Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
nice ladys you guys have,wish i had a use for that much grow,lol,1 plant probly last me a year,
Well, to be honest with you, I'm growing out all these strains like I do because I like a "wide selection" of flavours to choose from if you know what I mean :??:
Haha.. ;) And the way I smoke, 1 plant wouldn't last me NO time.. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've got that massive headache again.... weed guy better get his ass in gear and get me some good tree tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Say is the P3 still showing an advantage?
I posted an update on the side by side grow just tonight. ;)
To answer your question though, yes. I still feel as if though the P3 is the main factor in howcome the Grape God has grew like she did. She is still growing double what the Pure Kush is even in flowering cycle. Today marks the 6th day in flowering. I see tons more tops on the Grape God vs the Pure Kush. The GG seems to be fuller aswell. Nice and compact, and not a huge gap inbetween nodes. Which is what I had thought would happen with all the rapid growth caused by the P3. Incase you hadn't had a chance to read the thread, I will also be testing out some yeild increasing products aswell, just as soon as they get in.


Well-Known Member
Well, tisk tisk.. Sorry bout that head.. haha. ;) Naw bro, hope you feel better. And on the tree end, hell there might be some right around the corner you don't know about that is calling your name.. She is saying STEW, hey STEW... come & smoke me.. haha.. ;) look over me I'm stoned. Lol
I've got that massive headache again.... weed guy better get his ass in gear and get me some good tree tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Well, tisk tisk.. Sorry bout that head.. haha. ;) Naw bro, hope you feel better. And on the tree end, hell there might be some right around the corner you don't know about that is calling your name.. She is saying STEW, hey STEW... come & smoke me.. haha.. ;) look over me I'm stoned. Lol
Man I super high and that shits got me laughing right there..:grin: I had weed call my name before lol


Well-Known Member
hadn't talked 2 my 2nd to oldest brother in a good 2 yrs over me speaking my mind to him about his GF. All I said was that he was throwing his chances away of having children. 1 being because he is only 27 dating a 667 yr old woman. I wished him the best, and all the luck in the world. I guess its whatever floats your boat so to speak! Shewww. Anyways, I texted him about an hour ago. Didn't exspect to hear back because I never do. Well 2 minutes or so went by and he "called"!! I couldn't fucking beilieve it! Well I pick up and say hello, all to "who the fuck is this" he asked me! :??: ok... I then replied, who the fuck do you think it is! :??: This is your brother! He then went onto say that his name isn't what it is, and that he didn't have a brother! So, I just told him I knew it was him and that when he was finshed being pissed off & done with playing games to text or call. I then received a call from a different # with someone telling me not to call that # or text it ever again. Ok, that PISSED me the hell off! So I then called my brother all 4 the asshole to answer my "bothers" phone telling me to stop calling or he would kick my ass! Hmmm... I replied to well when you see headlights outside come outside and will just see about that!!

He hung up. My brother then called me back telling me to tell the guy "sorry" for saying I was going to pull up and kick his ass! Haha.. are you kidding me! :??: All I wanted to do was check on my brother..

He said he was wrapped up into some "nasty" shit, but he was ok.. Idk what all is going on now, more then likely he is "let's just say" into a night time business.. lol


Well-Known Member
That's messed up.......
That is crazy man hope things work out
Yeah, its really messed up! My friends treat me better them my OWN blood! My Dad did always tell me the family will end up hurting you a lot more then friends! Looks like he was right yet again.

Don't seeing it really working out. He is more into other stuff it looks/sounds like then to be a part of his brothers life, or other family. Last time I spoke to him which was 2 years ago he said he was getting ready to work some "mean people". I guess meaning "drug dealers", or some gang or some shit! I just don't get it.. lol


Well-Known Member
Watching Radio with Cuba Gooding Jr. In it. Seems like a good movie from what I've seen so far.
I'm watching Swing Vote. hahahaha Fuckin stupid movie.... May I ask how it's supposed to be a comedy when the dad is an alcoholic who neglects his daughter? lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yeah, I do to. But I seriously don't see it working out. He is a loaner type person. Lol.. Sad really. I did however tell him I wish him all the best & luck in the world. Wish he wouldn't get mixed up in all that shit! He had said last night when we where talking that "this guys I'm working for really do care about me & take care of me"!! Ok, I then told him that "I" am the one that 4 real loves you & cares if you live or die, or go to jail, or get hurt! That some of those people "tell anyone anything" just to do their dirty work 4 them, and that they will say & do anything to sucker people in to work 4 them, just so that person can take the fall 4 their asses, or get shot & killed in their place!! I hope to GOD that nothing like that happens! But that type business isn't anything to mess round with! Tons of dirty $ involved, and a lot of people that losts their lives over the drug we all know as cocaine!!!
i have been that brother dank and i hope he comes around one day
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