Growing from seed

This lil guy sprouted on the 5th of this month and i was wondering if it looks like it is the right size or is it small for its size.



Well-Known Member
normal veg time is about a month..depending on strain and grow tech. longer veg ,the bigger plant.
flower for indica..50-60 days, hybrids..60-70 sativa..70-120 days
these are estimated flowering times.


Well-Known Member
Did you do any research before trying your hand at growing? No offence, but for those of you just throwing seeds in the ground and having everybody else figure it out for you, makes me feel like you don't appreciate the art of horticulture. Stop being the typical American and dig and read and learn for yourself.
i did read read but it doesnt have everything i m sure i need to know. i bought a book on growing cannabis but it doesnt go into detail about everything. books dont tell you about cfos flo lights and all the other stuff you learn from experience. you can write a book for me and ill read it.