Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
You can have some serious weight grow in that cab Mo! Looking great, got any plans this weekend?



Well-Known Member
No Plans FM - just getting ready for Halloween :) I am worried about cutting holes in the plaster and wiring the cab. I also do not want humidity issues in that room. I am drawing up plans for an enclosed greenhouse/growroom in the North garden and pool equipment area.

Hyroot - I just replaced some lights in my house with the new Home Depot Cree bulbs. I also bought a Philips bulb. The first two Crees were defective (flickered on and off with vibration) and a broken bulb (from the cashier dropping it). The Philips is yellow and the Crees are blue. That room is very bright and blue now!


Well-Known Member
The Cree 2700k 9.5 w ones for $12.97are the ones you want. The newer blue ones are not as good. Philips makes good leds too. Just more expensive. The crees have a 10 year warranty too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks - it does make me smile :)

So much work though, and I have no time for anything else!

I can't wait to get the screen up on the greenhouse and start layering the entire ground with compost over the winter.


Well-Known Member
Thanks - it does make me smile :)

So much work though, and I have no time for anything else!

I can't wait to get the screen up on the greenhouse and start layering the entire ground with compost over the winter.
I am not the best at outdoors but I can say it takes way more time and work growing outdoors then it does growing indoors! Looking good Mo!



Well-Known Member
Once you get that grass out of there and the screen up and the first beds tilled, each successive year is easy. I tried that with raised beds but it was a pain for me to till them with new amendments and soil so I went back to the 20 gal pots. How are your plants dealing with the heavy dew and cold these past few weeks? They look great to me. GT


Well-Known Member
Still not getting any dew here. I stopped watering when we had the hot spell and the ground is still pretty dry. It is always tricky trying to keep from getting the ground too wet going in to winter. I think I timed it right this time. I am doling out small amounts of sugar water to the plants to try and keep them happy.


Well-Known Member
I am not the best at outdoors but I can say it takes way more time and work growing outdoors then it does growing indoors!
I find growing outdoors wayyyy easier than growing indoors. Good climate, good genetics, it grows itself :)


Well-Known Member
I find growing outdoors wayyyy easier than growing indoors. Good climate, good genetics, it grows itself :)
i have good climate, good genetics and i dont have to worry about bugs. :) but thats my indoor. i found my outdoor more work than the indoor ever is. mostly in the bug department. lmao. fuckin pillars.


Well-Known Member
BT, Neem, Protekt, Super Soil, Smart Pots, and water. No pH issues, no light issues, no kW issues... I like outdoors :)


Well-Known Member
Had to spray some BT today. Found a couple worms in the AOS #6. I had to dig through the main cola and disturb all of those beautiful trichomes! So greasy - smells like straight Kiwi shoe polish in the little hockey puck can :) Love that smell!

Why are my fingers so sticky! Oh...yeah hehe


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Mo! I wish I could grow Avo's up here, I love me some guacamole, infact, I loves me anything with avocado on it. That AOS cut looks like some serious fire, I might be interested in that cut too... I have all my keepers from this season transplanted in 5 gals, once they recover from some photo-stress and grow a bit more I'll be taking some cuts.

... I wish I could find a youtube video to squeeze in right here of Zapp Brannigan saying "guaca-mole"

Qush by TGA
Qrazy Train by TGA
Jedi Kush by Cali Connections
Phantom Cookies by GDP Genetics
Tranquil Elephantizer by Bodhi Seeds, I have no idea if it's a purple pheno or not, or if it's the remix or not, because my room never got cold enough for it to turn purple, but it looks like it really wanted too. Nevertheless, it's some serious, serious, serious fire.

Qrazy Train may or may not stick around to next season, I like it a whole lot, everything about it, but I'm hoping it'll start to reek after some cure, because I'm not getting a lot of smell off of it right now.