Well-Known Member
I've found records of blacks being burned alive, but not tied to a cross and burned.... guess that little detail was wrong. Klan members used to (still do today) bomb black churches, burn black peoples houses down, whip/beat them, tie weights to their legs and drown them, etc., ad nauseum.still waiting for a single example of a flaming crucifixion...
and a cogent explanation for calls to crimp "whitey" out of programs for the poor in favour of minorities for no reason beyond race.
after all you totally read* the "report" you cited, and totally understood* it too
Edit: and no, i dont think youre gonna pop your own Harkonnen Heartplug because you cant win an internet argument, but when the realization dawns on you that your entire ideology has been crafted out of lies, halftruths and deliberate misdirections for the power and wealth of a few highly placed and nefarious sociopathic machiavellian leftists, who would rather see the world burn than lose their position of authority, yeah thats when youll either become a Born Again Conservative (like I did) or eat a bullet, like Steve Kangas.
'Born again conservative' basically means right wing sociopath from what I can tell. You don't give two shit about anyone but yourself.
We've got enough problems with conservatives in Canada, thankfully one is about to be completely destroyed in the next election.