Can acid come on just regular paper?


Active Member
I've gotten blank tabs before that work amazing. But this one didn't seem to be thick blotter paper. I was kind of thin.. Has anyone purchased a tab like the once i've described and had a good trip?


bud bootlegger
rory just said in another thread that the different levels of acid, ie, sliver, needlepoint, etc, etc, all usually come on different forms of paper.. silver usually on thicker, and needlepoint on the thinner paper i do believe he just said..
so thin is good.. :D


Well-Known Member
Are you talking like computer paper or what? Are there any lines in it or is it perforated? I mean it can be on anything really.... But I'd be skeptical as fuck if someone tried handing me a piece of computer paper.


Well-Known Member
so wtf ever happened to 4-way windowpane of the 70s and 80s?
Seemed to me all the best acid was windowpane .


Well-Known Member
Story is (again..this is a rumor)..the guy making runs to the west coast for ounces of raw left his house in the care of a friend..mostly to have his friend care for his his friend was the buisness end of this situation..he just had the hookup..well he leaves on a plane to reup,his friends gets spun for days,let the dog shit everywhere and trash the house..dude came home,and cut him still see geltabs,its rare..still tho I agree..gels were great..I helped make a few 9bys back in tha,clear,and sky blue..yellow,green,swirled colors,black(didn't make those but they were great)..yellow..purple was a good batch..the thick brown ones were actually supposed to be clear(damn silver)


Well-Known Member
I've had some amber ones and some light red ones. Those were greaat stuff. They were from a random guy named Alf that I only knew briefly.... but damn good acid :)


Well-Known Member
To be honest the gels were great for a one could fake em till someone spilled the beans about the recessed light mold..the other benifit: I had a sucrets cough drop box full of over-pour shavings..the little extra that leaked out around the edges..kinda like the little strip at the top of a page..just a little extra...go through 100 9bys..that's a lot of extra


Well-Known Member
I miss the gels.
OP how thin of paper are we talking about? The thinnest blotter paper is still fairly heavy. You need a fairly thick paper to be able to absorb everything evenly.


Well-Known Member
ive gotten a paper plate that had the hits drawn out in pencil...tripped my balls off...Cincinnati OH 1995


Well-Known Member you got really heavily micd amber/lavendar/silver on #14 acid free watercolor paper..and someone had a rolo-ruler...most likely silver back then..if it was before jerry passed...much of the L. Then was much co cheap..500ug was easy to find..pretty much everyone on dead tour or the world was laying it down in 200ug or more lots..


Well-Known Member
See the point is..PURE 100% HAS NO TASTE..the tastes you get are from impurities,the ink on the paper,or an r.c...since it was 95..doubt it was an r.c...