how to pass a urine drug test naturally way?

Dont take drugs.. obviously duh!


Get some piss of a pal who is clean and empty a toothpaste tube out. Clean it with hot water.
Put ya mates piss in it then strap it along side ya cock. Then when u go for test make like ya having a piss and juat unscrew lid and sqwirt piss in.

Works FACT old jail trick.tried and tested and unless ur a criminal. They wont expect I hear :wink:
Dont take drugs.. obviously duh!


Get some piss of a pal who is clean and empty a toothpaste tube out. Clean it with hot water.
Put ya mates piss in it then strap it along side ya cock. Then when u go for test make like ya having a piss and juat unscrew lid and sqwirt piss in.

Works FACT old jail trick.tried and tested and unless ur a criminal. They wont expect I hear :wink:

I have done a very simmilar thing with a small condom with a tiny pin prick on the tip covered with a piece of clear tape, and taped to the bottom of my prick , when test time came All I had to do was squeze and the tape shot off , than moved the cup into the stream
I have been clean (not smoking) for 30 days...took a test panel last night...Dirty!!! The place that I work for is beginning random testing on November there anything that I can do to insure that if I get tested that I will be clean... I don't know what time of the day it will occur or anything like that, so I can't do the (you have 5 clean hours to piss thing)...I need to be completely clean by this time...

Before I quit my wife and I were smoking about a ounce a week... I have drank about a half gallon of water every day since I quit...I can't believe that I am still testing positive...
I am about 5'8" and weigh 140 pounds...

Anybody got any suggestions????
Stay as well hydrated as you possibly can. They're not even starting until November, you still have some time. It wont be too much longer and you'll soon be negative. While many say 30 days some people depending on metabolism can go longer but beyond 45 days is more on the rare side. Don't sweat it but say good-bye to the weed pipe. Some people in this situation will continue to smoke and try all the tricks there are to try to beat the tests, but its all too stressful worrying about it all the time. Best to quit and stay quit while you have this job.
BTW, its a damn fucking shame that it continues to be this way in this country. ( I assume you're in the US )
Remember, its still legal to go out and get drunk off your ass and risk killing innocent people, thats A OK
damn stoners . only way is to cheat some body else piss. or don't smoke and shave your hair on your body. some places take hair. me I give them a copy of my mj license , legal state. cant discriminate me for takein legal drugs . as prescribed from a doctor take for pain as needed . this is the best way.
I'm done smoking until it is legalized in my state (Ohio)...I will be able to get medical when it is though... How does the medical thing work as far as taking drug tests, can they still fire you if you piss dirty and you have a medical card?
I use to keep a small like 1/2 oz contact solution eye dropper full of bleach, in my sock in case had to empty pockets. I'd put 3-4 drops in piss cup and always passed. Been 7 years since I've done it so idk if it can be detected these days.
Even with a script, some employers will hassle you. Just because the state says it's legal, since it is still illegal federally you can get fired or not hired for breaking a federal crime.
Even with a script, some employers will hassle you. Just because the state says it's legal, since it is still illegal federally you can get fired or not hired for breaking a federal crime.

Damn right.. med card means poop to a company as a company is a private entity and can do as they please, not to mention passing dirty has with insurance rates for the business then anything else..
Yep, in most parts of this great country there are far more applicants than there are openings. They can be VERY selective on who they hire these days. Anybody tested to have anything in their systems opens up companies to lawsuits when their employees end up testing positive in the event of any kind of injury or incident otherwise. I hate to admit it, but most of them are smart enough not to take that kind of risk.
I have HEARD from close friends who had to pass a drug test as well as online accounts that Fruit Pectin works. Do some google searching, there is a suprising amount of information on the subject. One thing that I have done that speeds things up dramatically is simply drinking huge amounts of fluids. What I did was drink water till I was full, and then drank more. I was pissing like a race horse and it wasn't very fun but I was clean in a week after puffing daily for months...and use a b-vitamin to yellow that shit up.
And another thing I know you said your company is going to begin random testing and I would take caution to that but for the most part companies only piss test if you are involved in an accident or need to pass one to get hired. Drug tests are very expensive and doing them regularly is much more rare within a company than people realize.
I know some people who have had actually had success with bentonite clay (volcanic origin), which they sell in liquid formulations at certain health-food stores for "detoxification" purposes. Basically, it has a bunch of minerals in it and it is processed by your body somehow and excreted, sucking the crap out of your organs in the process. You use something like this and obviously keep your fluid intake up; cranberry juice is good, you want to lower the pH of your urine as this will facilitate the destruction of drug metabolites.

You can probably get away with smoking lightly up to 2 or 3 days before you have to take the test (depending on your prior habits), but you ingest this stuff several times a day starting as soon as you know you need to test, up to several days or a week maybe before.

Maybe someone else here knows what I am talking about... don't want to endorse any particular product or anything.