Max watt power on my grow area?

So im building a room of 10ft by 16ft. It will be sealed, and i will buid a mini mother/clone room inside of it of 3ft 5ft. The actual grow area will be 15ft by 5ft. The rest of the room will be use for storage/gear.

My question is, how many HPS watt can i install/would be optimal for an area of 15x5? A/C is not bought yet, but it will be a 24 000BTU thru wall unit. And bulb will be in cool tube vented outside!



Well-Known Member
Your room measurements make no sense to me. Maybe I'm just stoned, but even so Im usually pretty good at basic math...


Since the room is so big you should look into a moving light rail. It can save you alot of money on electricity.


Well-Known Member
smokinrav, I had to read it a couple of times myself, but I get it now... and I'm not even stoned ;)

Light mover is a good idea, but if electrical cost isn't an issue, three 1Kw lamps would be ideal in that space; you'll get perfect coverage, and have wonderful points of overlap.

The thing is i already own 2x 700watt hps only ballast. I was thinking about adding 3x 1000w hps, for a total of 4400watt.... I will fry them?

So let's say i only add 2x 1k, i will have 3400watt... still too much?

At first i wanted to add 3x 1k mh/hps ballast so i can use 3000w of mh for veg, then switch them to HPS and power up my 2other 700w for a total of 4400w... But, i think, having only 2x 1k of mh for vegging a 5x15 area is insufficient...

Trying to keep the ballast expense low here....


Well-Known Member
You could probably max out around 7k.... 5 1000w HPS cooltubes with reflectors and 2 1000watt cooltube vert.


Well-Known Member
you need 40 watts minimum but 50 - 60 watts and even more to really produce,....thats a square foot. i dont think its a such thing as too much light just the problem of exhausting the heat. also a 24000 btu wont do it you will need mmore air to cool that kind of room
you need 40 watts minimum but 50 - 60 watts and even more to really produce,....thats a square foot. i dont think its a such thing as too much light just the problem of exhausting the heat. also a 24000 btu wont do it you will need mmore air to cool that kind of room
Well if i apply the ''rule of thumbs'' of 3500btu per 1000W... With 5400watt of ''outdoor air cooled'' (4400watt + 1000watt for the mother/clone) im at 18900btu... my AC unit will be a 24000, im safe? no?


New Member
Why use hid on your mothers andclones. Use cfls or t5s.

As for flowering. Its best to keep a 1000w on a 4x4 spread to get max yield.
If all your lights are air cooled (separate from room) and box is sealed....a 1 tonne AC should suffice.
plus add co2, ofcourse. Thats the one upgrade youll really benefit from in a sealed room and higher temps.