Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
I work hard because I like to, not because I have to. I work because I want to improve the quality of life of others, no matter how small or large the impact. You and your kind do it for the money, are greedy and see society as a survival of the fittest game. Life isn't a game, peoples live's are at stake when it comes to healthcare. And because you want to save a couple hundred dollars in taxes a year, you are needlessly cutting off the healthcare lifeline of those who really need it.

But of course, you make all this money and have people work for you while you go fishing, so a couple 100 dollars a year shouldn't and couldn't possibly break the bank for you, could it? Or is it just simple greed? Or are you a blue collar mental midget that likes to bullshit on the internet? New form of internet tough guy maybe?

You are a joke. And it's obvious.
Everybody's idea of the American dream is different. If you want to help people and make the world a better place, then that's your right. If other people choose to get rich and be greedy with their money, then that's their right. We shouldn't judge and hold people to your idea of a high standard. That's not what freedom is about.


Well-Known Member
Everybody's idea of the American dream is different. If you want to help people and make the world a better place, then that's your right. If other people choose to get rich and be greedy with their money, then that's their right. We shouldn't judge and hold people to your idea of a high standard. That's not what freedom is about.
So The Tea Baggies like you hate Jesus?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know the Tea Party was considered a wing of the Democratic party. Damn, didn't know that.
Thank you for clearing that up.

Bucky. why bury the truth? You should embrace it.
The Democratic party supported the KKK, historically.
We all get the hint, You like to distort history.
big difference between southern democrats and northern democrats.

the northern democrats voted hugely in favor of civil rights, southern democrats did not.

southern democrats are now today's tea partiers. the south is a solid block of red, electorally speaking.

your attempt at characterizing democrats as the KKK is about 50 years too late. the tea party own those votes now, so your whole retarded, outdated argument backfired on ya.


Well-Known Member
The actions or beliefs of any one individual person could not possibly factually support Buck's claim. If you don't recognize that you have no business trying to defend it.

Indeed, Buck already did you a favor and refined his claim: "all i did was point out that the same factions who burnt crosses are now the same factions who make the tea party what it is." He did not say "There are some fucking crazy people in the tea party," which everyone would happily agree with, he said that cross burners are the heart and soul of the tea party movement.

Your little article and your little post here do absolutely nothing to support that claim.
why did newt gingrich win the most racist parts of the south against romney with his dog whistles, while romney took the more moderate parts?

it's because the same group of southern racists who burnt crosses now idolize the tea party and compose their heart and soul now.

you are an idiot to argue against this rather mundane fact.

the tea party will never die, they will just come back under a different name. the southern democrats became dixiecrats who became goldwater republicans who became the tea party. the extremism and cross burning didn't change, the labels did.


Well-Known Member

So now you are saying that nobody is burning crosses...Which is it buck? Or are you making shit up again?.. I am beginning to think that weed you are growing is pretty good shit...And somebody just told me the other day there wasn't any good weed in the valley..
"if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who want the government to give them everything, so be it" - don yelton

this guy probably burns crosses for fun on the weekends.


Well-Known Member
The libertarian who's views of equal laws can not by definition be racist
in theory, that sounds perfect.

in practice, you are fronted by rawn and rend, racist supremes, who enlist the help of white supremacist group A3PO to get their message out, publish racist newsletters, author bills saying that homosexuality can not even be suggested to be OK, and hire neo-confederate supremacists.

you are an idiot.

sthe tea party is the only one pushing for laws that are color blind
"if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who want the government to give them everything, so be it" - don yelton


Well-Known Member
I work hard because I like to, not because I have to. I work because I want to improve the quality of life of others, no matter how small or large the impact. You and your kind do it for the money, are greedy and see society as a survival of the fittest game. Life isn't a game, peoples live's are at stake when it comes to healthcare. And because you want to save a couple hundred dollars in taxes a year, you are needlessly cutting off the healthcare lifeline of those who really need it.

But of course, you make all this money and have people work for you while you go fishing, so a couple 100 dollars a year shouldn't and couldn't possibly break the bank for you, could it? Or is it just simple greed? Or are you a blue collar mental midget that likes to bullshit on the internet? New form of internet tough guy maybe?

You are a joke. And it's obvious.
i doubt anyone as illiterate (and frankly quite dumb) as he is owns anything more than a few rusted out cars dying slow deaths on his bare front lawn.


New Member
There's one thing these progs (takers) on this board have in common, they can't secede on their own, they need outside help (the government).
Hey, it's a fact, when it comes to money, 99% of people align with and vote for the party that shares their own interest.

Think about it, who do you personally know that pays a high amount of taxes supporting a party that wants to tax them even more, I don't know a single one!
Then you have the dolts that point out the Warren Buffet's of the world as their example, they have no frikin clue what a low tax rate these multimillionaire investors pay.

Tying to talk sense into these entitled progressives is like telling a 10 year old child that they aren't getting a $200 pair of Jordan's and the new iphone 5s.


Well-Known Member
Everybody's idea of the American dream is different. If you want to help people and make the world a better place, then that's your right. If other people choose to get rich and be greedy with their money, then that's their right. We shouldn't judge and hold people to your idea of a high standard. That's not what freedom is about.
At the individual level I agree. As a collective, a society, you are wrong. Dead wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it's a fact, when it comes to money, 99% of people align with and vote for the party that shares their own interest.
then why do so many food stamp conservatives in appalachia vote republican?

why do the majority of those with post-graduate educations (thereby making six figures or more) trend democratic?

it turns out that your statement above is not actually a fact, but just another example of you trying to illustrate that you are mentally retarded.

we all know that already though.


Well-Known Member
At the individual level I agree. As a collective, a society, you are wrong. Dead wrong.
Why did you stop there?

This is the part where you are supposed to tell me about how the noble and virtuous Democrats are the only people capable of making things fair, and establishing more proof that your idea of a Utopian State is unachievable.


Well-Known Member
There's one thing these progs (takers) on this board have in common, they can't secede on their own, they need outside help (the government).
Hey, it's a fact, when it comes to money, 99% of people align with and vote for the party that shares their own interest.

Think about it, who do you personally know that pays a high amount of taxes supporting a party that wants to tax them even more, I don't know a single one!
Then you have the dolts that point out the Warren Buffet's of the world as their example, they have no frikin clue what a low tax rate these multimillionaire investors pay.

Tying to talk sense into these entitled progressives is like telling a 10 year old child that they aren't getting a $200 pair of Jordan's and the new iphone 5s.
You make foolish, uneducated, biased decisions based on some bullshit you hear on TV. You are not a thinking man.

You literally jump from idea to idea, never connecting the dots. Your bullshit ramblings have no meaning whatsoever.

But it's up to you, if you would like to debate fact for fact, no judgement, no bias. If you really honestly want to make a new thread and debate underlying beliefs, then lets do it. Let's compare ideas and draw conclusions based on the evidence that supports those ideas rather than prejudice and assumptions.

I dare you. I bet you won't last 2 pages before you use the word, "you".


New Member
then why do so many food stamp conservatives in appalachia vote republican?

why do the majority of those with post-graduate educations (thereby making six figures or more) trend democratic?

it turns out that your statement above is not actually a fact, but just another example of you trying to illustrate that you are mentally retarded.

we all know that already though.
Show me the high tax paying food stamp conservatives in Appalachia, moron.
And hey, I admit you are an awesome grammar nazi, hows that paying the bills for ya? lol


Well-Known Member
Why did you stop there?

This is the part where you are supposed to tell me about how the noble and virtuous Democrats are the only people capable of making things fair, and establishing more proof that your idea of a Utopian State is unachievable.
Can you think for yourself? Or are you just going to regurgitate slogans and euphemisms? How about you begin by telling me specifically you look for in our society and government? Do it without naming calling or using the word, "you" or "dems" or "libs". I want you to tell me what you believe in. Then I will respond.


New Member
You make foolish, uneducated, biased decisions based on some bullshit you hear on TV. You are not a thinking man.

You literally jump from idea to idea, never connecting the dots. Your bullshit ramblings have no meaning whatsoever.

But it's up to you, if you would like to debate fact for fact, no judgement, no bias. If you really honestly want to make a new thread and debate underlying beliefs, then lets do it. Let's compare ideas and draw conclusions based on the evidence that supports those ideas rather than prejudice and assumptions.

I dare you. I bet you won't last 2 pages before you use the word, "you".
Say when!..................


Well-Known Member
Show me the high tax paying food stamp conservatives in Appalachia, moron.
goddamn, are you fucking stupid?

there are massively poor swaths of the south, appalachia, and elsewhere that vote republican while they take in the food stamps.

you doubt they exist?


just in case you needed to see actual poor, white conservatives on food stamps voting for republicans.

And hey, I admit you are an awesome grammar nazi, hows that paying the bills for ya? lol
i correct your spelling to further illustrate what a fool you are. you do a pretty good job on your own though.

my cannabis pays the bills.

still waiting on those quotes from you.


Well-Known Member
Can you think for yourself? Or are you just going to regurgitate slogans and euphemisms? How about you begin by telling me specifically you look for in our society and government? Do it without naming calling or using the word, "you" or "dems" or "libs". I want you to tell me what you believe in. Then I will respond.
You're shittin' me right? You don't know what I believe in?

Well then let me tell you. I believe that the constitution is NEVER up for election, only temporary politicians.


Well-Known Member
You make foolish, uneducated, biased decisions based on some bullshit you hear on TV. You are not a thinking man.

You literally jump from idea to idea, never connecting the dots. Your bullshit ramblings have no meaning whatsoever.

But it's up to you, if you would like to debate fact for fact, no judgement, no bias. If you really honestly want to make a new thread and debate underlying beliefs, then lets do it. Let's compare ideas and draw conclusions based on the evidence that supports those ideas rather than prejudice and assumptions.

I dare you. I bet you won't last 2 pages before you use the word, "you".