i want to write an amicus brief and submit it in The Green's case regarding 4i
need a lawyer to do the filing but the writing we can do. maybe get some organizations to sign on as well..
all the organizations working here in michigan are outfor one thing---> distribution rights at patients expense
--you can file your own amicus brief
....call elvie and ask her to get you in touch with 'pebbles'--she filed her brief herself in cali that changed the rules...from jail-(?)
pm me if you want her number-
the fucking bloodsucking lawyers here have everyone thinking we need 'them' to accomplish anything-
they have the whole community balls in their hands and they keep squeezing them
--an amicus brief in laymans terms means they overlooked a serious aspect on their ruling-
somthing blatantly obvious and plain simple english-
after all its all 'semantics' anyway
....the same semantics most are swallowing whole here....
....i am shocked there hasnt been many filed here with all the clear obvious blatant rulings against the mmj community
somthing again the fucking bloodsuckers liars(lawyers) dont want you to understand
many people in jail learn how to write and file amicus once they're sitting in there going "hey wait a fucking minute.....what about this??"
there should have been class action suits and amicus briefs filed in numbers all ready
--but the lawyers here are not working in our behalf
understand their lie and you might be able to see a fleeting glimpse of our future-
peace to the warriors
and war on liars
the court should be packed to capacity at every juncture of this case....
--but idont see anyone posting the shit until its too late
packed courtrooms are how you effect change-
fucking PACKED!!