I'm not a connoisseur


Well-Known Member
I am admittedly not a connoisseur of fine weeds and whats considered "fire".
I smoke a decent amount and have for years. I can in general taste some differences in strains but for the most part its just good green weed to me. I can visually see what has better bag appeal... not that that is a skill. I grow and dont have any problems getting rid of it.
After years of dealing with shit clones I went to seeds. I was amazed at how much faster and stronger and happier my girls have been. But heres the thing. I just get beans, sprout them. If its fem it gets turned into a mother. I dont choose the best mother because as long as it grows strong, has crystals, smells like weed and gets you high its a fucking keeper to me...

In fact people asking for different strains and saying this one is this and that always kind of irked me. Theres no real testing or database. Its a bunch of forum conjecture about where something came from and a hope that a greedy seedbank didnt just repackage some beans under the new hot strain. SO many phenos you might get. blah blah. If you ask for a strain you really have to ask for a strain that came from this line, from this breeder, from this seedbank, grown by this guy that chose that pheno. Basically you are never going to get the same thing from 2 different people.

now ive been reading a couple groupthink threads that started as such and such strain is great that devolves into they stole the strain and theres not much "fire" keepers in the beans. So that go me thinking. How do I actually find a keeper. Are you guys getting each potential tested for THC? Are you using the I was THiiiissss stoned when I smoked that one and only thiiiis stoned on this one?

Are you using the taste test? Mmm this one tastes good. this one tastes less good?

Seems like this "fire" selection is subjective as hell?

so how do I refine my pallet and how do you find the keepers?

Or are you guys just a bunch of weed snob nerds that have a lot of maybe-history of different strains and like to chat about it on forums. no offense. seriously not trying to troll. I like to be good at what I do and I feel like I'm missing a whole side of this hobby by not joining in the fun of this part of the forum.

Or should I go back to weed the same way I drink wine. If it tastes good, doesnt give me rot gut the next morning and doesnt cost my left nut, its good wine. I cant tell you if it has an oaky flavor with a hint of blah blah blah.
it's all super subjective obviously, and comes down to what you personally like..
say we both grew strain x.. 10 seeds apiece, you might pick plant 5 because it has a great taste, and looks pretty. i on the other hand, picked plant 7, because she smelled good and seemed to be the most potent of the lot..
so obviously what defines a keeper to me might not be what you're looking for.. take subcool for instance.. he tends to breed for pretty, flavorful plants, and not so much for potency.. flavorful bud, while nice, is not the first thing on my list of what i'd consider a keeper, nor is looking pretty..

i can surely tell the difference between say on og kush and a haze.. yes, they're both weed, but they surely have much differing tastes ime.. i do however hate some of the terms that people use when describing some of these tastes, sandalwood, fuck, i wouldn't know wtf sandalwood tasted like if you hit me over the head with a sandalwood, w/e the hell that even is.. so yes, i agree, some people get a bit over board when describing some of these various tastes.. obviously sandalwood is just one ex. that popped into my head..
I am admittedly not a connoisseur of fine weeds and whats considered "fire".
I smoke a decent amount and have for years. I can in general taste some differences in strains but for the most part its just good green weed to me. I can visually see what has better bag appeal... not that that is a skill. I grow and dont have any problems getting rid of it.

^^^^ Cant tell ya how much I love this shit!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you should stop on by and look in my jar to see what that "fire" is all about bud!
I am a connoisseur. I enjoy a select few. I won't smoke nugz that I don't like the smell or taste of even if it gets me high. I can tell the difference between a haze, kush, blueberry or og. I've been smoking along time and like any connoisseur, have grow to favor a certain type of marijuana. Call me crazy, call me dumb, but I like what I like and I am passionate about it.
keepers are finding the perfect balance of a plant that you like to grow. the effect and 'fire of it is just one part of the equation. some people look for a easy to grow plant or one that give good yields as well as being very strong. but like everything in life if you choose for yield then effect might suffer or the plant might be more sensitive to its environment. when you personally choose a pheno it is what you think a cannabis plant should be like not what anyone else thinks. if youre ok with a medium hitting weed with heavy yields then thats your keeper, most people though choose only for effect which leads to plants like the og kushes where the yields and plant structure are not optimal but they are strong when you smoke it.
i couldnt tell a haze from a blueberry or whatever. I grew up smoking east coast schwag. By the time I was around good weed it wasnt with people that talked strains. You just got whatever the guy had. he named it whatever the guy that sold it to him called it. It wasnt until the last 5 or 10 years that I've been in cali that strains (or at least their names) are even relevant. Also I've been exposed to much more variety with the semilegal status we have here.

I guess growing up smoking to get high with flavor or smell not even being something we thought or talked about. I need to change my ways. pay attention to the flavors and difference in highs. different mindset I guess.

i dont think you are crazy kgp. i wont smoke bowls... I dont care what weed you put in it. bowls are fucking retarded.
Keepers definitely vary from person to person. I think most growers will definitively choose a higher yielding/quicker flowering version of whatever flavor and effect they desire. Big Bud for example about 1/4 females is a really heavy heavy yielder and most people who grow it out look for one of those plants and then maybe they get lucky and have a few to choose from obviously you're gonna take the one that you enjoy the most according to the characteristics you think are the most important. Yeah, it's subjective, but what I try to do is find people who have similar tastes and see what it is they are currently enjoying that I haven't grown out yet.

I know that I used my experience with Killing Fields (IE: Someone else who also grew out KF and liked it like I did journals would carry more weight) as a guideline for advice on the grow after and I decided to throw down Sugar Punch amongst others and I found winners in all.
i can surely tell the difference between say on og kush and a haze.. yes, they're both weed, but they surely have much differing tastes ime.. i do however hate some of the terms that people use when describing some of these tastes, sandalwood, fuck, i wouldn't know wtf sandalwood tasted like if you hit me over the head with a sandalwood, w/e the hell that even is.. so yes, i agree, some people get a bit over board when describing some of these various tastes.. obviously sandalwood is just one ex. that popped into my head..

Whats even worse is subcool he's got baby poop as a smell/taste I swear dude never changed a diaper in his life I have and I'm not smoking anything that tastes or smells like baby poop.:spew:I can't really explain flavors that detailed myself its like its got a spice flavor or floral, fruity and some are just unexplainable but taste great.
Whats even worse is subcool he's got baby poop as a smell/taste I swear dude never changed a diaper in his life I have and I'm not smoking anything that tastes or smells like baby poop.:spew:I can't really explain flavors that detailed myself its like its got a spice flavor or floral, fruity and some are just unexplainable but taste great.

Lol, yeah.. wtf would you think baby shit would be a good description for anything you'd want to smoke is so beyond me..
And I'm pretty much the same.. I mean, I can say for ex. that og kush has a hashy, earthy, piney taste to it, and that a haze is more spicey, maybe peppery, but that's about all i got.. and oh yeah, blueberry like ssh tastes like blueberry, lol..
i couldnt tell a haze from a blueberry or whatever. I grew up smoking east coast schwag. By the time I was around good weed it wasnt with people that talked strains. You just got whatever the guy had. he named it whatever the guy that sold it to him called it. It wasnt until the last 5 or 10 years that I've been in cali that strains (or at least their names) are even relevant. Also I've been exposed to much more variety with the semilegal status we have here.

I guess growing up smoking to get high with flavor or smell not even being something we thought or talked about. I need to change my ways. pay attention to the flavors and difference in highs. different mindset I guess.

i dont think you are crazy kgp. i wont smoke bowls... I dont care what weed you put in it. bowls are fucking retarded.

I think I found your problem I've mostly been just smoking from a glass pipe cause it tastes the best. But a blunt, joint, vaporizer and even a dirty bong really diminishes the flavor quite a bit but through a glass pipe it just tastes so good as long as the bud tastes great but the same bud through a joint aint all that impressive still decent just the paper fucks it up a bit.
I think I found your problem I've mostly been just smoking from a glass pipe cause it tastes the best. But a blunt, joint, vaporizer and even a dirty bong really diminishes the flavor quite a bit but through a glass pipe it just tastes so good as long as the bud tastes great but the same bud through a joint aint all that impressive still decent just the paper fucks it up a bit.

Totally missed that part of the post blunt, and I completely agree.. I used to used those old metal pipes in the 90's, then I met my first pot snob friend and he turned me onto glass and I've never looked back since.. he would even get pissed if you hit the bowl first and didn't just light the corner of the bowl instead of.blazing the entire thing, in order to keep as many green hits as possible.
But yeah, glass definitely will give the best flavor hands down.. then I'd say glass bong, papers, and obviously it's considered a sin by many to be smoking good bud out of a blunt if you actually want to taste the bud..
All cannabis is not created equal.
There is a magnitude of differences from potency, smell, taste, bud structure, flowering times and vigor (as well as many more measuring sticks) within ceed stock.
Many of us started out on bagseed. Many if us too can remember that first toke of real quality smoke.
When one is growing, it depends on what you prioritize as important characteristics that determine what is a keeper.
Since I grow for myself, my keepers are not the same as someone growing commercially. I have a few different females from different strains which willbe ran twice to find subtle differences to pick between.
Really for me its more of a ranking system with a few key points. Potency number one, growth performance and time for two, output for three and finally taste/smell . I'm not one againat hashy or "sandlewood" strains but some love only candy smelling or fruity strains.
Plus the criteria is different for if I'm running an f1 or an ibl.
I think of it as any enjoyable consumable. I like quality and the finer things. There are bound to be different opinions and preferences (some like an ipa over a porter).
Totally missed that part of the post blunt, and I completely agree.. I used to used those old metal pipes in the 90's, then I met my first pot snob friend and he turned me onto glass and I've never looked back since.. he would even get pissed if you hit the bowl first and didn't just light the corner of the bowl instead of.blazing the entire thing, in order to keep as many green hits as possible.
But yeah, glass definitely will give the best flavor hands down.. then I'd say glass bong, papers, and obviously it's considered a sin by many to be smoking good bud out of a blunt if you actually want to taste the bud..

Yea metal is a last, and I mean very last resort for me. I'm a glass snob but am always happy with a joint or blunt.
This is probally gonna piss some people off, but oh well, get over it!! I'm 51 years old and all my life I have observed people(mainly men) being competitive in like every way possible. From who has the best toys, to who has the largest cock, to who has the cutest girlfriend, to who has the nicest car, and who makes the most money. This flawed aspect of mans nature is also present in " who has the best weed." I myself growing up in the Nazi Midwest USA, where there are no medical weed laws, where the laws are archaic, consider myself lucky just to have access to cannabis! So when I see people from all over being so called weed snobs, or connoisseurs or whatever, personally I laugh at them! Just another way of saying my pricks bigger than yours! Now that I have been growing my own for personal medical reasons, I feel blessed just to have higher quality meds, grown by me to help with my issues. I have come off opiates and working on giving up hypertensive meds. All this is due to the miracle effects of this great plant. So I am thankful to the creator for giving us this form of healing. I will never stick my chest out or brag about how much of what kind of weed I've had!! Yes as mans knowledge has increased, even cannabis has improved. So has mostly everything else. MOSTLY! I'm sure some of you are saying " what the fuck is he talking about?" Others will understand. Anyway just my 2 cents!!
Dude whatcha just did was cock waving. Some people may brag, but fuck em. Thats life. I'm not one though to seek mediocre in many things. My paper towel? Sure. My scotch, craft brews or cannabis? Nope. I want qualityas do many.

Anyways we all can have awesome genetics and preferences. If anything I rarely hear "this is the best ganja ever" because the people I hang with have been around for enough years to have had more than enough awesome cannabis to know there is no best.

I can guarantee you that people could more easily agree on what is of lower quality or the "worst" if it was presented/sampled against others. Ditch weed is pretty easy to identify.
Totally disagree on the "cock waving". And like I said, some people will get what I'm saying. So lets agree to disagree!
I am admittedly not a connoisseur of fine weeds and whats considered "fire".
I smoke a decent amount and have for years. I can in general taste some differences in strains but for the most part its just good green weed to me. I can visually see what has better bag appeal... not that that is a skill. I grow and dont have any problems getting rid of it.
After years of dealing with shit clones I went to seeds. I was amazed at how much faster and stronger and happier my girls have been. But heres the thing. I just get beans, sprout them. If its fem it gets turned into a mother. I dont choose the best mother because as long as it grows strong, has crystals, smells like weed and gets you high its a fucking keeper to me...

In fact people asking for different strains and saying this one is this and that always kind of irked me. Theres no real testing or database. Its a bunch of forum conjecture about where something came from and a hope that a greedy seedbank didnt just repackage some beans under the new hot strain. SO many phenos you might get. blah blah. If you ask for a strain you really have to ask for a strain that came from this line, from this breeder, from this seedbank, grown by this guy that chose that pheno. Basically you are never going to get the same thing from 2 different people.

now ive been reading a couple groupthink threads that started as such and such strain is great that devolves into they stole the strain and theres not much "fire" keepers in the beans. So that go me thinking. How do I actually find a keeper. Are you guys getting each potential tested for THC? Are you using the I was THiiiissss stoned when I smoked that one and only thiiiis stoned on this one?

Are you using the taste test? Mmm this one tastes good. this one tastes less good?

Seems like this "fire" selection is subjective as hell?

so how do I refine my pallet and how do you find the keepers?

Or are you guys just a bunch of weed snob nerds that have a lot of maybe-history of different strains and like to chat about it on forums. no offense. seriously not trying to troll. I like to be good at what I do and I feel like I'm missing a whole side of this hobby by not joining in the fun of this part of the forum.

Or should I go back to weed the same way I drink wine. If it tastes good, doesnt give me rot gut the next morning and doesnt cost my left nut, its good wine. I cant tell you if it has an oaky flavor with a hint of blah blah blah.

First off I.hate when people say ohhh man I got some FIRE!!! It pisses me off can they just not say yo.man I.got some really good weed I.want u.to try fucking stupid....keeper in my eyes fast flower good high and makes even.better oil lol

I think the "baby shit" smell goes back years ago, it's more like green diarrhea smell, perhaps he was trying to capitalize on the description to peak interests of smokers who may be familiar with this flavor from the past! I can't recall what strain it was, but I know what he means by "baby shit" when he says it! To be honest it was never my favorite at all, in fact I would be like "fuck, the diarrhea weed again?" I wanna say it was a trainwreck pheno or ak maybe. It's been a while
I think the "baby shit" smell goes back years ago, it's more like green diarrhea smell, perhaps he was trying to capitalize on the description to peak interests of smokers who may be familiar with this flavor from the past! I can't recall what strain it was, but I know what he means by "baby shit" when he says it! To be honest it was never my favorite at all, in fact I would be like "fuck, the diarrhea weed again?" I wanna say it was a trainwreck pheno or ak maybe. It's been a while

Ummm.. think I'll pass on the diarrhea weed today lol.. :puke: