music and drugs

Weed goes great with Bob Marley, even though his music is enjoyable when sober too. MDMA, anything sounds good. Acid/Shrooms get me into trippy trance music, takes me further into the trip. DMT, forget about it. You could blast music through the best headphones around but you are completely isolated from the outside world :hump:


bud bootlegger
been there, done that, got the tshirt, or is it jump suit..?? :D



Well-Known Member
I watched the speed racer movie a few years ago with some blues brothers blotters. That movie is a trip


Well-Known Member
I liked the old speedracer..came on early morn after amp and aeon flux on mtv..lots of time spent tripping to those shows..


Well-Known Member
I watched the blues brothers on speed racer shit!..(speed racer blotter was very heavily micd,one of my favorites of childhood)


Well-Known Member
Not good on the last ten hits.......How can someone steal acid that is sooo fucked

first time on nbome....combo of 25c and 25i any good song recommendations for the peak?


Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe that I found it imp..its a hidden track(remember that fad?) On the cd.."floor.i.d.a"..kinda rare..its remixed on the cd if you wanna hunt it down..I can't seem to find it..


Well-Known Member
The Japanese Grateful Dead tribute band playing the Wheel. It's pretty much guaranteed to make any deadhead smile.