Why do I feel bad for letting my friend trip?


Well-Known Member
on my personal views i tend to stay away from people who do drugs like this because of how much they fucked up my life. you never know who isnt mentally stable. however you grow them so i mean ... you cant advocate how much they fucked up your life if you grow them
if your personal instinct is that she is going to have a bad time because we all know you know her better than we do suggest she doesnt take them and why , but she will most likely go get them from someone else.

maybe give her .5 and work up from there that way she doesnt stupidly go and take an entire quarter of mush on her own

I wouldn't start at .5... maybe 2.5.


Well-Known Member
At least 1.5 but 2.5 sounds like a better experience. While I agree with caution I've found that halfway doses can be rather frustrating.


Well-Known Member
We dont need to hide depression inside! Eat Shrooms and deal with it! I was partying hard years ago, and I ate shrooms. A very learned trip I had. Some would call it a hellishly bad trip, but it changed me. Now Im winning. Bigger, Stronger, Faster, smarter, just like a badass hippy should be.


Well-Known Member
we dont need to hide depression inside! Eat shrooms and deal with it! I was partying hard years ago, and i ate shrooms. A very learned trip i had. Some would call it a hellishly bad trip, but it changed me. Now im winning. Bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, just like a badass hippy should be.
how true!!!!


Well-Known Member
Terrence motherfucking mckenna....DON'T DIDDLE THE DOSE!!!..read up on his brothers hospital trip and 'the interuption'...
I've said it before and if you reread this entire thread,you all will come to this conclusion..there is no such thing as a bad trip...everyone here has said over time they learned from the 'bad' trip..and it made them better in the long run.so if its so bad to be so good,why take the trip?..if you're afraid,then you allready know why you're taking the trip,but too chicken to admit the reason in the first place
'You just want the cup,but you don't want the race...'


Well-Known Member
Terrence motherfucking mckenna....DON'T DIDDLE THE DOSE!!!..read up on his brothers hospital trip and 'the interuption'...
I've said it before and if you reread this entire thread,you all will come to this conclusion..there is no such thing as a bad trip...everyone here has said over time they learned from the 'bad' trip..and it made them better in the long run.so if its so bad to be so good,why take the trip?..if you're afraid,then you allready know why you're taking the trip,but too chicken to admit the reason in the first place
'You just want the cup,but you don't want the race...'
Never said there was going to be a bad trip. I'm positive we'd have a blast. I've had "negative" trips, but my brain was screwed over during a positive one. I don't fear tripping (who are you calling a chicken? lol). I just don't want her to regret it. But you guys are right, it's not up to me and everybody is different. Some don't like tripping, some do. She'll never know til she gives it a shot and better me than somebody who doesn't care for her ( they might take her to a rave or some other dumb place for tripping your first time). Thanks for the responses everybody. So should I dose her with 2.5? I had 3.5 my first time and had a BLAST..

CANNDO: I have indeed refused to give others any at all, recommending that they think very carefully about why they wanted to use mushrooms.

Same here, which is why I rejected it at first. but I'm realizing she didn't jump into it. I've explained what happened to me and I've told her you'll experience new things, some things you might not be comfortable with and some you will find plenty of joy in. Either way, you're gonna come out different. which is all I can do.. sooo time to trip!

ok now I'm excited actually :smile: .. maybe I can get a new tripping buddy, that's always fun. Ooh and it's chilly outside, it's gonna feel fucking great walking around.


Well-Known Member
If she's given it serious consideration and wants to do it by all means go for it. I'd go with the full 8th because it's a full experience but that's just me and I do like to go a bit harder than most. I love to go to the "place where the diverse elements of the universe come together in harmony and unite... the quintessence of all things"


Well-Known Member
First shroom trip I had I ate a 2 inch stem and the about half that later in the hour..walked home feeling high..went asnd layed down on my bed..don't remember the trip,just a red-orange color that seemed to be the only thing in existance..then I woke up the next morning refreshed..I've never had a trip like it before or after..no thinking,seeing colors,patterns..nothing..I guess its because I kept my eyes closed and drifted off to that realm and into sleep..idk..it was very enjoyable(I was 14,and I remember it like yesterday) and will allways be one of my favorite trips..so,all that being said...I don't kknow the potency of the shrooms,but I've had some that a gram will FUCK YOU UP..like duck said I like things a little weirder than most,and I have that get shit done attitude,if you're gonna be apprehensive at all,start with a gram or two..see if she likes it(altho I say don't diddle the dose,the dose IS relative to the situation at hand)..you can allways eat moree in an hour or so,or plan the big 'presidential mushroom tour) at a later date..


Well-Known Member
Just make sure she has some grounding material..her favorite music(even if it sucks),or stuffed animal,movie,hobby..just to pass time and make her feel even more ok with the trip...I try not to make plans for a trip anymore,it usually all goes to hell and everyone ends up setting in a chair,holding on,smoking pot and jammin music.lol


Well-Known Member
First shroom trip I had I ate a 2 inch stem and the about half that later in the hour..walked home feeling high..went asnd layed down on my bed..don't remember the trip,just a red-orange color that seemed to be the only thing in existance..then I woke up the next morning refreshed..I've never had a trip like it before or after..no thinking,seeing colors,patterns..nothing..I guess its because I kept my eyes closed and drifted off to that realm and into sleep..idk..it was very enjoyable(I was 14,and I remember it like yesterday) and will allways be one of my favorite trips..so,all that being said...I don't kknow the potency of the shrooms,but I've had some that a gram will FUCK YOU UP..like duck said I like things a little weirder than most,and I have that get shit done attitude,if you're gonna be apprehensive at all,start with a gram or two..see if she likes it(altho I say don't diddle the dose,the dose IS relative to the situation at hand)..you can allways eat moree in an hour or so,or plan the big 'presidential mushroom tour) at a later date..
Ate 3 grams of azurescens...holy crap did that knock me down a few pegs (or up depending on how you look at it)....I had no idea that different mushrooms had different potency I just thought it would be like a B+ strain I had tried already....but nope that was an excellent learning experience


Well-Known Member
Yea I had a friend who ate a quarter of those and swore off shrooms..never again he said..guess he got the message..idk..


Well-Known Member
I can feel myself warping just from thinking of 7 grams of those Astorian wonders.....I am gonna be heading to the coast here in a week or two hasn't been a grip of rain lately but lots of fog....I hear my buddies are popping out, this will be the first time taking my oldest son out with me, think it will be good for him to see the patches....no eating for him still to young but just being around these naturally growing psychedelics the amount of "energy" in the area will be great for us!


Well-Known Member
Which coast? Gotta be west side..too cold on the east side (its been 40 degrees or less for days now)..that's cool you're taking your son..too bad things are illegal..pot would be a great parenting tool..'you got a D in math!?!?' You're mixing dirt and trimming a pound..and no t.v. for a week!'..lol


Well-Known Member
religion should be asked about more. Not to debate it, but to find out where someone stands would tell a lot about how they will handle a first trip.... if this chick holds strong religious views, a mush trip could send her into a wild trip until she sorts it all out.


Well-Known Member
I agree..but that should be a buffet of the mind,and in the morning,recall the horse do overs you like...
Duck..blue meanies..enuf said..if I grew them,I would not eat them...extraction only..then id consume


Well-Known Member
Atidd..have you consumed auzerecenes(sic) or any very potent mushroom?..I know we have spoke,but those compared to b+ are worlds apart in my and mosts peoples opinion...