Deliberatly over drying bud, and adding fruits to the curing process (help)


Active Member
Ok, call me sad but this has to be asked,

I've got about 6weeks left until harvest day, I'm growing cheese. The other day someone mentioned blueberry (fruit caused some neuro lingustic link)~

I thought 'holy crap when i was 5 y/o I loved those cheese and pineapples on cocktail sticks.' **ping**, along comes the either amazingly clever idea, or the crazily stupid idea.

So heres the deal, I over dry my buds, whack them into a container with some fruit (pineapple). The idea ~ either a nice pong, or a nice taste at smoking time.

What do you think?

Thanks very much in advance,

Smithy :)


Well-Known Member
I've heard of grower's using or adding fruit to cure buds,i would be careful to check them for mold issues(if any).I know that you can do it with oranges too.


Active Member
Given the rule of free will or something, there was pretty much 100% garuntee that not everyone was going to agree with me.

What I wanted to know is why you like or dislike the idea? :)

Thanks for the quick post.

and is the bud likely to retain any of the fruits flavour in anyway?


Well-Known Member
well i dont like it because i tend to enjoy the flavor of my buds already and wouldnt want to alter it, if i wanted different flavors i would grow different strains. I would also worry about mold or rotting of the fruit itself that would probably start making it taste like shit.


Well-Known Member
lol i got the joke, there are plenty of strains out there with a nice berry taste, blackberry, blueberry, there are some citrus ones like lemon, grapefruit, try some of those.


Well-Known Member
well im not too sure .. but i read that some where that weed takes in sugars in airtight maybe you would get some smell but very lil taste.. but hey dont listen to me try it ive done it wiht oranges only gets my shit moist and hay smelling but do what you want


Well-Known Member
You never know it could be great?!,I like to keep everything organic,the cleaner the better.Candy shiva has a crazy fruity taste/smell,or bluberry,or grand daddy purple all have a really fruity taste naturaly.Good luck let me know how it goes! HBR:weed::weed::arrow:


Well-Known Member
if its all in an airtight container then wont the weed absorb the moister from the fruit
along with some of the taste and smell

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Ok, call me sad but this has to be asked,

I've got about 6weeks left until harvest day, I'm growing cheese. The other day someone mentioned blueberry (fruit caused some neuro lingustic link)~

I thought 'holy crap when i was 5 y/o I loved those cheese and pineapples on cocktail sticks.' **ping**, along comes the either amazingly clever idea, or the crazily stupid idea.

So heres the deal, I over dry my buds, whack them into a container with some fruit (pineapple). The idea ~ either a nice pong, or a nice taste at smoking time.

What do you think?

Thanks very much in advance,

Smithy :)
Even with just the rinds of citrus fruit you really have to watch for the mold---You can ruin your medicine really fast if you catch the white mold---your buds will smell like damp nasty mold--------Back in the experimental days we use to take the zest-only(top layer of fruit) and put it in a cheese cloth and seal it in the curing jar------it gave it a little bit of that lemony smell but that was it---it didn't carry over into the taste------------In my opinion------not worth the time--------plus as someone mentioned earlier---there are a lot of beautiful smelling strains out there that need no assistance in the smell/taste category-----give them a try...


Well-Known Member
Way back we'd put apple pieces in tobacco & pot...keeps it fresh & some taste..just don't let it mold. Pineapple ??


Active Member
Hey... I didnt say I was sane...

Thanks for all of your replys. I read another thread on this and may attempt it.

But I already have some blueberry. that will be good enough in the mean time :)


Active Member
if you do decide to use fruit, dont use anywthing fresh as this will just encourage mould... maybe putting some dried pineapple in when u cure it coud work... but there wont be any flavour in the smoke man


Active Member
Yeah, I have some Blueberrys going, I guess they will be fruity enough.

To be honest I've never grown before and I want a good smoke, I've been reading a lot of information and I'm under the impression I have never had a cured smoke. I've never been 100% satisfied with a smoke and therefore am looking for more.

I'll see how this first grow comes out and then start modding to how I like.

