Well-Known Member
I've been here for 2 years, but I've been working more on getting traffic to my posts than I have been on letting people know who I actually am. So I have been pandering to the trolls (talking about aliens, politics and random ideas).
I am no longer going to do that, because "Shit got real". My brother is dead, and I am in poverty. I was in poverty before, but now that I know I know how to do something that can save children like my brother I am going to be working on turning average marijuana users into intelligent people who can save lives by means of sharing knowledge... Even though I am too poor to do it.
This post basically captures what I am trying to say
I am no longer going to do that, because "Shit got real". My brother is dead, and I am in poverty. I was in poverty before, but now that I know I know how to do something that can save children like my brother I am going to be working on turning average marijuana users into intelligent people who can save lives by means of sharing knowledge... Even though I am too poor to do it.
This post basically captures what I am trying to say
Let's make it where instead of "I'm so high right now" the average new stoners first line is "I wonder what we could do right now?" and I will offer ideas as for what they can do via YouTube to expand upon Marijuana knowledge.Soon I will be getting a few textbooks on Chromatography, then I will expand this thread with that as well as the videos promised.
If you have not picked up on it yet, I am conducting research to save the lives of children like my brother.
Standardized extractions, Pure Cannabinoids with no other Cannabinoids in the mix, Cannabinoids Reuptake Inhibitors and at Home Chroatography for less than $200
I am bringing marijuana into its medical future, by offering these things open source. No more brain swelling killing our loved ones, no more watching grandparents go through forgetting everything, and hopefully we can get a hell of a lot further than that once people stop hating.
The study of the culture, religions, growers, extractors and everything/everyone else surrounding the Cannabis plant.
If you ever feel like making a video of the first bowl of the day and putting it on YouTube, try to describe the difference between high and sober. The project is about to start branching out into video research, and that will be one of our first ones. Along with a deeper study called "The T-Break Test" where you don't smoke for a week, then do the same thing, just try to explain the difference between high and sober. I have 2 pages of test ideas on notebook paper, each line is an idea.
Just title the videos "Global Marijuana Research Project: First Bowl of the Day" and "Global Marijuana Research Project: T-Break test" so people can find them.
I am brainstorming the tests that will be commissioned, and I have a page of lined paper filled front and back, each line being an idea. Here is some of what I have so far:
(I already have the methods of testing planned, I will make videos explaining them soon)
A Memory test that can be taken online, or with a commissioner
A Hand Eye Coordination test that can be done individually, or with a commissioner
A Head Trauma Test, To be done by anyone who accidental experiences head trauma but has knowledge of the project
A Tolerance Test, to be done individually, or with a commissioner
A Hand Writing Test, to be done individually, or with a commissioner
A Placebo Test, to be done with friends, or with a commissioner
A Blood Pressure Test, to be done at home, or with a commissioner
and many more...
If there are any tests that you would like to see, please suggest them here, and we will attempt to think of a method for testing it.