Well I finished last night with everything around 12:30am. Here is how it turned out.
These are the four filters that I used. There is quite a bit of stuff in there.

Here I am cooking off the Everclear, once I see the oil, I then start to scrape it out in the pyrex dish so its a nice thin film, plus it help get rid of the Everclear. When the Everclear is out of the product, its time to scrape rows of Shatter. I used approximately 18 razor blades.

The first pic is what I call waste. Its from the razor blades that I used to thin out all four batches I ran. Came out to be .5 grams. Second pic was the final yield of Absolute Shatter, 12.2 grams. So both together comes out to be 12.7 grams. Starting product was 15.8 so 3.1 grams was filtered out or lost (plus I did 4 dabs of it, 1 of each batch I ran). Thats not bad at all if you ask me.

Smoke report on it, well lets say its smooth clean smoke but the flavor is not there and I dont like the taste to be honest. When I do a dab of it, it makes my head, ears, and eyes tingle(which I liked). Overall it def did its job to make the smoke cleaner and smoother! Overall I prefer my crumble cause its much tastier and less work. Doing this method requires a lot of time (2 days) and patience plus its a bitch working with shatter.