The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You on some kind of workout diet or something?

I read just today that the heart foundation reccomends 2 fish meals a week. Are they aware how financially fucked people are these days and how expensive fish is? (I flat refuse to buy this perfectly square frozen bollocks, I do not eat frozen meat or fish)
tinned meats gotta be worse tho


Active Member
tinned meats gotta be worse tho
depends m8, need to check if its MRM (mechanically recovered meat) like hotdogs it the bones and other left over shit crushed 2gther to make a pulpe thats then got additives thrown in to make it look like meat. if not then not all tinned meat is that bad, however u can never beat fresh from the butcher


Well-Known Member
yer.....I usually get like 4 chickens , 10 chicken brests some steak fish fresh.....and about 8 tins of tuna a week.......I can rem finding that bone shit in some tinned meat once...never eat it again.....
depends m8, need to check if its MRM (mechanically recovered meat) like hotdogs it the bones and other left over shit crushed 2gther to make a pulpe thats then got additives thrown in to make it look like meat. if not then not all tinned meat is that bad, however u can never beat fresh from the butcher


Well-Known Member
depends m8, need to check if its MRM (mechanically recovered meat) like hotdogs it the bones and other left over shit crushed 2gther to make a pulpe thats then got additives thrown in to make it look like meat. if not then not all tinned meat is that bad, however u can never beat fresh from the butcher
Ive never ate tinned meat m8 no matter what it is, not sayin it's bad I just wouldn't eat it. I could live on proper meat and spuds no probs, fuck the rest

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not a big build and love takeaways but fucked that mcdonalds when there so much else to choose from, fills ye up for half an hour and ur hungry again
that is one of the properties of monosodiumglutamate is it not? that it fills you up then make you hungrier than before you had the meal? Why i always order more hinese than i need. An hour later i get hunger pains and i can crack open another egg fried rice with prawns :D

tinned meats gotta be worse tho
Don't go there. Please. How do people eat those canned hotdogs? How could you in anyway eat tinned meat yet refuse to eat catfood? Was camping in london with the gf many months back, and she insisted on buying a can of corned beef (fucking expensive as well!) and our breakfast one morning was corned beef mashed down into gloop with half a block of cheddar cheese grated into it and fried. I will not forget that breakfat for a long time. I feel shame!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fuking love me spuds mate and me jacket potatoes...mmmmmmmmm
If it's not cheese n beans i'm not eating it! Used to work in a place that served jacket potatos, had a guy from the phone shop next door come in every day and buy a jacket with prawns and cheese. barf!

Speaking of jacket potatoes, has anyone watched Cuckoo? They better release a new series soon!


Well-Known Member
yer ttt have u seen price of corned beef....? wtf is corned beef??? and its like 3 sqid a fukin tin..........fukin food prices are redic thesedays....and its not even food.....just bolloks......but most ppl will eat it esp junk....and get use to it that's why taists nice......easy erner for so called food companys to make shit cos they kno ppl will buy it no mata on the price.......


Well-Known Member
that is one of the properties of monosodiumglutamate is it not? that it fills you up then make you hungrier than before you had the meal? Why i always order more hinese than i need. An hour later i get hunger pains and i can crack open another egg fried rice with prawns :D

Don't go there. Please. How do people eat those canned hotdogs? How could you in anyway eat tinned meat yet refuse to eat catfood? Was camping in london with the gf many months back, and she insisted on buying a can of corned beef (fucking expensive as well!) and our breakfast one morning was corned beef mashed down into gloop with half a block of cheddar cheese grated into it and fried. I will not forget that breakfat for a long time. I feel shame!
Tims of corned beef for breakfast lol fuck that.....and those fuckin meat sandwhich spread things ye get too ther just not right lol. Gotta have beans and cheese on a baked potato too, ffs I can see me ordering a dominos sometime soon, ther open till 3


Active Member
that is one of the properties of monosodiumglutamate is it not? that it fills you up then make you hungrier than before you had the meal? Why i always order more hinese than i need. An hour later i get hunger pains and i can crack open another egg fried rice with prawns :D

Don't go there. Please. How do people eat those canned hotdogs? How could you in anyway eat tinned meat yet refuse to eat catfood? Was camping in london with the gf many months back, and she insisted on buying a can of corned beef (fucking expensive as well!) and our breakfast one morning was corned beef mashed down into gloop with half a block of cheddar cheese grated into it and fried. I will not forget that breakfat for a long time. I feel shame!
yeah mate MSG is a great but shit thing at same time it makes usually bland food taste great but like u said also makes u hungrier not long after eating, i worked in a restaurant where the owner made us use it in almost everything we made purely because it made ppl belive the food was nicer than it was.

If it's not cheese n beans i'm not eating it! Used to work in a place that served jacket potatos, had a guy from the phone shop next door come in every day and buy a jacket with prawns and cheese. barf!

Speaking of jacket potatoes, has anyone watched Cuckoo? They better release a new series soon!
u cant beat cheese and coleslaw on a baked tattie !!


Well-Known Member
mate cheese and beans all the way.....sometimes have bit of tuna for bit of protine...dippends how I feel......
If it's not cheese n beans i'm not eating it! Used to work in a place that served jacket potatos, had a guy from the phone shop next door come in every day and buy a jacket with prawns and cheese. barf!

Speaking of jacket potatoes, has anyone watched Cuckoo? They better release a new series soon!


Active Member
Tims of corned beef for breakfast lol fuck that.....and those fuckin meat sandwhich spread things ye get too ther just not right lol. Gotta have beans and cheese on a baked potato too, ffs I can see me ordering a dominos sometime soon, ther open till 3
and ur going on about me always munching i want a dominoes, stop talkin bout food ya bunch a cunts


Well-Known Member
with the steds tho im always hungry.....its what it dose in a kind of way......most nites wake up and I have to eat....or have a protine shake......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yer ttt have u seen price of corned beef....? wtf is corned beef??? and its like 3 sqid a fukin tin..........fukin food prices are redic thesedays....and its not even food.....just bolloks......but most ppl will eat it esp junk....and get use to it that's why taists nice......easy erner for so called food companys to make shit cos they kno ppl will buy it no mata on the price.......
We to go with sainsburys poverty line of corned beef and it was still 2 quid. I can get ten pouches of tuna catfood for 2 quid for fucks sake and its probably a damned sight more nutritious.


Well-Known Member
yer your prob rite it is.....I have eaten babyfood out the jars in the past lmao...don't think I cld eat catfood tho....I do bit of shopping at sains too.....
We to go with sainsburys poverty line of corned beef and it was still 2 quid. I can get ten pouches of tuna catfood for 2 quid for fucks sake and its probably a damned sight more nutritious.