BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Had some fucked up news today. Bests sis has gone into Labour last night n didn't even know she was preggers, been boozing all through the term. Been complications. Mates in bits cos he'd given her mdma on his birthday mid term. Not sure how the bairn or mother are yet.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
that's fucked up. this is all terrible news. sorry and sad to hear it all. Hope next year is better for you Cinders and Bests sis. take care ya'll

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Good vibes prevailed thankfully the complications were that she'd needed a C section. Baby had its cord wrapped round its feet.

9lb 6 baby boy. Real bruiser of of babby. Much joy, few tears and a good celebration last night. How she didn't know she had a 9lb baby on board is anyone's guess, she is a big girl though. Both mother and baby totally fine.

Bottled up my batch of beer and sank a few bought ones. Got the plants back. Not too shabby...


Well-Known Member
you would be asking a few questions if you had got them back and they were all perfectly lush and green. something for you to work on this next week don.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah again with the fan jokes eh lol. they're under the big cfl with no fan at the moment just to dry the coco out a bit then they'll be on short rations with a bit of feed, they haven't had anyh since they were sprouts and even that was a peely wally micro nute feed.


Well-Known Member
Well Mr west has a point they look like shit if you put a fan on them they may look better. However, knowing your luck with fans no doubt it will be a disaster......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Well-Known Member
Congrats to Bests Mates girl.....9 months without knowing she was preggers, holly molly. That babs is almost 30% bigger than our wee one. Crazy shtuff.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Whats a peely wally micro nute feed?
hahah peely wally is a northern phrase. if someone hands you a cuppa that looks like it's had the tea bag waved at it momentarily you would say it's a bit peely wally man howay!?
Congrats to Bests Mates girl.....9 months without knowing she was preggers, holly molly. That babs is almost 30% bigger than our wee one. Crazy shtuff.
cheers on his/her behalf lad, aye i'm not so sure she didn't know for the whole 9 months, i mean how could you not?! it'd be kicking and stuff surely. anyway, healthy happy babby everyone's happy.
you've been quiet since the storm. are you okay?

thanks for the concern man, up north barely saw more than a few gusty days.

I've been in bed for a week with proper flu. i've had colds up til now, this shit has wiped me out big time. hot, cold sweating at both times with headaches n shivers the works. yellow polka dotted throat. first time i've been up and about in a week and now coughing all kinds of nasty.

i haven't even had a smoke in a week. thinking i might brave a bong but i know it's going to hurt like hell.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
You have been quiet all week and I was wondering what had happened to you. I had flu last year and was down for almost a a shot this year. I hope you get to feeling better....think medibles, or your canna caps.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah am still no where near 100% but i'm better than i was. never felt like it. now a canna cap sounds a lot better than a raspy bong. sofa calls.