Later flowering concerns...


New Member
We are currently in week 7 of flowering and for some reason it appears that some sudden new growth has appeared and I am seeing a lot of white hairs. They aren't forming too closely together though so I am not sure if they will fuse together to form a cola or not, as the flowering cycle should be nearing the end. It is a trainwreck strain and three of the five are suddenly getting new growth like this. Please give any feedback. Are these hermies? Are they going to fill in? How much longer would you think I should keep them going for till they begin to take form being that it is quite late into flowering.


Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that I'm seeing this correctly, is that a normal bud that started to regrow ? What I think that I'm saying is..... Did the bud form ,swell, tighten up a little then re sprout arm like protrusions ? Because if it did then that's way bitchen but also totally not normal unless the gene pool those seeds originally came from is tweaked. Please take an up close pic , and one about 1 foot away with regular lighting. Could you do that ? It would be most helpful. Oh and please upload them right side up if you can. Where did theses plants come from? seed? clones? What does the mom look like that they came from? Is she exhibiting this characteristic? train wreck is mostly sativa yes? Did you mess up your lighting cycle? Are you sure? Did you give her lots of nitrogen? If its a full sativa( I cant remember) or like a sativa hybrid leaning more to the sativa side then she will respond harshly to over watering over fertilizing and fucking up the light schedule even temporarily. Let me know because n0w I'm curious.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious too and would also like to see more pics. I concer, this is strange. I'm leaning toward hermi since I think I see some balls on the bud at the bottom of the pic.


Well-Known Member
looks like you have a nitrogen tox. you may have yourself a long flowering sativa like mentioned before can take 12 or more weeks to flower those.


New Member
Thank you very much for all the replies! Here are a few more pictures, hopefully these are a little better. As far as lighting, it has been on 12-12 for 7 weeks, and unfortunately a 40w desk lamp inside the room had been left on for two days while the lights were off a few weeks ago, but of the 30 plants in the room only three of the trainwrecks have recently started showing his type of appearance, everything else is looking great, nearly finished except for these few saliva/sativa dom trainwrecks. Everysingle plant started as a clone, I did not see the mother though. I do see a few tiny little sacs covered in crystals, they don't look like the balls I see males/hermies having but I may be wrong. Again, any more feedback would really be appreciated. thank you so much
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I apologize for the sideways pictures, i dont know why they seem to upload this way, they aren't loaded sideways on my computer or phone..


New Member
and yes, it did start forming totally normally and then recently started those protrusions, not sure if it had to do with the desk lamp accidently being left on (very weak 40w vs the 3000w that are normally on 12 hours. With that in mind, could that 40w have put the plants back into vegging? If so, does the fact that I have been flowering these plants for 7 weeks already mean that I need to restart again and am looking at anohter 9-10 weeks of flowering?


Well-Known Member
they look fine, maybe some clones came from a different mother? but i cant see any pollen sacks in those pics and you can still harvest the plant if the majority of it is ready. places that recieve less light tend to take longer to ripen in my experience well like the popcorn stuff under the canopy and stuff if its there. i wouldnt freak out over a tiny bit of light, consider it a full moon for the plants those 2 nights.


Well-Known Member
also when you say 7 weeks of flowering how old was the plant when you started flowering? also did you start counting when you changed your lights? because if it was not mature enough flowering may actually be delayed a week or so.


New Member
I vegged them for about 6 weeks and then started flowering about 7 weeks ago, so all in all about 13 weeks since I first got the cuttings. Interestingly enough the three plants that are doing this are pretty much in as direct light as can be, right under the 1000w - but not too close where it would be getting heat stress or anything, the room has been at a steady 70-75 with lights on and mid 60s at night. If you look closely at the last picture I uploaded there are these tiny little sacs, are those normal or could those potentially be balls / hermie? If they dont look like hermies I guess thesea ones will just take a coupple extra weeks?


Well-Known Member
they just look like swollen female parts to me. balls will not have trichomes on them only female parts.


Well-Known Member
Did you give them a big dose of nitrogen late in bloom? That can definitely cause the kind of growth you're seeing.


New Member
interesting. mostly just high P and K, not N. Assuming too much nitrogen is the case, what do you recommend I do? How much longer of a flowering time I might expect as a result of this? Do you think it will hurt or help the final yield / quality of the yield? Thank you very much everybody, really


Well-Known Member
Well, if you didn't add a pile of N, then that isn't the problem. No use assuming they have too much if you didn't add much.

The only other thing I know of that will do that is heat... Were you measuring your temps right at the top of the canopy? Maybe raise the light a little and see if it helps.


Active Member
Thank you very much for all the replies! Here are a few more pictures, hopefully these are a little better. As far as lighting, it has been on 12-12 for 7 weeks, and unfortunately a 40w desk lamp inside the room had been left on for two days while the lights were off a few weeks ago, but of the 30 plants in the room only three of the trainwrecks have recently started showing his type of appearance, everything else is looking great, nearly finished except for these few saliva/sativa dom trainwrecks. Everysingle plant started as a clone, I did not see the mother though. I do see a few tiny little sacs covered in crystals, they don't look like the balls I see males/hermies having but I may be wrong. Again, any more feedback would really be appreciated. thank you so much
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I apologize for the sideways pictures, i dont know why they seem to upload this way, they aren't loaded sideways on my computer or phone..
They're AWESOME ! No toxicity no shit ! I just think you grown it late in the season ! Cause when I grow twice a year outdoor (my case) it grows, give pistils and then regrow !
Just Awesome tops you got !