Attitude seedbank? 10% off for all orders?

Well guys I went for it, I ordered the seeds with a t-shirt for stealth. For the people that have ordered through them, is this considered ( guarnteed shipping). I saw an option that said guarntee shipping with no merchan. or for that same price add a t- shirt in there but it never said guarntee. By this I ovbiously know there isn't a guanrtee that they will arrive although is it guanrteed on there end to replace seeds because I chose t-shirt or would have it been better to click "guarntee no merchandice"?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you should get it in about 8-10 days give or take a couple.

if you don't get the beans the tude will reship them for you. you chose alright as long as it doesn't go to chicago customs.
Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Also do you have to sign for the package or will they just leave it. I ordered with socks and candy for stealth...if that matters? I was thinking about leaving a note saying leave package and sign my name incase I'm not there. What has your expierence been?
wtf? I just checked the status of my order and the cancelled it an returned the money. I have now idea why they would do this but would it have something to do with the fact that I ordered 50 seeds with my CC and didn't use the name thats on the card I made one up. Is that the reason behind this?


Well-Known Member
Using fake name or address is a good way to screw yourself if there is a problem with your seed order.


Well-Known Member
wtf? I just checked the status of my order and the cancelled it an returned the money. I have now idea why they would do this but would it have something to do with the fact that I ordered 50 seeds with my CC and didn't use the name thats on the card I made one up. Is that the reason behind this?
Quit being dumb and use your name! You will be fine and by using a fake name it seems like you are using a stolen card.


Attitude is awesome. I rate them 10+ Never had a problem (knock on wood) I always use code 420 for 10% off (does not save 10% on the shipping - just the seeds. mailed anything lately? shits expensive.) It always blows my mind that people who have bad experiences with a company always want to start some war. Grow up - errr grow something.
I did indeed switch it. As far as the track number, It never told me what shipping company they were using. I have the tracking # but which postal service do I plug it into? Does anyone have the website where I can look up my order?