into some of these situations and realized that its not something you should be reckless with. Use it for good happy times with good people or a spiritual journey or a trip to the grand canyon ( which is really great on 12 tabs :D ). All im trying to say is that this is a drug and spiritual tool that I love and welcome in my life and the lives of others, but there have been some times where it turned out bad, not because its a bad drug, because we were uninformed and got into situations that could have been easily avoided.
And im not saying that if you have childhood baggage you will for sure have a bad time. I know a lot of other people that have been through shit way worse and they dose as much as me with no negetive effect. Im just saying that ive seen it happen before and it is a small possibility. But for experiences like that even a small chance is not one I would want to take.


Well-Known Member
ReAL SaFety Tips for BegInnErs

If you had a rough childhood, do lots of psychodelics it helps.

Always combine a lysergide with a phenethylamine.

If your pupils are huge, check all pockets and leave drugs, guns etc. at home before going for a walk.

If you are in public and totally freaking out, sit down, pull out your cell phone and pretend to text or talk until the freakout passes. If you are fucking with your cell phone people will stop staring at you.

Don't go out clubbing etc until after 10pm so you can blend in with the drunks. If anyone asks about your pupils act drunk and mutter about optomotrist glaucoma check can't see now.

Before doing anything rash, ask yourself, would this action tend to attract cops?

Traffic lights and crosswalks are there for your safety, obey them.

Don't come up in a dark place unless you want to trip even harder.

Don't call an ambulance unless someone has turned blue and is no longer breathing. If they are just freaking out, restrain them or distract them with a laser. Whatever they/you are going through it will be ten times worse at the hospital.

Always put half as much up your ass as you would have normally eaten.

Adjust ph of anything before putting it in your ass.

Always check combinantions and LD50's of the substances you are using. This prevents the I took too much, it's going to kill me freakout. No, that 1200ug of Acid can't possibly kill you, just calm down.

Read through the trainwrecks and disasters at Erowid and learn from them. That's why they are there.
Most of this is good advice, especially about putting things up the ass. I hear that can be an awful experience. I disagree about always mixing, especially as advice to beginners. Get to know substances individually before starting to mix them!
If there is a history of trauma I would suggest making sure to have experienced people who can help around. I believe that psychedelics can be incredibly helpful in those cases but they require great caution. I've seen them be incredibly beneficial and I've seen trainwrecks. Have a hefty sedative on hand if someone is liable to have issues. 2nd gen antipsychotics are particularly good because they actually counter some of the neurochemical effects.
If you read the article linked in the OP of the stickied thread about psychedelic use and mental illnessit shows they're really safe if used responsibly.
I'm very sorry that you have a loved one who had something like this happen. I had an extremely intense experience in an unfamiliar setting and it was really jarring. In hindsight it was an extremely beneficial experience and I grew a lot as a result of it.


Active Member
Most of this is good advice, especially about putting things up the ass. I hear that can be an awful experience. I disagree about always mixing, especially as advice to beginners. Get to know substances individually before starting to mix them!
If there is a history of trauma I would suggest making sure to have experienced people who can help around. I believe that psychedelics can be incredibly helpful in those cases but they require great caution. I've seen them be incredibly beneficial and I've seen trainwrecks. Have a hefty sedative on hand if someone is liable to have issues. 2nd gen antipsychotics are particularly good because they actually counter some of the neurochemical effects.
If you read the article linked in the OP of the stickied thread about psychedelic use and mental illnessit shows they're really safe if used responsibly.
I'm very sorry that you have a loved one who had something like this happen. I had an extremely intense experience in an unfamiliar setting and it was really jarring. In hindsight it was an extremely beneficial experience and I grew a lot as a result of it.
Well man I appreciate your input for sure. All good info. I feel the same about the mixing thing like you said. Acid is super fun to mix with a lot of things, mdma, kitty, shrooms, whatever. But I dont think its a good idea for someone who is experimenting to go all out. Especially not when scripts are involved. (I talk a lot of shit about scripts, they arent all bad. Some are incredibly necessary. I just have a great distaste for the pharma industry)


Well-Known Member
How do I have a junkie attitude? Just like you I posted a statement,and ended it 'take it for what you will'...I haven't done drugs in over 10 years(besides psychedelics) so I have to caution your attitude at this point.I'm no junkie and was talking politely with friends..maybe you need a little more lsd.