F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

That's how I look at it, sounds similar to something iv been through too many times.
he was in a car accident a while back and lost one of his legs. had some brain damage and almost died. when he was healed and better he wasnt the same guy anymore. he had money and was always depressed. got into drinking and drugs to help and ended up hanging himself in his bathroom.
This was my very first ride I ever been on! I always felt like I was Evel Knievel! Not to mention how I had every single Evel Knievel toy there was, he was my first idol! lol


I did a blast of Big Bertha today, she looks very nice and smells sweet!

@D, did you get my PM about Monday?

Big Bertha Batch of Crumble. This is my favorite part of making BHO, the scrape!!! I love scrapping it up and watch it crumble...DSC01985.jpg

Its going to take some time to blast all of her, I did 4 runs of her already and only got 1/4 of one bucket done. I still have another full 5 gallon bucket and a 4 gallon bucket full of Bertha. I am also going to have to buy more butane. JD where is that butane for 70 bucks???

Well here is the final product after being scraped up. I leave it on my cable box over night. Smoked it this morning and its some bomb crumble...Big Bertha doesnt yield like my MD bud but its def tastier and the high is very potent!
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What I have here is some Absolute Shatter being made! I got some BHO from a friend and he kind of didnt finish the process of making the BHO so it wasnt fully whipped or purged. So my friend is letting put this to the test. I did do a dab of it before running it and it was tough and tore my lungs up! I was coughing like a mofo. So this will really test to see how much smoother it can become.
Weighed it out prior to dissolving it.
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In the Everclear and then stirred to dissolve, took about 15 minutes to do.
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Here is what it looked like after 5 hours in the freezer
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This was it this morning at 16 hours in the freezer. Looks like a lot of stuff in the BHO. I am sure there will be a significant lose in yield when done.
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After 24 hours of being in the freezer, I will start straining it in class cups through the coffee filters.

I will post pics later on when I start evaporating the everclear.

I cleaned out my bathroom today and I think I am going to run two lights in my bathroom for my Winter grow. As of right now the strains I will be keeping from all those clones will be LA Con, Cherry Pie and MK Ultra(bagseed from dispensary). The others didnt make my cut!

I never did hear the smoke comparisons of the clones you got from San Diego. As far as vigor and early bud development, the headband is far ahead my others.
I am still waiting on the last 3 to fully cure (Headband, MK Ultra and GSC) The LaCon, SourHawaiian and Cherry Pie smoke is about done. I havent forgotten about the reports, just want them all done first. But there is no doubt that I will keep the LaCon and Cherry Pie. As of right now my Headband seemed to yield to most and then the Sour Hawaiian was the next largest.

If I had the room I would keep them all to be honest. Its just I dont have the room to mom 6 different strains.
Haha yea i know what your saying im fighting to get rid of a couple strain i have 6 right now i just dont know which one to choose.
Im gonna make an attempt to keep a headband mom. Who knows how long that will last! I was 8/8 on these clones so I'll keep one vegging out when I start my next run.
I really think you should clone your La Con....Its a little slow vegging but flowers nicely, mediocre yield but taste, smell, bag appeal, high are TOP NOTCH!!! Cherry Pie is my #1 right now, I think the MK Ultra might dethrone it but we will see.

Im off to Wally World for some money spending! Save Money...Live Better...WalMart!
You have the LA Con going for a mom still right? I've been tempted to build another little space outta my room for cloning. Lacking $ to play around though!
Its been 24 hours of it being in the freezer so now its time to strain. I am using 4 glasses with non-bleach coffee filters.

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Once its all poured out, I put it back into the freezer till its completely drained through the filter. This is about 15 minutes after being put back in the freezer. You can see what was filtered out.
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Next step is to cook off the everclear. I will post pics later after I am done. Should start in about 30 minutes or so. All is looking on point.

Well I finished last night with everything around 12:30am. Here is how it turned out.
These are the four filters that I used. There is quite a bit of stuff in there.

Here I am cooking off the Everclear, once I see the oil, I then start to scrape it out in the pyrex dish so its a nice thin film, plus it help get rid of the Everclear. When the Everclear is out of the product, its time to scrape rows of Shatter. I used approximately 18 razor blades.

The first pic is what I call waste. Its from the razor blades that I used to thin out all four batches I ran. Came out to be .5 grams. Second pic was the final yield of Absolute Shatter, 12.2 grams. So both together comes out to be 12.7 grams. Starting product was 15.8 so 3.1 grams was filtered out or lost (plus I did 4 dabs of it, 1 of each batch I ran). Thats not bad at all if you ask me.

Smoke report on it, well lets say its smooth clean smoke but the flavor is not there and I dont like the taste to be honest. When I do a dab of it, it makes my head, ears, and eyes tingle(which I liked). Overall it def did its job to make the smoke cleaner and smoother! Overall I prefer my crumble cause its much tastier and less work. Doing this method requires a lot of time (2 days) and patience plus its a bitch working with shatter.
