27 arrested in five county marijuana bust


Well-Known Member
good points! Wrong. So please do not pretend to support any of the clan on any other forum. We do not support this kind of thinking.

Dude please take the time to actually read and understand this thread and the Michigan laws you speak of. We are clearly talking about criminal law, criminal charges and criminal law enforcement here, NOT MMMA. MMMA is simply civil law that relates to licensing as administered LARA, aka Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, get it? You don't go to jail for that type of shit. This confident ignorance being preyed on is exactly what I am trying to address here, as it is truly what is wrong with this country.
This is the Michigan section of the medical marijuana forum, and the people at question here were all patients/caregivers, so discussing the MMMA is very relevant. I stated up front that them using the law as cover for what they were doing was my main beef. If they want to roll the dice and grow hundreds of pounds of weed then that's their prerogative. I don't inherently have any issue with that. I'm not going to pretend that it's a bright move given the current law and the over zealous enforcement of it though.

Anyone who doesn't hate Obama at this point probably is unaware of the things he's stood for. That's all I can assume. His position that the executive can decide who lives or dies is particularly disturbing. Especially given the legal argument he used for it - that due process and judicial process aren't the same thing and the constitution doesn't guarantee the latter. The extension of that argument is that the executive can do anything it pleases to it's citizens.

As far as black and white portrayal, I suggest looking into the mirror. Profits aren't evil and neither is working to provide medicine for people. 2400 a unit in the United States is pretty cheap last I checked. Units go for 1000 around here. Black market, people trying to make a living (because it's difficult to make a living doing other things these days, have fun finding a job) .

Yet still, supply and demand brings the price way down. Large scale producers such as the above do just that. Bring prices down, whether they want to or not. And this is good for patients (and all really), especially those who can't grow themselves for whatever reason.

You're sitting here acting like it's wrong to want to live comfortably. To not have to stress about paying bills and/or unforeseen disasters because you have the cash in the bank to deal with them. And that requires quite a bit of cash these days. Ever busted all your front teeth? Hello about 20-30 dollars later for a long term solution. Trust me, I know.

I don't hate Obama any more than any other president before him in the last 50 years. This has been going on long before he took office, and will continue long after he's gone. The problems with this country didn't start in January of 2009.

I never said that there was anything wrong with turning a profit, or living comfortably. Buying multiple houses, cars, 2 businesses, 140 acres of land, etc is beyond living "comfortably", and talking about it over the phone is just plain stupid. Again, if someone wants to do that, then fine. Just don't use the medical law that sick people depend upon for cover.

You talk about these guys like they're some sort of saints for medical patients driving prices down. They are doing nothing of the sort. This story, and others like it will be used as fodder by our attorney general and other corporate interests to hijack this law. They will hold this story up as an example of how the law is being abused, paving the way for a complete corporate takeover of medical marijuana like is happening right now in Canada. You tell me how a cancer patient that is on a fixed income will benefit from no longer being allowed to grow his own medicine and instead be forced to pay $400+ an ounce. You make some good points about the tyranny of our government, and then apparently just assume that they'll leave these medical laws alone and not try to turn them in to another profit stream for big business.


Well-Known Member
No, we just understand that all they were doing, was helping people while making money under some BS hypocritical vague debatable ill constructed laws.


Well-Known Member
It is Patrick Frederick's assertion in Section 4 Paragraph C that caught my attention:

"C. The MMMA provides an affirmative defense to persons supposedly involved in the provision and use of marijuana for serious medical conditions. A “patient” is allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces of “medical marijuana” or maintain up to 12 marijuana plants. A “caregiver” is allowed to possess that same amount of marijuana for each of up to five “patients.” A “caregiver” who is also a “patient” can therefore possess up to 15 ounces of marijuana OR up to 72 plants and still maintain a defense to prosecution under Michigan, not federal, law. MMT manufacturing operations typically include 72 or fewer marijuana plants, but intercepted cellphone calls include discussions of having 300 “clone plants” at a time in some locations."

He quotes MMMA civil law (section 4) yet refers to the affirmative defense provided under Michigan's criminal law (section 8 ). He does so while excluding and ignoring the uninterrupted supply of Section 8 that clearly contradicts his stated licensing requirements of Section 4 that he wrongfully sites as Michigan criminal law.
This is the Michigan section of the medical marijuana forum, and the people at question here were all patients/caregivers, so discussing the MMMA is very relevant. I stated up front that them using the law as cover for what they were doing was my main beef. If they want to roll the dice and grow hundreds of pounds of weed then that's their prerogative. I don't inherently have any issue with that. I'm not going to pretend that it's a bright move given the current law and the over zealous enforcement of it though.
Again, your blissful ignorance is exactly the problem we are facing here. Please wake the fuck up! Just because these asshats are getting away with what they are doing does NOT make it right and to take the position "it is what it is" is neither right nor admirable. Time to stop being part of the problem and help the rest of us secure a just and true answer.



Well-Known Member
they did a good job busting. that grow. was not legal. they must of been growing out side. makes huge plants. 3 pounds each on the low side.x 500 1500 pounds of weed on the low side yearly. 3750000 almost 4 million a year. see a problem ?


Well-Known Member
they did a good job busting. that grow. was not legal. they must of been growing out side. makes huge plants. 3 pounds each on the low side.x 500 1500 pounds of weed on the low side yearly. 3750000 almost 4 million a year. see a problem ?
And some of those cats in the Emerald Triangle are actually paying federal taxes on that 4 million dollars and somehow living free from the Federal tyranny I speak of here. How is it that this local DEA agent and Federal Judge can (unlawfully) enable local LEO to attack these 27 citizen/500 plant operation in this state while their counterparts facing a whole different game on the other side of this country (lawfully) do not. When did the precept of equality under the law get so fucked up in the enforcement of such?


Well-Known Member
they did a good job busting. that grow. was not legal. they must of been growing out side. makes huge plants. 3 pounds each on the low side.x 500 1500 pounds of weed on the low side yearly. 3750000 almost 4 million a year. see a problem ?

I see a problem with the government using military tactics and weapons as well as a legal system to further a failed drug war, wasting millions of dollars and lives, untold suffering, against people who are sick, trying to make the American dream a reality, or just wanting to get fucked up.

I do see a problem with that, yes.


Well-Known Member
Again, your blissful ignorance is exactly the problem we are facing here. Please wake the fuck up! Just because these asshats are getting away with what they are doing does NOT make it right and to take the position "it is what it is" is neither right nor admirable. Time to stop being part of the problem and help the rest of us secure a just and true answer.

I'm out giving away free meds, and free genetics that will help hundreds of people. I've donated money to people that are in trouble over these laws. You're sitting at home on your ass pecking away on a weed forum and you're telling me that I'm part of the problem?

I'm well aware of the ass-backwards nature of these laws. I want to change them as much as the next person. The way to go about that is not to do what these guys did. They were out to get rich quick, and were looking out for themselves only. To embrace that and pretend that that helps any of us is indeed "blissful ignorance". Do I feel that they deserve to rot in prison for 20 years? No I don't. It's a plant. But they certainly aren't helping to make positive changes. They are setting us all back and will be used as an example as to why we should not be allowed to grow our own medicine. I care about my patients, and their rights to affordable access to their meds. That's my priority, and I will continue to take their back. If you find fault in that then so be it. I don't value your opinions nearly as much as you do.


Well-Known Member

I see a problem with the government using military tactics and weapons as well as a legal system to further a failed drug war, wasting millions of dollars and lives, untold suffering, against people who are sick, trying to make the American dream a reality, or just wanting to get fucked up.

I do see a problem with that, yes.
I agree with that. I'm certain that most of us want the same outcome, we just disagree on how to get there.


Well-Known Member
Listen Fucktard, you attacking these defendants and I is as baseless as the selective/subjective use of laws by this government that you keep defending.

Maybe I should address your intellect at a different level with some remedial education of simple definitions to start:

sub·jec·tive [adjective]
existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ).
pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

ob·jec·tive [adjective]
being the object or goal of one's efforts or actions.
not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.
intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject (opposed to subjective ).
of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.


Well-Known Member
Listen Fucktard, you attacking these defendants and I is as baseless as the selective/subjective use of laws by this government that you keep defending.

Maybe I should address your intellect at a different level remedial education of simple definitions to start:

sub·jec·tive [adjective]
existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ).
pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

ob·jec·tive [adjective]
being the object or goal of one's efforts or actions.
not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.
intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject (opposed to subjective ).
of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

LOL! There it is. That petulant anger from "The Man".

Are you going to bust out the window licker meme next?


Well-Known Member
I'm out giving away free meds, and free genetics that will help hundreds of people. I've donated money to people that are in trouble over these laws. You're sitting at home on your ass pecking away on a weed forum and you're telling me that I'm part of the problem?

I'm well aware of the ass-backwards nature of these laws. I want to change them as much as the next person. The way to go about that is not to do what these guys did. They were out to get rich quick, and were looking out for themselves only. To embrace that and pretend that that helps any of us is indeed "blissful ignorance". Do I feel that they deserve to rot in prison for 20 years? No I don't. It's a plant. But they certainly aren't helping to make positive changes. They are setting us all back and will be used as an example as to why we should not be allowed to grow our own medicine. I care about my patients, and their rights to affordable access to their meds. That's my priority, and I will continue to take their back. If you find fault in that then so be it. I don't value your opinions nearly as much as you do.
I agree with MOST of your position, really I do, but I can't get past the basic right of one person to provide a product or service to another in trade for something that comes from the work of a mans hands. It's a very basic cave man level sort of sacred thing that the government just simply does not need to be fucking with. (even 4 million $) The fact that we are talking now about medicine, puts this on a whole nother higher level of morality here.


Well-Known Member
LOL! There it is. That petulant anger from "The Man".

Are you going to bust out the window licker meme next?
No need, we all get the point that you are a complete and utter fool. Just wake the fuck up, because the objective reality of your subjective (bigoted) views will change when they come for you punk.


Well-Known Member
I agree with MOST of your position, really I do, but I can't get past the basic right of one person to provide a product or service to another in trade for something that comes from the work of a mans hands. It's a very basic cave man level sort of sacred thing that the government just simply does not need to be fucking with. (even 4 million $) The fact that we are talking now about medicine, puts this on a whole nother higher level of morality here.
They are certainly entitled to do that. I would never support people being locked up over a plant.

My issue is that they used this medical law for cover. I may be wrong headed about this, but it pisses me off. I know, and care a great deal for people that depend upon this law, and I don't want to see them get fucked over. If groups like this pave the way to Phizer and Merck taking things over then I feel that will be a damn shame. I have a difficult time supporting people like this that were as careless and greedy as they appear to be. I don't hate them, and don't feel that they deserve to be in prison, but I'm not going to embrace what they did and pretend that it's a positive for medical patients.


Well-Known Member
No need, we all get the point that you are a complete and utter fool. Just wake the fuck up, because the objective reality of your subjective (bigoted) views will change when they come for you punk.

I think he's just confused. Politically correct, and tragically accurate, but he's snowblind from reading so much law. When you live in the law, you leave the rest of the world behind. Those people literally live in a seperate and incompatible world than the rest of us. They had to create that world in order to survive as they could simply not come to terms with the real world. They even create new words, and new definitions to our words, having drifted far eough from reality that their own language became necessary. They are a small group of shortsighted mindless robots incapable of depth of thought, with nothing left that they can understand outside of a very narrowmindedly set of rules written down on paper by those of their own fold. The irony is that somehow, this small group of choked out blinded pathetically ignorant fools managed to get into running everything. It's these indoors sort of paper folk that make up all the rules. You literally have to breed these types of people and train them specifically to live in that world. They run like that sometimes for generations, it's sickening really. If you cross them, they will do to you things that even criminals exact justice for.


Well-Known Member
No need, we all get the point that you are a complete and utter fool. Just wake the fuck up, because the objective reality of your subjective (bigoted) views will change when they come for you punk.
Punk? Gotta love talking smack behind a keyboard. Go take a walk. It's a beautiful day. Starring at a computer screen 24/7 isn't good for you.


I think he's just confused. Politically correct, and tragically accurate, but he's snowblind from reading so much law. When you live in the law, you leave the rest of the world behind. Those people literally live in a seperate and incompatible world than the rest of us. They had to create that world in order to survive as they could simply not come to terms with the real world. They even create new words, and new definitions to our words, having drifted far eough from reality that their own language became necessary. They are a small group of shortsighted mindless robots incapable of depth of thought, with nothing left that they can understand outside of a very narrowmindedly set of rules written down on paper by those of their own fold. The irony is that somehow, this small group of choked out blinded pathetically ignorant fools managed to get into running everything. It's these indoors sort of paper folk that make up all the rules. You literally have to breed these types of people and train them specifically to live in that world. They run like that sometimes for generations, it's sickening really. If you cross them, they will do to you things that even criminals exact justice for.
Thank you for the diagnosis Dr Freud. Maybe next you can get to the bottom of your gun-toting paranoia? lol