Kief Moon
Active Member
I spoke with the AN tech line yesterday. During the conversation I brought up that I was using GH CaliMagic. He told me to stop running any Calmag with PH Perfect. He said it will mess up the PH, but I've been running it from the beginning. Feed, water, feed, water. I add it when I water, then PH down to 5.8. First with 150ppm tap and now with R/O & had great results. The guy said to stop doing that too! Said not to PH my water even though it's 8.4. He said the PH Perfect in the Sunshine #4 will balance it. I'm due to water tonight and am in my 3rd week of flower. My plants are looking perfect. Just can't bring myself to leave it out. If it aint broke......right? Or wrong? I'm still a newb want to continue learning. What do you guys do?