Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
nice front yard view , downtown setting two law offices and the courthouse :roll: which thor did not hesitate to take a giant shit on the courthouses lawn yesterday HAHAHHA

lol least the head shop is like 2 mins on the other direction hahahahah
enhance, enhance, enhance, triangulating, triangulating, Hi sunni.


Well-Known Member
Working the office today. In-field work got rained out. Still getting hours but office hours are long drawn out kill me now bored as fuck hours. 1 more hour and I can escape this dungeon of boredom.


Well-Known Member
I had steak pho for breakfast but what is this viet sandwich?
go to any lee's sandwiches and order an asian sandwich for an introduction. i will need to do extensive research for the advanced tutorial, it's a good thing i have lots of marijuana, ample amounts of money, and the munchies.


Well-Known Member
Down in Compton, or Long Beach -- not sure, it was just a convenient place to stop -- there was this Hawaiian fast food joint. I guess they're all over in So. Cal., anyway, I'm stoned and have the munchies, and want that fuckin' pineapple chicken sandwich they had. With Sriracha sauce.


bud bootlegger
just a rant, no need to pay attention...

wtf, you ever wanna choke a mother fucker through the keyboard at times?? christ, wake up today, go into my section, and some douche bag whose been here not even a month starts a thread calling me out asking why i closed such and such thread.. since when the fuck do i need to explain my actions to this douche nozzle??
try and be pretty laid back and let most shit fly, and the few threads i do close, i get some asshole asking why it was closed... thankfully some other mod closed it so i wouldn't get accused of being a power hungry mod, again..
go into another thread and same douche is calling for me to be demodded.. i had to lol, but honestly, as much as i wish i could say it doesn't bother me, it did.. try and be the nice guy, dedicate idk how many hours to a site and try and make it a better place, and some newb comes in and questions my motives.. really set my day off to a bright and sunny start..

oh well, i'm done rambling, just needed to vent is all.. sorry for the strong language.. :D

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
just a rant, no need to pay attention...

wtf, you ever wanna choke a mother fucker through the keyboard at times?? christ, wake up today, go into my section, and some douche bag whose been here not even a month starts a thread calling me out asking why i closed such and such thread.. since when the fuck do i need to explain my actions to this douche nozzle??
try and be pretty laid back and let most shit fly, and the few threads i do close, i get some asshole asking why it was closed... thankfully some other mod closed it so i wouldn't get accused of being a power hungry mod, again..
go into another thread and same douche is calling for me to be demodded.. i had to lol, but honestly, as much as i wish i could say it doesn't bother me, it did.. try and be the nice guy, dedicate idk how many hours to a site and try and make it a better place, and some newb comes in and questions my motives.. really set my day off to a bright and sunny start..

oh well, i'm done rambling, just needed to vent is all.. sorry for the strong language.. :D

kill em with kindness brother. Don't let the trolls draw you in.

edit: or give me a call and i'll just kill em.


Well-Known Member
Racer, you know you are doing your job right, when you hear all the screams when you pull the network cable. Hate comes with the job, you gotta look at it from a Machiavellian standpoint. It's better to be feared and respected than loved, love can change in an instant.


Undercover Mod
just a rant, no need to pay attention...

wtf, you ever wanna choke a mother fucker through the keyboard at times?? christ, wake up today, go into my section, and some douche bag whose been here not even a month starts a thread calling me out asking why i closed such and such thread.. since when the fuck do i need to explain my actions to this douche nozzle??
try and be pretty laid back and let most shit fly, and the few threads i do close, i get some asshole asking why it was closed... thankfully some other mod closed it so i wouldn't get accused of being a power hungry mod, again..
go into another thread and same douche is calling for me to be demodded.. i had to lol, but honestly, as much as i wish i could say it doesn't bother me, it did.. try and be the nice guy, dedicate idk how many hours to a site and try and make it a better place, and some newb comes in and questions my motives.. really set my day off to a bright and sunny start..

oh well, i'm done rambling, just needed to vent is all.. sorry for the strong language.. :D
Stay out of the Politics section everyone cries tyranny and censorship all day


bud bootlegger
kill em with kindness brother. Don't let the trolls draw you in.
i usually think i'm pretty good at the few people who attempt to piss me off joe, but saying that, certain people, at the right time, know exactly how to get under one's skin..

i usually try and let the shit roll off like rain water on a waxed car, but sometimes i fail at that i guess..

didn't help that the first thing i did was come on here to it though for sure...


bud bootlegger
Stay out of the Politics section everyone cries tyranny and censorship all day
lol, yeah, i see you get hammered pretty hard on pretty much a daily basis balzac.. i don't post much in the politics section, but i probably read just about every thread up in that section for sheer entertainment purposes..
i don't envy you or c/n for sure..


Well-Known Member
So it takes me about 30 mins to fill up a half mason jar.. buddy will be helping me trim for about 2 hours.. would 1 oz for trim work be fair?



Well-Known Member
So it takes me about 30 mins to fill up a half mason jar.. buddy will be helping me trim for about 2 hours.. would 1 oz for trim work be fair?

If he doesn't work slowly, because he knows that no matter what he's getting an ounce at the end of the hours? It's still more than fair, but as long as you are satisfied with it, an equitable exchange.