
Well-Known Member
I now consider myself the luckiest person alive...

Here's my story...

My wife and I, like many other Americans, have recently lost our home to foreclosure, we decided to move from CA to FL to be close to her family.
Her and my son flew out so that left me with the daunting task of driving from Humboldt county, to West Palm Beach.
Because FL is not a medical state, I have decided to hang up growing till I can convince her to move back to my home state.
I just harvested over a pound of meds, so I decided I would take it with me( probably not the best decision I've ever made)
I purchased a vacuum sealer and did it up right. After watching Barry Coopers' video "Never get busted again" I learned that drug dogs have a hard time smelling up high, and so I decided to put it in my headliner.
It fit rather nicley and I was confident of my stash, so I packed up my 5 x 9 UHAUL trailer, got my three dogs ready and off I went.
I decided that I would refrain from smoking ANYTHING the entire trip...
I know huh? Believe me it was tough. Especially through Texas.
As I was approaching the border of two states that I will not mention, I saw a sign on the side of the road that said "DRUG DOG INSPECTION AHEAD"
OMFG! What the hell do I do? I thought to myself. My heart almost jumped out of my chest.There ahead of me was an off-ramp, so I took it. To the right was a large open field in front of a large industrial complex of some sort.
As I was panicing in my head I turned left into the complex area just before a oncoming SUV. As I stopped I noticed the car turning around and lighting me up...YEP, an unmarked cop car pulled me over for "not signaling my turn".Just as they did I opened the back of my SUV and let my dogs out in the big grass field as though I was pulling over to let them pee.
Guns were drawn on me with loud shouting and the whole 9 yards.
I finally got me dogs back in and the ordered me to follow them to a side street.
I was told to get out of the car and come over to them, the officer who questioned me was clearly trying to intimidate me but thanks to the NGB dvd I recognized his tactics. He was asking me over and over if I had any illegal substances in my vehicle, and then said " do you have any for personal use?, usually we just take it and throw it away if you do"
"Yeah right asshole" was my first thought, "you want probable cause to search my entire vehicle". I calmly said "no sir" as I looked him straight in the eye. He asked I f he could look in my UHAUL and I said rather confidently "sure" He made me open it, asked me some more questions trying to catch me in a lie. He then said that he was checking my record for any priors, well this was the first time in my life I had ever encountered the law, I was clean as a whistle, so I remained calm.
I heard the dispatch on the radio saying I had nothing prior.
He then handed me back my licence and said "drive carefully to Florida and have a nice day".
I couldn't belive my ears... I actually pulled it off. As I got in my car and headed to the highway I looked at the picture of my 2 year old son I had on my dash and started crying, I have never been so afraid and then felt so much relief in my life.
I will never do this again...It's not worth it!
Needless to say, I highly recommend the dvd.
jesus, no shit. nothing more relaxing than a spliff after a close encounter like that.

why didn't she drive with you? that's some boring shit solo ..
As I got in my car and headed to the highway I looked at the picture of my 2 year old son I had on my dash and started crying, I have never been so afraid and then felt so much relief in my life.
I will never do this again...It's not worth it!

That there is what sickens me about this drug war and the ridiculous laws governing it... so many good people out there being terrified of having to spend years in prison because we of our choice to use a harmless herb. I'm so glad you made it through that and good job handling the police the way you did... Being in the middle of Texas and Mississippi, aka Louisiana... we hear about busts ALL the time on I-10. If it was LA drug interdiction troopers who had the checkpoint I commend you even further, they're as dirty as the river that flows through our state.
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