Thegardenmans Outdoor Journal


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Hey whats up, im back for a summer grow. I previously had two harvests indoors this year and im doing my first outdoor attempt. Im working with jack herer, widow skunk, and mango/papaya. Currently i took two of the 3 widow skunk plants out of the bunch because there males. Now im waiting to sex the mango and jack herer. The herer seems to be growing alot slower. Is this normal? Im gonna update with pics asap. Also im looking for some info on how far i need to keep my males from my females (id hate for them to pollinate)


Active Member
well about the males you should just kill those fuckers unless you are breeding for seed. pollen can travel miles. not only will it wreck your grow, but everyone elses who is around you. and if you are trying to get some seed from your plants, i would just take some pollen sacks off the males and then kill the plant and use the pollen on one or 2 branches of a female later on.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
sweet, ill pull up a chair for this one

i think its normal for some to grow slower, it will catch up later
i heard that pollen can travels for miles so the best bet is to just kill them


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Yes good idea, ill save some pollen then kill the males. How do i know if the male plants are even ready to give pollen ?


Well-Known Member
A good way to save pollen is to place a plastic bag with a rubber band around one of the branches. The problem with doing this outdoors is you can't section off the males in another room to prevent them from pollenating all your females (by the time you save some pollen your fems will already be pollenated). Pollen does not stay viable as long as seeds though. Indoors you can use the bag method then place the bag over only one of your females plants branches to get some seeds and still have nice sensimilla buds too.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Ok guys......i germed 14 more seeds this morning and ill give them till tomorrow evening then ill probably plant those bitches :mrgreen:
My widow skunk is growing none stop ( i told her to chill the fuck out she's making her sisters look bad) I balls up and killed the males but i dont think they were mature enough to keep the pollen but i did anyways lol. I killed the plants and wrapped both plants in saran wrap. Ill have pics as soon as my buddy gets back from Saudi and i can use his badass camera due to mine getting stolen.

Currently i have all my plants in 1 gallon pots with a mixture of a local soil i got from the garden store and perlite. I usually water them once a day. I let the pot fill up with water then let it drain and fill it with water again. I want to use these 1gallon pots almost the entire vegg time so i have to prevent roots from becoming root bound and filling the pot and wasting the remaining soil.


Active Member
well about the males you should just kill those fuckers unless you are breeding for seed. pollen can travel miles. not only will it wreck your grow, but everyone elses who is around you. and if you are trying to get some seed from your plants, i would just take some pollen sacks off the males and then kill the plant and use the pollen on one or 2 branches of a female later on.

They may have already opened up and pollinated the female palnts by then.:blsmoke:


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Ill take better pics later on today or tomorrow. Alls i have to do now is sit and wait......ahhh bongsmilie
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Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
You can kinda see the labels on the pots but its hard to read. The 3 that are grouped together are mango, and the 3 in the orange pots are jack herer, and the one thats singled out on the far right is widow skunk. Bongsmilie

Which strains are those in the pictures? Those big ones are plenty big enough to take more clones from.:hump:
Thanks...I think im gonna put them in the ground today and try to get them to grow a bit more before they start flowering, I want these things to 4' tall before they start flowering. (Hopefully):mrgreen: :blsmoke:

rear tire's a little low. :)

your plants look really nice.


Well-Known Member
hey i just ordered 10 mango seeds, you have to tell me how the smoke is when your done so ii can have a heads up!